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The funny quips and quotes thread

Started by -DC-, July 14, 2009, 01:12:30 AM

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Code (lulz) Select
* Kejardon ( has joined #jzd
* ChanServ sets mode: +o Kejardon
<unanu> oh its a kej
<DChronos> CATCH IT
* GF_Kennon throws a masterball
<PJBoy> Kej hacks it away
* GF_Kennon copy pastes a large chunk of FF's over PJBoy and saves
* DChronos throws an 8000:LDA $Kejardon; 8005:STA $box1; 8008:BRA $F8 at Kejardon
* unanu throws a DB at DC
* PJBoy was mirrored to another section of the RAM for some redundant reason
* PJBoy is also part Windows
* PJBoy thus can defy almost any rules
* GF_Kennon pulls the RAM out of PJBoy unsafely
* PJBoy is similar to the english language
<PJBoy> but that's against standards!
* GF_Kennon pulls out PJBoy's HDD
<unanu> the standards only apply where the standards are applicable
* GF_Kennon applys hammer to hard dick platters
<GF_Kennon> disk
<unanu> hahahahahahaahahahahaahahaha
<GF_Kennon> oh man thats a bad typo
<unanu> :<3:


[18:11:57] <Bloodsonic> doooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
[18:11:57] <Bloodsonic> ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
[18:11:58] <Bloodsonic> ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
[18:12:05] <Bloodsonic> ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
[18:12:10] <Bloodsonic> ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooom
It's a good game.

Silver Skree

* Silver_Skree is now known as Mr_Mathys
<Mr_Mathys> MAH BOI

Best idea for Halloween ever, right there.


[23:50:19] <dwarf74> do all of you here pay for this IRC thing?Out of context is the best context.
«16:43:34» <Silver_Skree> HUZZAH
«16:43:39» * Silver_Skree lands on GF_Kennon
«16:43:56» <GF_Kennon> hi
«16:44:42» <Silver_Skree> GF_Kennon: so, what's your deal? You gonna fight me with that thing?
«16:44:45» * Silver_Skree points to GF_Kennon's arm-mounted gun.
«16:45:01» <GF_Kennon> noooo...
«16:45:08» <Silver_Skree> Hm. Wierd.
«16:45:10» <Silver_Skree> Whatever.
«16:45:15» * Silver_Skree jumps through the ceiling.
«16:45:16» <--| Silver_Skree has left #metconst


<@Bloods> plasna peam
<@Bloods> .
<@Bloods> ;_;
* @Bloods ( Quit (Quit: ajax IRC Client)
<PZ-powa> Oo_o
<@GF_Kennon> Samus is a pretty cool guy, he kills space piratresssss and dusnt afraid of anything


<Digital_Mantra> acidcow
<Digital_Mantra> hahah
<Digital_Mantra> acidcow
<Digital_Mantra> ACIDCOW
<Digital_Mantra> what a fraking hilarious mixture of 2 words
<Sadiztyk> damn that girl is flexible
<Digital_Mantra> if only my gf was that flexible
<Sadiztyk> i just cant get the thought out of my head that she would hardly need a BF
<Digital_Mantra> lol
<Jathys> I think she's a little young for that
<Jathys> and I think you have a sick mind for sexualizing a 12 year old
<Jathys> haha
<Jathys> hahaha
<Digital_Mantra> ACID COW
<Digital_Mantra> lactating psychadelics
* Digital_Mantra is now known as Acid_Cow
<Sadiztyk> lol
<Jathys> NO!
<Jathys> you're going to spoil your milk!
<Acid_Cow> i only excrete bad trips
* Jathys is now known as Analog_Mantra
<Acid_Cow> i turned a fish sadiztyk
<squichigo_haxerating> Acid_Cow : HEY KIDS, WHO WANTS A BAD TRIP! | Kids: ACID COW!
* You are now known as JathFish
* squichigo_haxerating is now known as popcorn_chicken
<JathFish> it's a name orgy!
<Acid_Cow> omg, we need a commercial
<Acid_Cow> someone should consult japan to produce this commercial
<Acid_Cow> only they could pull it off
<popcorn_chicken> I'm picturing some kind of rave gone wrong
<Acid_Cow> funny lsd story: 2006 new years psytrance venue, saw a guy having a bad trip, everyone calmed him down and he said "you're not going to believe this, but i just created all of you"
<JathFish> lolo
<Acid_Cow> i believed him too, i know where that shit takes you
<interdpth> lol
<Acid_Cow> ok so for the commercial, we have a group of kids having cereal before school, and the mother brings out some milk, then a giant translucent interstellar cow rips through the fabric of space and time and smacks the milk out of her hands
<Acid_Cow> then begins to lactate into the cereal bowls, and the kids go "ACID COW!!!"

