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The funny quips and quotes thread

Started by -DC-, July 14, 2009, 01:12:30 AM

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Very similar to SMILEuser96's pic. Some sort of console log...

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ha ha herbivores with binocular vision crack me up

Zero One

Dog Police: Hey.
Zero One: Hi
Dog Police: You see the Unreal Engine 4 demo that's been out?
Zero One: Oh god YES
Dog Police: Drives me fucking wild.
Zero One: Nerdboner?
Dog Police: Nerdboner.
Zero One: A finely detailed, dynamic bounce lighted, DX11 pube, subsurface scattered nerdboner.
Dog Police: That is a bad image.
Dog Police: Thanks for that.
Zero One: Anytime.


[21:10:02] <Chyrak> fark samus doesn't have skype
[21:10:04] <Chyrak> he sucks
[21:10:07] <Chyrak> fark samus
[21:10:08] <Chyrak> xD
[21:10:09] <Chyrak> aHAHA
[21:10:15] <Chyrak> Dark samus T_T
[21:10:46] <Mon732> I think you farked up the wrong tree there Chyrak.
[21:11:03] <Chyrak> xD


<MetroidMst> Grime gonna' drop some smoking rhyme about now.
<Grime> I am?
<MetroidMst> YEAH YOU ARE
<MetroidMst> Something about bubbles and a couple of colors.
<Grime> Purple and green, they're a hurdle to me. Using other colors would be hurtful, you see? Bubbles offer a lot of relief, but that's 'cause they're bubbles, and bubbles are 1337.
<MetroidMst> :D


<ProjectXVIII> Why, because I'm right and you're wrong?
<DMantra|ZFactor> you're just a project, after many failed ones, we got up to 18


[20:48] <MetroidMst> Well, since Project insists on calling it DSO's hack, you can add it onto one of the other 10 hacks he hasn't finished.
[20:49] <ProjectXVIII> I do?
[20:49] <Mekaari> ¯\_(ãƒ,,)_/¯
[20:49] <ProjectXVIII> What?
[20:49] <MetroidMst> Yes.
[20:49] <ProjectXVIII> I have never called it DSO's hack...
[20:49] <MetroidMst> Lie.
[20:50] <ProjectXVIII> Prove it.
[20:50] <MetroidMst> You first.
[20:50] <ProjectXVIII> Alright.
[20:50] <ProjectXVIII> @grep fear.*dso.*hack
[20:50] <zbot> July 11 2012: [02:01:21] <ProjectXVIII> I'm going to, from now on, consider Fear DSO's hack.
[20:50] <ProjectXVIII> FUCK.
[20:50] <Zozo> LOL.
[20:51] <ProjectXVIII> That was unexpected...
[20:51] <MetroidMst> Sucks to be you dork.
[20:51] <Zozo> ^
[20:51] <Mekaari> you're the one making claims, Metro-
[20:51] <Mekaari> owned
[20:51] <Quote58> hahaha
[20:51] <ProjectXVIII> Well
[20:51] <Quote58> that was awesome


<ProjectXVIII> Of course fof would fuck a cat.
<ProjectXVIII> He loves...
* ProjectXVIII shades
<ProjectXVIII> Cougars.
<Jabler> YEAHHHH!
<fofhax> _o/
<ProjectXVIII> \o_
<Chizuari> I don't get it

Zero One

<ZeroOne> MJK94, Maths has ruined my brain.
<ZeroOne> It has spoiled it to the point where I laughed at the following equation
<ZeroOne> 9x - 7i > 3(3x - 7u)
<MJK94> oh god lol
<ZeroOne> For i
<MJK94> do it for me :p
<ZeroOne> 9x - 7i > 9x - 21u
<ZeroOne> -7i > -21u
<ZeroOne> -i > -3u
<ZeroOne> i <3 u
<MJK94> aww do you :p
<ZeroOne> Motherfucker, I giggled for ages.


<Grime> This's like the third time this week I've gotten drunk in the daytime.
<Grime> Shit.
<FullOfFail> @grep alcoholic
<zbot> January 19 2013: [10:55:05] <Grime> fof: Alcoholic? No way.
<FullOfFail> eh, close enough
<Grime> I'm so awesome my past self defends my present self.


<@interdpth> I made a tuna fish sammich
<@interdpth> cuz munchies :)
<T-Dawg> pffft
<T-Dawg> tuna
<T-Dawg> Turkey is where it's at
<@interdpth> Do you like fishticks?
<T-Dawg> well
<T-Dawg> yeah
<@interdpth> Do you like to put them in your mouth?
<T-Dawg> i like to eat them
<@interdpth> haha
<@interdpth> What are you?
<@interdpth> A gay fish?
<T-Dawg> I am a "forever alone"


<person701> Always have a hint of persimism even when optimistic


[16:55] <ProjectXIX> It is not okay to think outside of the box
[16:55] <ProjectXIX> When the box is clean
[16:55] <ProjectXIX> And outside of the box is covered in shit


        <Quote58> agh, why isn't person here
<Flood13|Bandcamp> You begin to work on other stuff BF or still improving this one?
*** person701 joined #CloudIRC
<Flood13|Bandcamp> Loooooooool
<Flood13|Bandcamp> Qoute
<Black_Falcon> heh
<Quote58> dude
<Flood13|Bandcamp> person hear you lol
<Quote58> that just happened
<StudyingOne|HBio> AND IT WAS LOGGED


[10:59:17] <ProjectXIX> I cba to play it singleplayer anyway
[10:59:34] <ProjectXIX> As it seems it's difficult without at least 4 people
[10:59:45] <ProjectXIX> And fucked if I'm gonna control 4 different characters
[10:59:53] ◀━━ Quits: ProjectXIX ( (Quit: You know what this calls for? A PARTY!)

