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The funny quips and quotes thread

Started by -DC-, July 14, 2009, 01:12:30 AM

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[05:18:02] <Scyzer> hmm what's a good movie?
[05:18:10] <Scyzer> preferably not a scary one :u
[05:19:01] <zephyrtronium> i really want to name a porn movie right now but im too tired to think of a title of one
[05:19:20] <Scyzer> that comes under the catergory of scary
[05:20:05] <Scyzer> dunno why anyone would want to watch random strangers trying to make baby gravy
[05:23:50] <@Zhs2> Scyzer: the scary category just encompassed you using the term "baby gravy"


[18:13:50] <KP9000> it's not easy being male sometimes... people can tell when you're excited
[18:13:56] <KP9000> which is not beneficial in gym class
[18:14:01] * snarf is always excited


[14:17:49] <ProjectXVIII> Fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu
[14:17:52] <ProjectXVIII> Malboro.
[14:17:55] <ProjectXVIII> I'm not healed.
[14:17:56] <squishy_ichigo> haha
[14:17:58] <ProjectXVIII> I'm gonna die.
[14:18:02] <squishy_ichigo> save recently?
[14:18:04] <zephyrtronium> thats what flee is for
[14:18:07] <ProjectXVIII> Oh wait.
[14:18:10] <ProjectXVIII> I have 3 overdrives.
[14:18:14] <ProjectXVIII> What teh fuck am I smoking.
[14:18:18] <Parabox_> Marlboro?
[14:18:23] <ProjectXVIII> Clever.
[14:18:27] <Parabox_> Quite.


[01:54] <ProjectXVIII> I feel like it could be good if I got further in
[01:54] <ProjectXVIII> But the aiming, especially the zooming in, is just horrendous.
[01:55] <@Chizuari> I'll agree, the beginning might suck

Totally not out of context :O




[20:01] 19* 19Derranged_Soul ( has joined #metconst
[20:01] 18<27zbot> Поздрав! ^.^
[20:02] 18<25ProjectXVIII> WHAT'S UP SHINESPARK
[20:02] 18<24Chizuari> @s sh.* ACAIATH
[20:02] 18<27zbot> <ProjectXVIII> WHAT'S UP ACAIATH
[20:02] 31<Valiant>30 wait
[20:02] 18<25ProjectXVIII> Yeh, why not.
[20:02] 31<Valiant>30 is it really?
[20:02] 18<25ProjectXVIII> Yes, it is.
[20:02] 18<19Derranged_Soul> no its not
[20:02] 18<25ProjectXVIII> I'd recognize that host anywhere.
[20:02] 18<25ProjectXVIII> (even if I didn't recognize the name first)
[20:02] 18<19Derranged_Soul> no its not
[20:02] 18<24Chizuari> Don't believe Endor's lies
[20:03] 18<24Chizuari> I'm Captain Basch from Dalmasca
[20:03] 18<25ProjectXVIII> @s end Trogd
[20:03] 18<27zbot> <Chizuari> Don't believe Trogdor's lies
[20:03] 31<Valiant>30 Derranged_Soul knows who we're talking about, even though I've never seen him in my life.
[20:03] 31<Valiant>30 Yes, it's Shinesparky.
[20:03] 18<19Derranged_Soul> nope
[20:03] 18<24Chizuari> Derranged_Soul is also the only person who can't spell "deranged" right
[20:03] 18<26itsblah> the spelling reminds me of derringer
[20:04] 31<Valiant>30 Yep, it's Sparky.
[20:04] 18<26itsblah> itself a misspelling, ahaha
[20:04] 18<19Derranged_Soul> well the the correct spelling is tooken..
[20:04] 18<19Derranged_Soul> Can anyone say the opposite of these words? 1) Always 2)Coming 3)from 4)take 5)me 6)down
[20:04] 18<26itsblah> no
[20:04] 18<26itsblah> now get out
[20:04] 18<26itsblah> can't spell, TOOKEN, and then that
[20:04] 18<19Derranged_Soul> fuck you
[20:04] 18<24Chizuari> tooken
[20:05] 18<25ProjectXVIII> Never Going To Leave You Up?
[20:05] 18<19Derranged_Soul> ;oadvnaipofnbveiponbvpo
[20:05] 23* 23Derranged_Soul ( has left #metconst


Whomever gets the 7777th view in this thread needs to screenshot and paste the pic in here. It's at 7774 now.