Right, who has a video camera?


Wow, this one is the best ever. :grin:


How did I end up missing that great conversation! :cry:

uNsane: Pray tell, where was dwarf74 at when he said that?


Silver Skree

<Silver_Skree> GF_Kennon: what do you need her for?
<Silver_Skree> (sadfish, I mean)
<GF_Kennon> lots of reasons
<Silver_Skree> ... >_>
<GF_Kennon> none for you


Quote from: Silver Skree on November 12, 2009, 08:36:01 PM
<Silver_Skree> GF_Kennon: what do you need her for?
<Silver_Skree> (sadfish, I mean)
<GF_Kennon> lots of reasons
<Silver_Skree> ... >_>
<GF_Kennon> none for you

So that means DC was talking to me and not Squishy. I'm on IRC atm, but probably won't be for long. James, whatever you need just send a PM or email =D


<Bloodsonic> Silver_Skree knocks N-Spade up
<Silver_Skree> :awesome:


Full log:
<Bloodsonic> the only person of any importance would be... garland.
* Silver_Skree knocks everyone down.
<Silver_Skree> you fall down go boom
<Silver_Skree> :D
* Bloodsonic knocks Bloodsonic down
<Bloodsonic> tripping over my feet!
* Silver_Skree knocks Silver_Skree knocks Silver_Skree knocks Silver_Skree knocks Silver_Skree knocks ...
<N-Spade> uhhhhh
<N-Spade> whut
* N-Spade brianhurt
<Reconite> brian
<Bloodsonic> Silver_Skree knocks
<Bloodsonic> Silver_Skree knocks N-Spade up
<Silver_Skree> :awesome:
<N-Spade> I have a baby in me!
<Silver_Skree> O_o

<PZ-powa> I took shit and acid today
<Bloodsonic> ...
<PZ-powa> It does nothing.
<smlaxy> ]¯¯] [¯¯] [¯¯] |¯\_/¯|?
<Bloodsonic> you smoked a turd?
<Bloodsonic> PZ-powa: overdose those turds
<PZ-powa> Already did
<Bloodsonic> ...o_o


⌐18:24:39¬ <DChronos> I mjust have typed dunnmbasses


<PZ-power> So that you'll send missiles to america

I don't know if anyone laughed at this as hard as I did. Oh well, I love this one.

...This just in.
<PZ-powah> WAIT WAIT
<PZ-powah> Can missiles attain THE ARIZONA?

What is this, the third time zozo wins this night?

<PZ-powah> Everytime I see this pic
<PZ-powah> I lol ;
<PZ-powah> :
<Bloodsonic> !zozofind imageshack
<hayashi[away]> [zozoism #16] <Zozo123S6TGM>
<Bloodsonic> :)
<Bloodsonic> Every time I see this pic
<Bloodsonic> I lol ;
<Bloodsonic> :
<PZ-powah> Boom headshot.
<Bloodsonic> >:D
<Bloodsonic> hey PZ-powah you wanna play doom
<PZ-powah> Wait
<PZ-powah> Fapping
<PZ-powah> On a few minutes
<Bloodsonic> :|
<Bloodsonic> never mind then
<PZ-powah> MEh
<PZ-powah> NOW
<PZ-powah> BDWAit
<PZ-powah> I'll speed up to 100 miles/s
<Bloodsonic> ō_ô


Zozo got on and pretended to be his own dad. Hilarity ensues. Strangely enough, he won. And so did Mibbit. :whoa:

