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[SM] Super Metroid Life

Started by Nevyn, February 18, 2011, 12:02:53 PM

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I enjoyed this one quite a bit. The more I traversed deeper and deeper into the world you've created, the more I was loving it. I found Ridley's area really exciting when it came to secrets. Finding Tourian was fun too. After defeating all the bosses, I realized I had no route to go. I thought for sure that the entrance was going to be located beneath the old Mother Brain location. The space jump area was great too -- just the right kind of frustration until I worked it out. In fact, most of the game's layout and puzzles reminded me of the original Metroid.

I do have gripes though--mostly concerning how you placed the beams. As I'm sure you're aware, I got wave and then plasma one after the other, whereas, in the beginning of the game, I was chugging along with the default beam. However, this felt great because I was then able to destroy any enemy after trying to be careful for so long. For the most part, I found the item placement to be really very surprising; I never knew what to expect.

Overall, it was a lot of fun! Thanks for making it. I'm looking forward to your next project.

Mr K

Are there any hell runs in this?


It depends, if you want certain items, than yes. if you want to play it with the given path, no.

Mr K

Quote from: DarkSamus on May 25, 2011, 12:16:05 PM
It depends, if you want certain items, than yes. if you want to play it with the given path, no.

Oh ok thanks dude :grin:


Looks like Samus found a friend along the way. :wink:





I mentioned the permastuck in reply #16 above. :^_^:


See that's what happens when I jump to the last page of a thread without reading the other pages.  :>_>:


See that's what happens when the hack author doesn't give a shit about fixing permastucks and tile errors...  :neutral:


Nice game, here's my Super Metroid Life Map


Quote from: Metaquarius
See that's what happens when the hack author doesn't give a shit about fixing permastucks and tile errors...  :neutral:
See, that's what happens when the hack author releases a hack and then disappears entirely for a good long while.


Quote from: Zhs2 on November 03, 2012, 08:59:14 PM
See, that's what happens when the hack author releases a hack and then disappears entirely for a good long while.
I really hope Nevyn will come back one day or another, no joke. Its work on Life wasn't flawless but I definitely love thoses vanilla-styled hacks (just like Legacy) that bring the player fun and don't require to save state all the way through. The level design is obviously reminiscent of the original game, I guess that could be a problem for some people being used to play SM a lot, but at least it feels consistent to some extent.
Has someone already got in contact with Nevyn ?


It has been a long time since someone posted on this thread, but I have found a glitch with the hack that could easily be fixed. In room 7CA08 (, if you enter the room at all the game music and sounds die, and you can't leave because the game crashes. I just tested this and it seems to be that the song that is set to play is bad. Changing the song to a different one fixes this issue. I hope that this issue can be resolved. :)


As I recall the original author released the hack to an overall decent reception, was given a pretty short list of fixes that would have made the reception go from decent to excellent, and was, strangely, never seen nor heard from again IIRC. 


Hey all. I'm bringing this thread back for a reason.  Since this hack has been neglected, I decided to take it upon myself to fix many broken things about this hack. The list of changes are as follows:

  • Fixed all the broken/missing slope tiles
  • Fixed the broken room in Eastern Crateria
  • Retiled some rooms (mostly Crateria at the moment) to make it look not terrible

And finally the best fix of all: REMOVED RED CRATERIA!  :^_^:

I will probably do more work on this hack to fix more of the tiling issues, but for now the hack is in a way better state then before. Let me know if you come across any softlocks or sloping issues.


Nice, might check this out. Been too long since I last played the original version, so this should be a pleasant do-over. Thanks!


Quick little update. It appears that some rooms had some broken things in them. More changes:

  • Fixed a scrolling issue in a few Norfair rooms
  • Removed random air/solid blocks in various rooms


Good job missing BT and using your last pb on a bomb block :lol:

(yes you can have bombs at that point)


While that particular block would be better off non-respawning, you really have only yourself to blame for falling into that trap.  As anyone who's played an item randomizer will know, if you don't have regular bombs yet you must always be conscious of your PB count before you explore areas behind bomb blocks.


While I don't like permastucks at all, I feel like they blocks were set to respawn to make the player go back and look for bombs. It is, however, bad design and giving the player pbs before bombs will always result in problems like this.


So two rooms right of the landing site, 794C8, there's an invisible solid block attached to the two small platforms on the very left of the room.

Room 7A0A4 has a layer 2 bg, and uses the same tiles as layer 1 air.
Very noticable near the chozo statue in said room.

Also room 7AA41, before the map station in brinstar, crashes the game when entering.
There's 1F enemies, they're all offscreen, and none of them are even legitimate choices.
Testing in smile shows one giant ceiling sidehopper, enemy $D9BF.
So changing the # of enemies in room + enemies to clear room to one & placing said sidehopper solves this problem.


Amusingly, I downloaded this hack ages ago, never played it, then fired it up a couple of days ago. Found the bugged room to the right of the Wrecked Ship, came here, and found that dcr posted a fix just a month ago!

Found a new permastuck, by doing a diagonal shinespark into the wall:

Also, how do I get that item? It's specifically set up so you can't do the green gate glitch. Not to mention I had to IBJ to get here in the first place. X-ray scope shows no breakable blocks. I guess there might be some blocks that can be destroyed by enemies walking/flying into them, but I can't seem to lure any enemies close enough to check.

EDIT: more generally, where do I go after Gravity? I can't proceed in Norfair due to green gates, and I can't find a path forward in Maridia either. Found it. There's a big room in Maridia with a grey door, and I assumed it was a "kill a boss" door, but in fact it was a "kill all enemies" door. Badly-clued since the enemies were just kind of scattered around at random and it wasn't at all obvious that they all needed to be killed.


Double-post: finished the hack, 2:53 with 94% collection. Here's my thoughts on this hack: this is a bad hack. Technically, it's basically fine; the environments can be plain (basically consisting of repetitive wall tiles with no ornamentation) but they aren't broken for the most part. The early game is pretty well put-together, too, with an interesting item order. I did find the overuse of spikes and acid to be rather tedious at times, though.

That all falls completely apart once you get access to Maridia and Norfair, though. There's a huge amount of map to cover, with no guidance to speak of. And yet the game fetishistically tries to control the path you take through zones, using grey doors, green shutters, and crumble blocks so you can't easily navigate across the map. Somehow these barriers are always located at the end of a branching path rather than the start, which means you explore what you think is new territory and find that it doesn't actually lead anywhere. Even if you magically know the correct path to take, you have to traverse across the entire map multiple times, because key items are often located at opposite ends of a zone.

Speaking of fetishes, the game loves to make use of the "fools X-Ray scope" passable blocks. What's the point of having the X-Ray scope if it doesn't actually show you anything useful? One puzzle in particular is just plain bad:[spoiler]To get Space Jump, you have to shoot a Super Missile through apparently-solid terrain to hit a green shutter that's on the other side of the wall.[/spoiler]I only figured that one out thanks to danidub's map.

Other people have mentioned the beams issue, but I just want to highlight how tedious it is to kill Maridia enemies with just the Spazer and Charge beams. In fact, since there's so much ground to cover, so very many enemies in every room, and the game is pretty free with handing out E-tanks, it's often easier to just go right through the enemies rather than sit there and tediously plink them down (unless you can one-shot them with Grapple of course). There are a lot of "big" enemies in this hack, with huge amounts of health.

I dunno, maybe I'm just spoiled by better hacks.