After a netsplit (sorry, my shitty PC can't copy the unicode characters, for whatever reason, yet I can display them fine):

* zZz-tour ( has joined #metconst
* KP9000 ( has joined #metconst
* Lanowen ( has joined #metconst
* sleepigo ( has joined #metconst
* ProjectXVIII ( has joined #metconst
* fof ( has joined #metconst
* Flamestar666 (~Flamestar@ has joined #metconst
* SirAileron ( has joined #metconst
* GrumpeiYokoikins (~chatzilla@ has joined #metconst
* Red_Link (~BLAARG@ has joined #metconst
* Eppy37 (~Eppy37@ has joined #metconst
* MetroidMst (~MetroidMs@ has joined #metconst
* blarget2 ( has joined #metconst
* sets mode: +ovo zZz-tour zZz-tour sleepigo
<xbox> হ্যালো! ^.^
<xbox> Exactly nine thousand.
<xbox> æ,¨å¥½ï¼ ^.^
<xbox> áƒ'ამარჯოáƒ'ა! ^.^
<xbox> Oh I'm sorry, did I break your concentration?
<DChronos> bye bye xbox?
<xbox> வணக்கம்! ^.^
<xbox> Has anyone really been far even as decided to use even go want to do look more like
<xbox> áƒ'ამარჯოáƒ'ა! ^.^
<DChronos> lulz
<xbox> Dia duit! ^.^
<xbox> salve! ^.^
<xbox> வணக்கம்! ^.^
<xbox> Hello! ^.^
<zephyrtronium> ...
<xbox> ...
<DChronos> LOL
<zephyrtronium> wat
<Scyzer> to zbot, they all just connected
<ProjectXVIII> That was awesome.
<DChronos> Nice timing

* Antidote hits DChronos with a Supper Missile
<Antidote> no i didn't spell it wrong
<@Chizuari> @slap Antidote
<@Chizuari> oh wait, that's the wrong character
* DChronos beats down Antidote with a beam of yellowfuck
* @Chizuari slaps Antidote around with a desk
<crashtour> !gimme
* @Chizuari gives crashtour a banana hammock
<DChronos> LOL
<crashtour> D:
<Antidote> :/
<DChronos> wow, that was actually used correctly
<@Chizuari> my slaps file is self-made
<@Chizuari> and oh man, I so wish antid was loaded for that
<DChronos> I should comment (Iji) after that just so people aren't asking "what the fuck is yellowfuck"
<Antidote> .....
<@Chizuari> DChronos: yellowfuck is also in my gives file
<crashtour> !gimme
* @Chizuari gives crashtour Gravity Suit
<@Chizuari> which is pretty interesting actually
* Antidote steals the gravity suit
<DChronos> !gimme
* @Chizuari gives DChronos Yellowfuck in the face! (That's gotta leave a mark!)
<crashtour> D:  no stealing!
<DChronos> LOL
* Antidote gives crashtour a gravy suit
<DChronos> Fucking lol
<DChronos> what perfect timing
<@Chizuari> haha
<Antidote> i lol'd


<ProjectXVIII> It's only illegal if it's past a certain length.
<ProjectXVIII> I think it's like
<ProjectXVIII> 17 inches?


<DChronos> @give N-Spade
* zbot gives N-Spade the Sword of Mana
<N-Spade> alright, I gotta run
<DChronos> awww
<DChronos> Seeya later!
<N-Spade> and I'm not accepting anything from that damn dirty bot
<N-Spade> G'night, DChronos~ <3
<N-Spade> And... Dad.
<N-Spade> Whatever.
<zbot> :C
<N-Spade> Shut up.
<N-Spade> Bye
* N-Spade ( Quit (Quit: ajax IRC Client)
<zbot> See you in the fanfic!
<DChronos> Goodnight
<DChronos> damn
<@Chizuari> hahaha


Code (IRC) Select
05:23 <MetroidMst> You suck
05:23 <HackingXVIII> You swallow
05:24 <MetroidMst> At least there is no mess
05:24 <HackingXVIII> At least I don't have cum in my stomach.


