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Started by Qactis, January 02, 2011, 03:48:24 PM

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Phazar jack: Split from Who's Behind the Text after it began getting offtopic.  End jack.

lol. Was more of a :O_o: face. The ability to grow facial hair isn't as cool as it sounds. Having to shave every day or every other day if you're lazy is a pain.


I shave once a week, and occasionally I skip weeks. :huzzah:


Quote from: Qactis on January 02, 2011, 03:48:24 PMHaving to shave every day or every other day if you're lazy is a pain.

You could just do like me and only shave once a week anyways. So what if I look like a bum?


because it hurts to have 1/4" of hair when you're shaving  :grin:


I, too, shave weekly, unless a special occasion crops up.  I'd be more than happy for it to never grow again.

Hiroshi Mishima

Actually, I lied. I enjoy my beard and really only shave if it starts getting out of control or I just feel like shaving it off on a whim. What I really was honest about was the envy of Squishy's long hair. While I do, in fact, have hair down to my shoulder blades, it fairly thin and has left exceedingly little on top of the head itself. If my hair and beard turned white, I might be able to cosplay as FuSoYa from Final Fantasy IV. :p


Spilt into a new thread.  Seems like you guys are enjoying posting about this subject.

Hiroshi Mishima

Probably because we were talking about a pic someone had posted and now that the pic isn't in this thread, it kinda loses context. But hey, whatever makes people happy, I guess. Huh, just noticed the posts pertaining to this from the previous page don't seem to be included.


I was going to include them all, but decided to leave a few behind as replies to the pic.


I only shave once my girlfriend won't let me kiss her anymore.
Same applies for having showers.


dman you dirty dirty man :P

I shave when i feel like it (usually when my psoriasis acts up :/)


I shave every other day. :D

Hiroshi Mishima

Quote from: Digital_Mantra on January 05, 2011, 09:11:10 PMSame applies for having showers.
You know, I don't like to admit it but I don't shower every single day, either. I was notorious for it during the 2-3 years I was between high school and college, sometimes not showering for months. I think the worst I ever got was around 6 months. I tried to get back into the habit once college started, but it was still a "When I remember" kinda thing. Thankfully, by 2005 my then girlfriend helped me get into a good habit of showering at least once a week, occasionally twice a week. Mind you, now that she's not around, it's a little hard to work up the desire to take one as often as that, but it's nowhere near as bad as it once was, thank gods.

Hmm.. maybe should have called this thread Hygiene Habits or something. (lol)

Anyways, back on topic.. I actually didn't shave for years once I started growing a beard back in school. I just didn't like the idea of having a blade that close to my face with my shaky hands. I had a full super beard by 9th grade, pretty much. I have a shaver now, though, that I can use to go down to the stubble (sometimes a tad closer) so I can have the look of a fresh shave without actually having to use a razor blade. Still only shave maybe once a month, if that.

EDIT: On the shower thing, I wasn't so bad/lazy that I'd not take a shower if I got muddy, dirty, sweaty, or whatever. It was just a get up in the morning and look at myself, didn't see anything that looked like shower-necessary, went about my day.


This can be narrowed down, like anything else can.

Why do we shave/bathe in the first place?
Some would say to keep up appearances.  Some would say because "that's what you are supposed to do". etc, etc, etc.

For the most part, these thoughts do not even come to me.
Why is it that I bathe in the end? Because people would stare if I didn't. They would talk if I didn't. Judge me with what they deem to be "better" views.
I do not shower every day, I very rarely bathe.  I do not take care of myself health wise at all.  These kinds of things do not interest me.

This logic can then be copy/pasta'd onto anything I do.

Sure, if I wanted to, what's stopping me? I can do just about anything I want.
You can to.

Revel in this thought for awhile, let it seep into you like milk into your breakfast cereal.
What does it mean? Whatever you want it to mean. You decide in the end, do you not?


I shower and shave because I like to. I love the soothing, womblike feeling of a nice hot shower, and shaving makes my skin feel nice and smooth.


Whenever they get long enough to pull, and thus annoy me.

Hiroshi Mishima

I definitely enjoy taking showers when I do take them, it's just.. okay, this might be a weird logic, but hear me out.

I always feel like I'm strapped for time, constantly. I wanna play the games I have yet to finish, and I wanna hang with my friends, and I wanna get stuff down around the house, and so forth. It never seems like I have enough time in a day to do what I need/want to do. So when I stop to take a shower, that's anywhere from 20-60+ minutes out of my day that I'm not getting anything else done. It's no different than if I slept for 8 hours instead of 5 (which is pretty normal cause I have trouble sleeping), it's more time wasted that I could spend doing other things.

That's the way I've always thought of bathing, and it's weird, but it always gets to me. I might look at the bathroom and think "gods, I really should take a shower," and then I look at my computer or think about other things I wanna get done, and I just go "eh, whatever, can always take one later" and then forget to later on. Cause I have a piss-poor memory for things like that.. kinda like how I could never remember my homework so I'd write down assignments, only to forget I wrote them down or be unable to find where I wrote them... and back in the day no one really understood things like Tourettes, Asbergers, ADD/ADHD, and so on, so people who had trouble didn't get any help and were basically blamed for any problems.

Huh.. I wonder if that means my problems are society's fault? Nah, that'd be too easy to say. I know I've got problems, I just don't have the encouragement or motivation to change some of those problems...

THE Purple Helmet

Showers are great to wake up or feel refreshed. I hate the itchy feeling that comes with not shaving. I have not a 5 o'clock but more like a 2-3 o'clock shadow so if I get lazy, I look unprofessional.

The other day I woke up too late to shave two days in a row (showered for the record) and a customer of mine said I must be getting lazy. SHE (not he) had quite the mustache goin on and as I couldn't put that fact out of my mind, I had no idea what to say.

Moral of the story is: shave or don't care.