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Started by squishy_ichigo, October 01, 2010, 05:42:02 PM

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that sounds cool, as long as there's no transitions it's fine


If you have got a Halloween hack to submit, you best email it to that address kinda like now, you got less than 5 and a half hours.


Bump! Here are the Halloween hacks, folks! Play them all and vote for your favorite! We got three this time around.

# Hollow Eve by Grime
    Notes: Major game overhaul in one-room form. Intro, title screen, menus, maps, colors, gameplay and sounds have been heavily modified. Difficulty level is somewhat challenging; savestates shouldn't be needed if you're careful.

# Halloween hack by Sam & Phazar
    Notes: Halloween hack entry; collaborative effort between me(Phazar) and my brother("Sam" until he chooses an internet handle).

# Super Metroid KT JDDD Halloween v1.0 by KT_JDDD
    Notes: Here is my entry for the 2010 halloween hack contest.

# Super Hauntroid by Sadiztyk Fish (Disqualified)
    Notes: There is some twisted, unnatural evil lurking in the Ghost Shrine. Can you survive, when everything is trying to kill you?

Somebody else can edit this post and say how long people can vote for, but I'll just say it ends five days from now. Happy hacking, everyone!


I want to also add that I missed out on the competition because I ran out of time, but I will be releasing the hack anyway soon =) Hopefully within the next day :O

Thoughts so far:

I couldn't finish this hack. I dunno if you actually tested it, but it's very easy to run out of health and not have enough for the acid runs, or a shinespark. After I ran around for ages trying to find some way to get back energy (I'd already killed all the enemies), I checked in SMILE, and you have no returning enemies (except the Rinkas which drop nothing), and no way to refill energy. Same with Missiles and supers. While you did give enough to open all the doors and such, there are players who would waste them on enemies.

I got up to the point after blowing open the top part in the middle with a PB, but didn't have any supers left, or enough energy to get the other pack.

You were, right, you certainly did change everything :P
The hack was actually quite difficult for me, and I had to use states to finish it, but no matter. The energy refill between "levels" was a great idea (cause I woulda been screwed without it). I love how your abilities come online one by one as you progress, reminds me of Fusion. The game play was quite fast at times, but otherwise slow when edging through the room carefully. I did think that samus's jump height, while it doesn't take anything away from the level design, made it hard to dodge the enemies at the start. Other than that, the gameplay was superb, as was the room. A few physics puzzels were brilliant, even if they had me baffled at first =P

TL/DR version:
You can haz win =)

Dammit Grime!! I lost... =(

My eyes!! No offense meant, but you're suit palettes were... so distracting. Like when you see something terrible and disgusting, but can't take your eyes off it...
Anyways would I be right in thinking this hack was somewhat non linear? I only played it once, but I did see several paths that could have led off to the other parts of the room. I didn't get to explore because I fell through a pipe and the game ended O.o unexpected.
There were quite a few instadeath spots if you weren't careful, or even just wanted to go exploring. I restarted the game about 20 times before I figured out to slowly edge over bridges to see if they crumble first :O
The level design was a bit bland, and looks like it was just a few tiles for the majority of the game :(

Stupid fazewire i couldn't save my post :/


Yeah, I was disappoint when I didn't see your name among the forwarded e-mails :(

Maybe next time, huh?


My thoughts:
[spoiler=Phazar]Poorly made, navigating was painful and the suits were an eyesore. I did like the open explorations though.[/spoiler]
[spoiler=Grime]Wow... It didn't even feel like I was playing a Metroid game. This was a brilliant master piece. Thank you. I completed it in 8:30, I would love to see what a TAS could manage.[/spoiler]
[spoiler=KT_JDDD]I can't get to the speed booster or super missiles. I doubt you even play tested this hack. Overall, this is a complete fail.[/spoiler]

My vote:
[spoiler]Well, if you read my short reviews, this should be painfully obvious, congrats on winning Grime.[/spoiler]


Gonna LP those 3 tomorrow after work. Will also do Sadiz's when done.


My thoughts:

[spoiler]Was this slapped together in less than a day?  The suit palettes looked horrible.  The level design, while not bad, really needed a lot of polishing to make it look decent.[/spoiler]
[spoiler]Not to bad.  Only negative thing I could really say is the same complaint most have it seems, you have to be very careful with energy.  Took me a couple tries to get to the end, but it is beatable.[/spoiler]
[spoiler]Looked great, and the powerup system was interesting.  Some sections were a little tricky, but with savestates wasn't too bad.  Loved the puzzles.  :D[/spoiler]

And the winner:
[spoiler]Grime obviously.  LOL[/spoiler]


I'd kinda like to say here that I shouldn't be held too responsible for my brother's hack.  He basically through it together within a week, with tiny bits of advice from me here and there, and slapped my name on it for the contest, refusing to make a MetConst account.  I kinda knew it would suck.


Quote from: Phazar on November 01, 2010, 02:54:14 PM...He basically through it together within a week...
And he accidentally the whole .IPS?


Bump! Sadi's hack, although it is not in the rankings, is now in the mix of Halloween hacks this year. Check it out!


Definitely Grime's hack.

edit: Finished fixed version of Sadi's hack. Good fun!


I really like Sadi's as well, but I can't seem to figure out where to go after I get spazer. That, and I hate the ghost jump, it's a pain in the ass to use.


Another bump. Sadi's fixed quite a few bugs, notably with the boss crash, and changed a few things in her hack. Redownload!


Quote from: Tyjet66 on November 01, 2010, 05:43:55 PMI can't seem to figure out where to go after I get spazer.
Have you used one of the lifts yet?

Quote from: Tyjet66 on November 01, 2010, 05:43:55 PMThat, and I hate the ghost jump, it's a pain in the ass to use.
The timing isn't much different to vanilla, but the jump height has changed.  If you slow down your jumps a bit, and find the rhythm, it should be fine.


My playthroughs can be found here

I voted Grime


Just in case you don't know, ZSNES has a rewind key, which is perfect for those forgot-to-set-controls moments. :heheh:


NOTE TO EVERYBODY:  Actually, only those who played my hack.

I did foresee a lot of complaints about the energy crysis.  This was definitely pleasing to me, even though it lost me a lot of votes.  I wanted everyone to be challenged by this, and have to play it a few times before actually getting it.  After all, mastering a hack after the first play is no fun at all.

I did fully test it.  I tested it several several times.  My computer slowed down from accidentaly having about 5 or 6 snes9x windows open, along with SMILE, HxD, and Mozilla (most likely looking for helpful documents).

So, although I didn't get any votes from anybody, I am glad that I gave some of you a challenge, instead of leaving you with a push over hack.  I have put a Tool-assisted-walkthrough on youtube so that people could figure out what to do if they're lazy, or don't feel like figuring it out themselves.  But. . . overall, I'm proud of my hack.

Super Metroid Halloween Hack (by KT_JDDD)