Quote from: IRC18:58:10  <HelloBot>: Hello, Lovefrog347 ! ^.^
18:58:10 * interdpth put a hex viewer and ram searcher into Dolhpin
18:58:11 <PZ-powa>: Hi love frog 347
18:58:14 <interdpth>: ZOZO
18:58:15 <interdpth>: GTFO
18:58:18 <Dimension_Y>: Grime: Give me admin privledges.
18:58:18 <interdpth>: YOU FUCKER CLONER
18:58:28 <Dimension_Y>: I want to try something
18:58:28 <Lovefrog347>: HHe-hee-heee-ll--ooo guys
18:58:37 <Lovefrog347>: I waannn .. nn .. t to hackkk linux
18:58:51 <hayashi>: [zozoism #16] <Zozo123S6TGM>
18:58:51 <hayashi>: [zozoism #31] <Zozo123> Jathys, i have a ask, WHAT IS HEADER and, WHAT IS THE UTILITY OF HEADER ON THE FABULOUS HACKING WORLD?
18:58:51 <hayashi>: [zozoism #94] <zozo124> i were attempted to see a new hack with ASM featuri,g ...
18:58:51 <hayashi>: !zozofind hack
18:59:01 <Lovefrog347>: with my IDE
18:59:04 <Lovefrog347>: of C--
18:59:12 <hayashi>: surely C-- would just be B
18:59:12 <Lovefrog347>: And dos console
18:59:21 <interdpth>: WAIT
18:59:22 <interdpth>: I HAVE AN DIEA
18:59:25 <interdpth>: Dimension_Y
18:59:26 <interdpth>: IS NUZALEM
18:59:29 <hayashi>: then again, C++ and D are two completely different languages
18:59:29 <hayashi>: DIEA
18:59:38 <Lovefrog347>: Haaayaaashiii
18:59:41 <Lovefrog347>: Yoooo fat
18:59:46 <Dimension_Y>: NUZALEM?
18:59:50 <PZ-powa>: MEH
18:59:57 <interdpth>: LEOS KLEIN
19:00:03 <hayashi>: GF, I think I love you.
19:00:06 <interdpth>: IF YOU ARE NOT
19:00:10 <hayashi>: <GF_Kenn�n> gtfo
19:00:14 <interdpth>: THE 13 HAREM OF HIS IS TERRIBLE
19:00:25 <GF_Kennon>: no hayashi, you dont really, its just a crush
19:00:25 <Dimension_Y>: ...
19:00:32 <PZ-powa>: GF
19:00:36 <PZ-powa>: Lovefrog is my dad
19:00:36 <hayashi>: heh
19:00:37 <PZ-powa>: >:
19:00:40 <interdpth>: How is your high speed?
19:00:49 <PZ-powa>: He taken his gun
19:00:49 <Dimension_Y>: dammit!
19:00:52 <GF_Kennon>: lol zozo?
19:00:54 <Zhs2>: lol @ LoveFrog347
19:00:58 <hayashi>: if lovefrog is your dad then you must be about 2
19:00:58 <GF_Kennon>: well he had your IP
19:01:05 <PZ-powa>: He is going to travel to country
19:01:14 <PZ-powa>: And to fire at you
19:01:14 <v_Zalem>: interdpth got me
19:01:22 <v_Zalem>: interdpth: it's lovely
19:01:30 <PZ-powa>: Seriously GF
19:01:32 <PZ-powa>: It's my dad <_<
19:01:43 <HelloBot>: Hello, Lovefrog347 ! ^.^
19:01:48 <Lovefrog347>: Hello guys
19:01:54 <Lovefrog347>: I'm the Christophe's dad
19:02:02 <Zhs2>: LOL
19:02:06 <Lovefrog347>: I'm here to see if you are good guys. :)
19:02:16 <Lovefrog347>: And if you are chretians
19:02:20 <Lovefrog347>: And if you don't look at bad things
19:02:37 <Lovefrog347>: I don't want to get my son corrupted by BAD BOYS OF AMERICA.
19:02:41 <Lovefrog347>: You see the deal?
19:02:50 <PZ-powa>: Dad...
19:02:50 <Zhs2>: Well, I can say we're certainly not cretins
19:02:59 <PZ-powa>: IT'S A FAKE
19:03:11 <HelloBot>: Hello, Parabox ! ^.^
19:03:11 <Lovefrog347>: No, I'm not a fake
19:03:12 <Lovefrog347>: I'm your dad
19:03:19 <v_Zalem>: heh heh heh
19:03:19 <v_Zalem>: cretins
19:03:19 <hayashi>: Hello, Palabox ! ^.^
19:03:25 <Lovefrog347>: Poor cretinus.
19:03:33 <v_Zalem>: The universe doesn't know what corruption is.
19:03:34 <hayashi>: Luke... I did not kill your father
19:03:37 <hayashi>: I am your father
19:03:45 <v_Zalem>: The power of the universe is serene...
19:03:51 <Lovefrog347>: PZ-powa,
19:03:55 <Lovefrog347>: Are you ... My son?
19:04:05 <PZ-powa>: yes. :<
19:04:12 * Lovefrog347 hits PZ-powa
19:04:13 <Lovefrog347>: COME DOWN, NOW
19:04:23 <Zhs2>: This is not a Father-Son outing
19:04:23 <Lovefrog347>: YOU HAVEN'T FINISHED YOUR SOUP
19:04:24 <Lovefrog347>: BITCH
19:04:27 <Zhs2>: This is madness
19:04:42 <Lovefrog347>: THIS IS LOVEFROG347 !
19:04:52 <Lovefrog347>: Yes, like my son, I'm a nerd
19:04:58 <Lovefrog347>: I look at youtube poops
19:05:05 <v_Zalem>: Is gootube(youtube for those who didn't get the sly joke) down?
19:05:05 <Lovefrog347>: And I know basic
19:05:15 <Lovefrog347>: For the Ti's
19:05:30 <PZ-powa>: So guys
19:05:40 <PZ-powa>: Why not !zozo
19:05:40 <hayashi>: [zozoism #58] * Zozo123 Have, KEJARDON's BRAIN for protecting the earth !
19:05:43 <GF_Kennon>: no v_Zalem
19:05:43 * Lovefrog347 hits PZ-powa
19:05:46 <Lovefrog347>: SHUT UP
19:06:03 <v_Zalem>: not coming up on my end
19:06:25 <Zhs2>: !zozo
19:06:25 <hayashi>: [zozoism #123] <PZ-powa|TASing> Knowing GK is a girl a guy or a fag is useless
19:06:35 <Zhs2>: Pretty much
19:06:36 <Lovefrog347>: Bon, je vais te parler en anglais vu qu'ils comprennent pas :
19:06:38 <GF_Kennon>: easy way to beat the beast of phendrana
19:06:41 <GF_Kennon>: go
19:07:02 <Lovefrog347>: Si tu descents pas en bas dans 3 minutes, je te troue le cul avec des pincettes chinoises
19:07:03 <Lovefrog347>: OKAY?
19:07:10 <Lovefrog347>: A toute
19:07:16 <Lovefrog347>: Bye Americans
19:07:19 <GF_Kennon>: thats the sheegoth btw
19:07:42 <Zhs2>: That was an epic translation, Mibbit
19:07:45 <PZ-powa>: BRB
19:07:50 <Zhs2>: Lovefrog347 If you are not descents down in 3 minutes, I'm the ass hole with tweezers Chinese (Si tu descents pas en bas dans 3 minutes, je te troue le cul avec des pincettes chinoises)