[spoiler]Because, y'know, party... RPGs... yeh, you get it.[/spoiler]


[10:45:35] | <awaytour99> something tells me that either A) he has no life, or B ) he has some way of porting shit that makes it ton easier than coding by scratch
[10:46:55] | <MetroidMst> Or maybe he was on the original development team and knows everything about how to do things. . .
[10:47:04] | <MetroidMst> Plot twist!



Code (IRC) Select
23:47 <Cardweaver> You can't get the missile in the long shaft
23:47 <Jathys> that's what she said
23:47 <Cardweaver> oh my
23:48 <Digital_Mantra> lol
23:48 <Digital_Mantra> well played


[01:45] * antidote_ enables gzip
[01:45] * antidote_ nukes his site
[01:45] <antidote_> :x
[01:45] * antidote_ is now known as Antidote
[01:48] * DChronos uses a scouter on Antidote... IT'S OVER VBXRPRGG THOUSAAAAAAAAND!!!!!!!
[01:48] * DChronos flips a bob-omb at Antidote
[01:49] <Antidote> XD
[01:49] * DChronos combines $19 and a tiletable to create a shield
[01:49] * @Chizuari gives Antidote a stick of dynamite
[01:49] <Antidote> lol
[01:49] <@Chizuari> Quick, blow up the shield!
[01:50] * DChronos combines pudding and C-4 to create a fire shield
[01:50] <DChronos> HAH
[01:50] <@Chizuari> You cheater.
[01:50] <Antidote> lol
[01:50] * @Chizuari gives himself a strip tease
[01:50] <@Chizuari> Well now.
[01:50] <Antidote> xD


Zero One

I personally prefer
<ZeroOne> @say %say @say %say @say %say @say %say @say %say dicks
<notzbot> Message from Xavier to zeroone in #CloudIRC at Sun Apr 21 20:56:08 2013
<notzbot> Add %later please. :>
<notzbot> %say @say %say @say %say @say %say @say %say dicks
<ZrnBot> @say %say @say %say @say %say @say %say dicks
<notzbot> %say @say %say @say %say @say %say dicks
<ZrnBot> @say %say @say %say @say %say dicks
<notzbot> %say @say %say @say %say dicks
<ZrnBot> @say %say @say %say dicks
<notzbot> %say @say %say dicks
<ZrnBot> @say %say dicks
<notzbot> %say dicks
<ZrnBot> dicks


I have no idea what I am on right now.

[20:56:27] <@Chizuari> Welcome to metconst.
[20:56:53] <AlexR> :..:.
[20:57:15] <@Chizuari> Yes, you have taken a rather interesting username.
[20:58:23] <AlexR> Samus turns me on.
[20:58:32] <AlexR> Especially after I'm done eating a bowl of sausages.
[20:58:41] <AlexR> You know what the best part is?
[20:58:46] <AlexR> I didn't even touch the sausages.
[20:58:50] <DChronos> You'll fit right in here.
[20:58:51] <AlexR> My cat ate it.
[20:59:06] <AlexR> The sausages were delicious.
[20:59:09] <AlexR> How do I know?
[20:59:17] <AlexR> My cat puked them back out and I ate it afterwards.
[20:59:29] <AlexR> The delicious hairball was a nice addition.
[20:59:50] <AlexR> Did you have any average Monday morning events you would like to share?


<MetroidMst> Don't make me go back to the bot.
<MetroidMst> We ALL know how that turned out. . .
<person701> @slap MetroidMst
* zbot slaps MetroidMst with a sexual harassment lawsuit
<person701> Welp
<MetroidMst> . . .
<person701> It seems like you sexually harass me often.
<MetroidMst> Not often.
<MetroidMst> @throw person
* zbot throws shit at person
<KentaKurodani> @give MetroidMst
* zbot gives MetroidMst the Sword of Mana
<MetroidMst> @slap crash
* zbot slaps crash with a pillow
<MetroidMst> Get it on girlfriend.
<person701> @throw MetroidMst
* zbot throws 10,000 fists at MetroidMst
<person701> Whoever put that in
<MetroidMst> . . .
<person701> Is awesome.
<person701> \m/
<MetroidMst> @slap person
* zbot slaps person with your cock
<person701> SEE
<person701> YOU DO
<MetroidMst> zbot puts dicks in my mouth.
<MetroidMst> . . .
<MetroidMst> You get the idea.


I worry when sexual harassment leads to a mention of a fist. :whoa:


<MetroidMst> Let's see. . . I have not never had sex with Kesha involved, whereas she has.
<MetroidMst> I win.
<Quote58> this song makes me feel like coding a better version of my beam switch shit
<Quote58> uh
<Quote58> not never had sex with kesha involved
<Quote58> that means you have
<Quote58> the fuck you been doing mst....
<Quote58> poorly
<person701> I'm infectious. I thought this was known.