[22:55] <MetroidMst> Bro, you lamer than my wang after seeing your face
[22:55] <@Grime> You gonna let him shit-talk you like that?
[22:56] <@Grime> Show him your Deep Seeded Origin of awesomality.
[22:56] <MetroidMst> He has no leet comeback skills
[22:56] <MetroidMst> He still thinks Micheal Jackson is black
[22:57] <zephyrtronium> @s al lle
[22:57] <zbot> <MetroidMst> He still thinks Michelle Jackson is black
[22:57] <@Grime> OOOOOOOOHHHHHH
[22:57] <@Grime> came back from something*
[22:57] <@Grime> OOOOOOOOHHHHHH
[22:57] <MetroidMst> ...
[22:57] <MetroidMst> He doesn't need help
[22:57] <MetroidMst> I'm not lame, but he would crush me if he wanted
[22:57] <@Grime> The only time he ever came back from was a cold.
[22:59] <MetroidMst> Last time DSO got hard, a midget said "That ain't long enough for my tits"
[23:01] <MetroidMst> Bro has no balls tonight... Not that this is any revelation
[23:08] <DSO> too busy working to worry about "comebacks"
[23:08] <DSO> making the most functional room ever
[23:08] <MetroidMst> If it is functional like your weiner it isn't going to work very well is it?
[23:08] <Scyzer> ohohoh!
[23:09] <Scyzer> burrrrrrnnn
[23:09] <DSO> Your right, it might be way too good for the rest of your hack
[23:09] <Scyzer> and  dso comes back with an ouchie
[23:09] <MetroidMst> What? It'd be the smallest thing in it!
[23:09] <Scyzer> this is like watching a tennis match folks!
[23:09] * @Grime watches intensly.
[23:09] <DSO> you can't even get the size right
[23:09] <Scyzer> ...
[23:10] <Scyzer> and DSO drops the ball
[23:10] <Scyzer> I declare MM the winner!
[23:10] <DSO> the boss room is no longer 1x1, idiot
[23:10] <DSO> and it's not a 2*4
[23:10] <DSO> how well do you know your own hack, anyway? not very
[23:10] <DSO> I'd tell you to check it yourself but you'd get lost searching for it on the map editor
[23:11] <MetroidMst> Oxford just came out with micro-speck-imeters. They needed something tiny to measure your ballsack
[23:12] <DSO> Sad doesn't have a ballsack, bro
[23:12] <@Grime> Both contestants just dropped their tennis racquets at the same time!
[23:12] <@Grime> Then fell on them!
[23:13] <Scyzer> this is the worst tennis match i've ever seen
[23:13] <MetroidMst> Bro, you are the only virgin other virgins can mock for being a virgin
[23:13] <DSO> Your words are as disgusting as the fact you don't wash your hands after you get poop on your fingers
[23:14] <Scyzer> whoa boys
[23:14] <DSO> Compared to you, nothing else even comes close to Virgin
[23:14] <Scyzer> take it to the bedroom
[23:14] <DSO> cause you've hogged it all to yourself
[23:15] <MetroidMst> No wonder dudes like you so much. You spend so much time sucking while making boss rooms
[23:15] <DSO> I just get them ready so you can come in and swallow
[23:16] <MetroidMst> After your face they turn into vaginas
[23:17] <DSO> You'd type a response quicker except your hands are too busy doing handjobs
[23:18] <DSO> And I know how much you love "sausages" for breakfast
[23:18] <Scyzer> whoa there sugarcube!
[23:18] <Scyzer> one swing per turn!
[23:18] <MetroidMst> I told you he would crush me if he tried
[23:18] * Scyzer deducts 1 point from DSO
[23:18] <MetroidMst> Too bad he also crushes every girl he is ever on top of
[23:19] <DSO> Grime won't let you suck his penis anymore, because you had no rhythm
[23:19] <MetroidMst> Obama wants you back. You were great under his podium last time
[23:20] <DSO> Sadfish calls me sugarcube even when she's deducting points
[23:21] <MetroidMst> Sadfish is also only attracted to women
[23:21] <@Grime> My penis is not involved in this dispute.
[23:22] <DSO> Grime, James and Black_Falcon walk into a bar designed by MetroidMst. They instantly take 60 damage from the fact he made the floor all spikes
[23:22] <MathOnNapkins> and the beat goes on....
[23:22] <MathOnNapkins> man I need to sleep
[23:23] <DSO> MM's so boring he puts MON to sleep
[23:23] <MetroidMst> Sadfish declared me winner already. She knows who can REALLY satisfy a woman
[23:23] <MathOnNapkins> the shower head?
[23:24] * @James flies
[23:24] <DSO> You can't satisfy a woman, you're a virgin who can't satisfy yourself
[23:24] <MetroidMst> Because when it gets up, I can't reach the end of it
[23:25] <DSO> Did I mention your little T-Rex arms?
[23:26] <MetroidMst> Your last girlfriend complained you never showed her your hotter brother enough
[23:26] <DSO> You mean Raikan? He was down in Texas at the time
[23:27] <MetroidMst> You were fired from the porn movie because you killed everyone's desire with your U.G.L.Y. face
[23:27] <DSO> Also yes this is lame, that's just the way MM is
[23:27] <DSO> I go along so he doesn't get depressed
[23:30] <DSO> You wish your penis was longer so you could hang yourself by it
[23:31] <MetroidMst> Yeah, all women I know love gagging on it
[23:32] <DSO> devolved to dissin the sadfish have you?
[23:32] <MetroidMst> She enjoys a change every once in a while. Can't say the same for you. When you figure out which hole it goes in?
[23:33] *** DSO has quit IRC: Quit: later
[23:34] <MetroidMst> Couldn't take the heat no more
[23:34] <MetroidMst> Winnar! <---