16:55 mib_JASONV13131 do you havce pahack pice
16:55 mib_JASONV13131 have
16:56 mib_JASONV13131 hack
16:56 Sadiztyk lol
16:56 mib_JASONV13131 pics
16:56   +++ Multeblink has taken op from mib_JASONV13131
16:56 Sadiztyk you can bring up all the hacks pics that have been posted on here today easy
16:56 Multeblink >:O
16:56 squishy_ichigo yep
16:56 mib_JASONV13131 oh i can
16:56 Sadiztyk just press Ctrl+W
16:56 squishy_ichigo all you have to do
16:56 mib_JASONV13131    ?
16:56 squishy_ichigo is press Alt+F4
16:56   *** mib_JASONV13131 quit (Quit: ajax IRC Client)
16:56 Sadiztyk hahahha
16:56 Sadiztyk WOOOOOOO
16:56 Multeblink hahahahahaha
16:56 Sadiztyk hi five _o/
16:57 Multeblink         \o_

This just had to go up immediately XD



I totally didn't see this coming, but it happened anyway:

Quote from: IRC
17:02 <squishy_ichigo> sounds like I'm chocking
17:03 <Flamestar666DS>
17:03 <@Zhs2> lol @ chocking
17:03 <squishy_ichigo> oh stfu :P
17:03 <@Zhs2>
17:03 <squishy_ichigo> I love this place XD


19:11 PZ-powa uses his super combo attack
19:11 PZ-powa !zozo
19:11 hayashi[away] [zozoism #145] <SuperZozo> MAMMOTH_MK_II, COME HERE, MY FAITHFUL STEED !

Coincidences are great :D

<@GF_Kennon> oh man some of these effects are orgasmic

<hayashi> no
* hayashi is shot
<PZ-powa> !zozo
<hayashi> [ultrabash] Now ignoring 27Parabox.
<PZ-powa> What
<PZ-powa> Your bot is broken

Not only Hayashi is shot, his bot too.


<Zhs2> I'm not insane
   I'm creepy

Couldn't resist this one.


<@Multeblink> <red_jenpuren> where the hell is Multeblink and GF_Kennon anydamnways <-- :)
<@GF_Kennon> :)
<@Zhs2> :)
< red_jenpuren> >:/
*red_jenpuren rage smiles
<@GF_Kennon> hahaha



That was taken completely out of context!! I swear!!!


<@Kraid>  Penises: They are valid in arguments