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Super Metroid: Dark Cloud

Started by JamieWebb16, November 12, 2010, 12:28:24 AM

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Metroid: Dark Cloud is a full hack of Super Metroid with edited/new graphics, brand new level design, and some ASM included. Pictures of this hack is located in the Screenshot Archive. More screenshots of the hack will be coming in the future. Hope you like what I have stored so far for this hack! :yay:

Samus Aran,
After completing her mission to destroy mother brain once again,
and to liberate planet zebes permanently. Samus detected a strange
sphere-shaped artifact floating among the many debris of what was once Tourain.
She took it in to galactic federation for studies about this strange artifact.
They're theories that this artifact might have some relation to the metroids, but             
not sure enough if it could. Some more research was done. They had
discovered a switch that displayed a bizarre and disturbing message. "On the
edge of dark clouds core, a foul creature of darkness will swallow the galaxy
into chaos". This "creature of darkness" was a really serious threat to not
just the galactic federation, but to the entire galaxy. Research was done. Dark cloud
was an desolated planet somewhere in the deepest part of the galaxy. Samus
equips here power suit and heads for "dark cloud".[/spoiler]




Haha, good luck EVER getting that logo in-game! :p


That'll be the best logo ever if you get it in-game! :grin:

I suggest using more slopes (check your last screenshot), but other than that, I like your rooms.


Thanks smileuser! Ill fix up the last screenshot, and plan out how im going to get that logo in-game!

Just letting this out here, a video of my hack so far will be coming soon!


Quote from: JamieWebb16 on November 12, 2010, 09:07:11 AM
Thanks smileuser! Ill fix up the last screenshot, and plan out how im going to get that logo in-game!
It's possible. Default tilemap for the logo can be easily repointed and extended. But I'm afraid you're limited to use 16 colors for "Dark Cloud" part, including black.


Quote from: JAM on November 12, 2010, 06:54:29 PM
It's possible. Default tilemap for the logo can be easily repointed and extended. But I'm afraid you're limited to use 16 colors for "Dark Cloud" part, including black.
But there is a way to drop the number of colors in the image. Just take the image and open it up in a image such as IrfanView and decrease color depth. Here is a before and after from the original to a 16bit image:

[spoiler=Original Logo][/spoiler]
[spoiler=16bit Logo][/spoiler]

Now it can easily be put in the game. Now if you would, JAM, like to tell us how to repoint the tilemap for the logo. If so that would be great!


Quote from: Webber1900 on November 12, 2010, 07:37:24 PM
Here is a before and after from the original to a 16bit image:
But I mean 16 colors at all (4 bit) for Super Metroid part and 16 colors (4 bit) for Dark Cloud part. 32 colors in total.

EDIT: I have used Advanced Batch Converter to convert this file to 32-colored GIF. Nice. Still good in 32 colors:

Quote from: Webber1900 on November 12, 2010, 07:37:24 PM
Now if you would, JAM, like to tell us how to repoint the tilemap for the logo. If so that would be great!
Sure. Find a free space in bank $8C. $673F0 is good enough.
Then jump to $5A0C7. Change 9D 87 to F0 F3.
Jump ahead a little more, to $5A0CD. Repeat changing. Done.

Now copy tilemap from $6079D to $673F0 and extend it as much as you wish.

To drawing new tiles you can replace tiles of beta Metroid logo. You'll see. As for palette, open Beauty Salon and use 10th row (don't sure, maybe 9th) in Title Stuff.

When coding tilemaps for the new part, last byte for each tile or block should be 31 or 32.



Quote from: JAM on November 12, 2010, 08:25:38 PM
Quote from: Webber1900 on November 12, 2010, 07:37:24 PM
Here is a before and after from the original to a 16bit image:
But I mean 16 colors at all (4 bit) for Super Metroid part and 16 colors (4 bit) for Dark Cloud part. 32 colors in total.

EDIT: I have used Advanced Batch Converter to convert this file to 32-colored GIF. Nice. Still good in 32 colors:

Quote from: Webber1900 on November 12, 2010, 07:37:24 PM
Now if you would, JAM, like to tell us how to repoint the tilemap for the logo. If so that would be great!
Sure. Find a free space in bank $8C. $673F0 is good enough.
Then jump to $5A0C7. Change 9D 87 to F0 F3.
Jump ahead a little more, to $5A0CD. Repeat changing. Done.