THE Purple Helmet

^ I actually had to go back to see what I could've possibly read wrong about that



[17:27:00] * interdpth has kicked Blarget2_ from #metconst (Blarget2_)
[17:27:09] * Blarget2_ (~Blarget2@ has joined #metconst
[17:27:10] <xbox> Γεια σας! ^.^
[17:27:12] <Blarget2_> :/
[17:27:20] * Blarget2_ shrugs
[17:27:30] * interdpth has kicked Blarget2_ from #metconst (YOU. ARE. NOT. SQUISHY)
[17:27:31] * squishy_ichigo ( has joined #metconst
[17:27:31] * ChanServ gives channel operator status to squishy_ichigo


Quote from: IRC07:57 <Zekeachu|Inactive> I know my grandma has the TV set to PBS, and they're playing children's shows, but I swear I heard the female voice say "Couldn't you have waited until I finished stabbing him?"
07:57 <itsblah> this is what PBS is all about
07:57 <itsblah> publically broadcasted stabbings


Quote[20:34] <Drewseph> What makes a room dark?
[20:34] <Drewseph> I just had a crazy idea
[20:34] <GFXOne> Lack of light.

[20:37] <Mon732> ... Where is the q&q thread? XD
[20:37] <GFXOne> Off-Topic
[20:37] <Mon732> Thanks.

Zero One

<GF_Kennon> I should probably sleep
<ZeroOne> lolno
<GF_Kennon> when suddenly FISTING
<ZeroOne> Can't get enough fisting
<GF_Kennon> I should invite Zozo to a game of fisticuffs
<ZeroOne> You should punch him in the face.
<28GF_Kennon> France vs England in a battle of epic fisting
<ZeroOne> In real life.
<ZeroOne> Everyone knows that England is much better at fisting.

Doom may or may not have been involved prior to this conversation.


[18:22] <ZeroOne> on's opinion?
[18:22] <ZeroOne> Damn. So close.
[18:23] <Mon732> 's \' e
[18:23] <Mon732> @s \' e
[18:23] <snes> <Mon732> es \e e
[18:23] <Mon732> -.-
[18:23] <ZeroOne> /slowclap

Yet another IRC fail by me.


<DoomXVIII> I'm not good at trolling when people ask me to explain my trolling, if you weren't aware.
<notnapigo> so, do I win then? :D
<DoomXVIII> Did you want to?
<notnapigo> not really
<DoomXVIII> Then you win.


[23:53]   notfof   You represent the hot humid air.
[23:53]   SleepingXVIII   I'll represent a hot humid air in your mouth.
[23:53]   SleepingXVIII   With my urethra.
[23:54]   Antidote   @s ure.* pussy
[23:54]   snes   <SleepingXVIII> With my pussy
[23:54]   Antidote   :P
[23:54]   SleepingXVIII   I can queef
[23:54]   Antidote   xD
[23:54]   SleepingXVIII   CAN'T
[23:54]   SleepingXVIII   FUCK
[23:54]   SleepingXVIII   GOD DAMNIT
[23:54]   SleepingXVIII   I'M GOING TO BED
[23:54]   Antidote   lol
[23:55]   Antidote   that's so quoted


I like how the line is less funny taken out of context.


Quote from: IRC20:44 <FlamingCobra> you dont know what I look like
20:44 <Valiant> Yes we do
20:44 <sad> pics
20:44 <FlamingCobra> proof
20:44 <Valiant> I am you :3
20:45 <Valiant> ...oh god



21:23     DMan|MarioSunshine    i have a somewhat interesting request, and this may benefit other hackers
21:23   DMan|MarioSunshine in option mode after selecting a data, instead of special setting mode, have it be special thanks, with a list of ppl or whatever, nothing selectable, just a screen you can go to and exit
21:23   Shadow96 sorry about that
21:23     Scyzer oh
21:23   Scyzer okay then
21:24   DMan|MarioSunshine cause who really wants to turn on fucking moonwalk
21:24   passarbye micheal jackson
21:24   ZeroOne Michael Jackson.
21:24   Shadow96 lol
21:24   passarbye xD
21:24   DMan|MarioSunshine michael jackson is dead, lets make special setting mode a special thanks screen
21:24   Shadow96 hahaha
21:25   ZeroOne Michael Jackson isn't dead until the plastic finally decays.
21:25   DMan|MarioSunshine that will take 1000s of years
21:25   ZeroOne Yup
