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Metroid Syeros: Updates and Concepts

Started by DarkSlayerEX, February 14, 2011, 10:54:48 PM

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My hack is finally hitting the forum, although I scarcely work on it. It is actually no where near ready for a demo yet, but i thought I could show some screen-shots or videos.  A lot of you have probably already seen them, but that's okay

Before I really get into discussing my hack, I want to thank everyone who has helped me so far with my hack. It's progression could never have reached as far as it's gotten without all of your help. (Though, it hasn't really gone too far. I've been trying to get the main coding stuff done before I actually do too much level-wise, as It's easier to make rooms knowing what you can and cannot do.)

Now to begin:

My New Menu Idea. Currently only the new Samus sprite has been implemented successfully

Norfair is split up into 2 parts. Hot and Cold. This is a screen-shot of part of the Cold section. I'll be changing the tile-set eventually.

Some rooms will require you to use the X-Ray scope or a Power Bomb to navigate. (hopefully someone knows how to negate the room lighting properties of Power bombs)

Main Map and Mini-Maps will now show door locations. (this has obviously been done in a few hacks before, but oh well.. It makes traveling much easier.)
(This is just what the original Super Metroid's map would look like with this door-showing addition)

This is a video on an ability of Space Jump has by default in the original Super Metroid. I'll be making use of this at some point in my hack.

I'm not sure what else to post as of now, but there will be more to come eventually.

Things I plan on doing:
-Finish Equipment Screen
-Prevent Power Bombs from Lighting up rooms
-Insert a second Crocomire
-Change what can and can't hurt Crocomire. (anyone know how to prevent the Screw Attack from mangling him apart?)
-Have both Crocomires' methods of dying change. This could make fighting Crocomire less boring, as you now have to figure out how to actually kill them now.
-Prevent killing 1 Crocomire from "killing" the other
-More stuff (Secret for now I suppose)
(I noticed this has a lot of Crocomire related stuff)

Any questions, or comments? maybe suggestions?



HOT DAYUM, son. That's amazing! Now all it needs is to be released in patch form! :D




Just curious, what part do you seem so interested in Nuju?


The whole darn thing!  Just look at it!  It's awesome!  Your ideas for renovating the upgrades menu should have been incorporated into the original.  And using space jump like that...  It gives the upgrade a new usefulness.  Using the X-ray scope like a flashlight is just brilliant.  You've got the makings of a top-notch hack here, DarkSlayerEX.  Keep us updated!


Quote from: Nuju on February 15, 2011, 02:14:58 AMusing space jump like that...  It gives the upgrade a new usefulness.
Nuju: He already said that it hasn't been altered.  It's from the original ROM.

Black Falcon

That status screen looks cool.
However I don't think there are that many useable palettes for the items.
There are unused color bits, yes, but you'd have to check what tile uses what color respectively in order to
get some more palette bits you can use.
IIrc there are two or more palette bits that use the same grey color (same RGB values),
but all of them are used in some way, which is unnecessary.

[spoiler=duh..]Yeah yeah Stupitendo... :>_>:[/spoiler]

Nice Space Jump trick btw.


Damn, this is looking great! Especially that status screen. Keep up the good work! :^_^:


Yea.. this status screen's been the main reason why I've even been working on my hack so much....over a week straight now. Usually I work on my hack once every week or month.. If I can finish this menu, then I have a feeling It will keep me motivated to work on my hack on a more regular basis.

Draconis Kenjishiya

Well, I do really like the status screen, but that should be obvious. Though I think what probably sticks out the most for me is the cold/hot Norfair thing...are you going to have lava in frozen caverns and other such Yoshi's Island-esque tomfoolery? Because you should.