Now copy tilemap from $6079D to $673F0 and extend it as much as you wish.

To drawing new tiles you can replace tiles of beta Metroid logo. You'll see. As for palette, open Beauty Salon and use 10th row (don't sure, maybe 9th) in Title Stuff.

When coding tilemaps for the new part, last byte for each tile or block should be 31 or 32.

Too bad there is literally not enough room in the GFX file for all that :/


I will try to put it all in there, but if it doesn't, then I would have to think of someway else of putting it in there. but other than that....
[spoiler=New Room!][/spoiler]


Leave the Super Metroid part alone and make the Dark Cloud part be a sprite or two that displays over it.


If you still want to put in a good effort at it you could let it hang over the metroid part a little to keep within the tileset limits. MathOnNapkins made a really cool program called BMPtoSNES that will convert 8bpp or 4bpp BMP files to .4bpp files that can be opened up in yy-chr so that will take out a lot of the effort involved in sticking that logo in with drawing. PM me if you want it


Quote from: Sadiztyk Fish on November 14, 2010, 06:15:47 AM
Too bad there is literally not enough room in the GFX file for all that :/
If reuse all unused tiles, including blank tiles in the logo, empty tiles around Nintendo logo, tiles of Metroid logo and X's after letter Z, there'll be 192 of them. Should be enough, if sometimes code each tile instead of coding block (made of 2*2 tiles).

For example, the very first tile is unused. Another 3 tiles are used by letter S in the word Super. Instead of coding block, code 3 actually used tiles and use first tile in "Dark Cloud" part. Free space is enough to code 617 tiles or blocks properly. Even if code all logo tile-by-tile it will be enough.

EDIT: Yeah, looks like you'll need 210 tiles or so. Remove Nintendo logo then... =) Or all letters of small alphabet since they aren't used.

Quote from: zephyrtronium on November 14, 2010, 03:16:22 PM
Leave the Super Metroid part alone and make the Dark Cloud part be a sprite or two that displays over it.
This is how you can use another 16 colors for the Dark Cloud part


Alternatively, you could just redraw the actual 'Super Metroid' part, so that it's much smaller, and then use all of the unused tiles for the Dark Could part too.


Quote from: Quietus on November 15, 2010, 08:28:45 AM
Alternatively, you could just redraw the actual 'Super Metroid' part
Something I suggest you should do as the style on both the logos are pretty far apart. :/


I really like where the hack is going, given the screenshots. Any hack that makes good use of the original tiles is A-okay in my book. Don't give up on this one.


I assure you that i will not give up on this one! I have personally believe that I can finish this hack and finally move on to the next project.

Also... I think that I will make the "super metroid" part more smaller and the "dark cloud" part more bigger, that way, I can have enough space for the dark cloud part. Then I will use some of JAM's information on editing the title screen to edit the logo so I can do the finishing touches to it.


A preview of one of the rooms in super metroid: dark cloud.

And here is a screenshot of the room:


Sorry I haven't updated as frequently as I would like to, but Ive have been very busy with real life, and that Ive been lazy to do so. All Ive done was redone some rooms. But I think that they look more awesome than what I had it before I redone the room! Here is one of them:


Tell me what you think!


My god... and I always thought that tileset has no potential...


Excellent room, Jamie.  Very sexy.  It really makes me want to play, thrusting my cannon into each one of those tight, pink tunnels.



Quote from: Quietus on December 06, 2010, 01:52:11 PM
It really makes me want to play, thrusting my cannon into each one of those tight, pink tunnels.


Quote from: Tyjet66 on December 05, 2010, 11:51:25 PM
My god... and I always thought that tileset has no potential...

Seriously? I always though that that tileset is beautiful and can serve multiple purposes, but only with the right tile(s) and palette of course  :wink:


I repeat it: Good luck, getting this logo ingame.

Well, but i somehow like you level design. It's very simple, but looks very good!!!

I wish you luck. Make enough backups, ore you might loos all your progress. (=just a small tipp, in case of...)

Silver Skree



You posted a BMP.

Don't post BMPs.

(Can we change history so that BMP stands for BAN ME PLEASE?)