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Happy 2011 year

Started by JAM, December 31, 2010, 04:35:56 PM

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Greetings from 2011! [spoiler]Even before Crys  :heheh:[/spoiler]See you there.
Happy new year everyone! And remember, everyone who's saying twenty-eleven instead of two thousands eleven might have only 8-bit processor in the head  :wink:


HAPPY NEW YEAR EVERYONE!!! Any resolutions? I only have two currently: graduate from sool and get much better at guitar. =D

Hiroshi Mishima

I'm quite interested in this sool you speak of. What sort of courses do they cover?

And yes, Happy New Years to one and all. My resolutions are.. hmm, let's see.

*Work out at the local gym and try to tone up a bit.
*Complete Final Fantasy XII by the end of February.
*Resist temptations to commit suicide by overdosing on my medicine. (will be hard with the FF12 one)
*Accomplish SOMETHING creative and get it out onto the fucking internet.

Even if it's a single comic, or a drawing I did in MS Paint, or a YouTube video. I feel so gods-damned unproductive lately it's driving me insane. I haven't uploaded a new comic in months and this computer is so poor I can't record shit.

Oh yeah:

*Get a new (or slightly used) computer and upgrade it to modern standards of today

There, I'll probably be able to do at least 1 of these (first one'll be easiest).. and if more, then all the better.


I'll post here for the sole reason of resolutions, which in turn can be interrupted as reasons for my recent actions.

*Keeping an open mind and a calm attitude.
*Controlling my lesser emotions.
*Getting to know people better, and understanding the basis for why they make decisions.
*Being unconditional and understanding.

A lot of internal searching and contemplating recently made me realize that I don't want to be the way I was.  I kept seeing these flaws in myself, but doing nothing about them.
This is the first step.

Close the world, txEn eht nepO.

You can take that anyway you want. In fact, I'd prefer it if you didn't understand, so I could learn more about why not.



*Spend more time with a certain girl I know(the story leaked out to some of you IRCers, you know what I'm talking about)
*Get back to playing full time with (both) my band(s)
*Finish Super Mission [my personal Aegis?]
*Make this a good year


A new year with a new start... Amazing how things can change within a short while.

My resolutions...

*Quit drinking. I want to live to see 35.
*Spend time with a certain girl of mine, who somehow keeps me in check daily.
*Rebuild my finances, move out of this god-forsaken state.
*Help my girl out with her's, possibly take her along for the ride.

This year has brought about some unexpected, but needed changes to my life. And the past three years have as well. It's been one hell of a ride, but I've gotten past it.

Also, yes, the mighty Waker is settling himself down. With projects and inspiration spinning around in my head, I suppose I have all the time in the world to fool with that, just as I did a year ago. I've met one of the most wonderful people in my life, and I must say, she keeps me smiling every time I see her.

To those of you taking the time to read this, I'll thank you for making the last half of 2010 my best time, and I can't wait to spend the new year with the folks at MetConst.

Cheers, happy new year, and here's to a fresh start to the world.

Zero One

My resolutions:
*Lose weight
*Get a good chunk of my hack done

That's about it really :P


* Fall in love with a girl, keep it going well.
* Lose fat, gain muscle.
* Do not fail school.
* Do not fail self too unneededly much.
* Get a decent paying job when I turn 16.
* Find a new metal band to listen to, before I die of musical deprivation.



Lose weight
Stop biting my nails - had this one for about 15 years, so I'm not holding out much hope :neutral:
Be more enthusiastic / less apathetic about life in general


Quote from: JAM on December 31, 2010, 04:35:56 PM
Even before Crys  :heheh:
Well excuse me for taking a few days break from the internet. :/


Quote from: Parabox on January 02, 2011, 03:26:42 AM
* Find a new metal band to listen to, before I die of musical deprivation.

I'd say I have a pretty decent handle on that just hit me up on IRC


Drop a few pounds
Keep room clean
Work as close to 40 hours a week as I can
Disguise myself as a hipster because the chicks are hot.
Get a girlfriend who's actually awesome and not a bitch, or get a string of frakbuddies.
2011 is going to be a good year


Quote from: Parabox on January 02, 2011, 03:26:42 AM
* Find a new metal band to listen to, before I die of musical deprivation.
Let me help you with that! :D

Aquaria - And Let The Show Begin


*find a creative outlet
*quit smoking
*love more, hate less