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Started by interdpth, October 22, 2010, 05:27:40 PM

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What does everyone do?


Full time student.  :eyeroll:


Quote from: Crys
Full time student.




My job.

Jk, working on separating from SnD and PURSUING MY OWN DREAM... of owning a country.

Again, Jk, but I am soon separating from SnD if a few of my indie projects go well.

(Iceworld. That's all I'm saying.)


on disability.

prior jobs:
mover (6 months)
construction worker (2 months)
furniture & appliance delivery (5 months)
roofer (1 year)
graveyard shift warehouse worker (2 weeks)
landscaper (1 month)
electrician (1 year)
expo lighting technician (2 weeks)

Silver Skree

No real official jobs, though I did do manual labor moving equipment (heavy equipment) for my uncle's biodiesel plant a few years back for 2 months of the summer, and I'm currently living at my grandmother's helping her with assisted living and working on deforesting and taming her long-neglected yard for a few hours every day (with nothing but a handsaw! It's a good handsaw, though).

For the former job, I got paid in boarding and computer components which I assembled at the end of the work period.
For the current job, I'm being paid in cash and boarding. The assisted living part just comes with the territory, though. She's family, so of course that's not included in my pay. Besides, it's not that bad. Just the occasional call and favor.


Full-time student, part time working at the local (Self) Storage/Boat Storage company. €2 an hour is all I get.


I provide administrative support for an elderly care agency.  I do pretty much anything and everything to free up time for the management team: Things like filing / faxing, answering phones, IT support, staff training, running the company's payroll.


this (not me in the pic)

Used to be a manager at the local burger joint.


Make a donation button on your site and in your sig, say it's for Editroid/BlastEdit/Whatever.

Hiroshi Mishima

I've love to say I have something to contribute to this thread and list off all kinds of experience I have. Yeah, that'd be nice... *itch nose* Pity, I can't though, not without lying through my teeth.

Basically what I do is I house sit for my mother. Her job is an elder care provider, so she lives with her clients at their homes and comes back for 2-3 days a week (currently Tuesday morning to Friday morning) to unwind, get groceries and so forth. I don't think I do a very good job, but the house is still in one piece and the cats seem healthy, so I suppose it's better than nothing. I'm terrible at maintaining a good working schedule, so I might vacuum up a part of the house, do some cleaning and get it nice and good. Then forget about the whole ordeal for a month and it's back to normal and the rest of the house is none-the-better.

In college I never managed to actually learn enough to get any kind of degree, not that it'd help me, mind you. I have never been able to find a legitimate job, though I send out some applications a couple times a year when I remember. I used to be more enthusiastic about finding work, but after a couple years of nothing, I basically lost hope of ever really landing anything. Having Tourettes and Diabetes doesn't exactly help, either. I don't feel safe with the thought of driving so I'd have to take the bus everywhere cause I don't have a bike. It isn't that cheap and the buses aren't terribly efficient anymore, what with losing some of their routes or shortening others. So I just really scrap by on what I can.

If I need some money for something, I just cut down on how much I eat or on other expenses. Gods, I'm pathetic.


You're only as pathetic as you make yourself, you know.

Hiroshi Mishima

Oh, I do so love when people try that kinda BS on me... no offense intended mind you, but I've been around too long for that kinda talk to have much of an effect on me.

I mean when just being awake/conscious means pain, it's hard to feel positive about anything. I've got absolutely no reason to feel positive about the diminishing job market, nor the fact that no matter how hard I may or may not look for work, I already know I'm going to be passed up for the hundreds of thousands of people who have actual resumes, job references and experience under their belt.

I mean, I'm to the point of past caring. I'd love to have a good, decent job. I'd gladly accept something like whatever you call the people who go around making sure the stuff on the shelves is straightened up, or maybe a cashier at Blockbuster or something. But I can't lie to myself that it's going to happen anytime soon.

Am I pathetic? My average day consists of sitting here at this fucking computer, pondering my existence while getting sucked into conversations with people via one medium or another. When I get sick of digesting it all, I retreat to a video game so that my brain doesn't melt into total apathetic lethargy. I have literally nothing to look forwards to, and no enthusiasm left for life except those rare, wonderful bursts of happiness and joy that occasionally break through the misery I see everywhere and keep me going a little bit longer.

Yes, I'd say I'm pretty pathetic. But then again, I'm to the point where I think a lot of people are pathetic too. Especially when they're sitting around making the economy worse by firing more people, foreclosing more homes, and generally making the country a worse place to live.


Quote from: Hiroshi Mishima on October 25, 2010, 04:50:22 PM
Yes, I'd say I'm pretty pathetic. But then again, I'm to the point where I think a lot of people are pathetic too. Especially when they're sitting around making the economy worse by firing more people, foreclosing more homes, and generally making the country a worse place to live.
Hiroshi, I hate to say this, because I don't dislike you, but all that self-deprecating shit is nonsense. I know you have your problems, and I know I don't have the same kinds of problems, so I know I have no right to say I understand your position. But that's beside the point. When you're resigned to failure or disappointment, you're deciding that it's okay not to try. People rationalize their choice not to try, when in reality they're just afraid of failure, or of taking a chance. Wallowing in depression only begets more wallowing in depression. If I'm off base, and I might be, sorry, but that's what the situation sounds like to me.

I think that it would do you a lot of good to try to get a part-time job. Don't contemplate it. Don't wonder about when or if you can do it. Don't give yourself an opportunity to procrastinate. (That's what always gets me.) Just do it. If you really want to be pleased with yourself, just go out next chance you get. Who cares what the job is, just apply for something.

For what it's worth, when I can see that somebody is really, honestly trying, I'm eager to overlook that person's problems. I think most people are the same way.

Hiroshi Mishima

You are correct that it is hard to build up the urge to try if you think you're already going to fail. I'm not really sure when that mindset started and it's hell to shrug it off for extended periods of time. I do, actually, occasionally just fill out applications though I haven't done so recently. If my Wal-mart application has reset again, I'll see about asking my aunt to help me with that ridiculous assessment test that shouldn't have any impact on me qualifying for the job, yet it does.

Actually, I should really fill out a Taco Bell or Carl's Jr application the next time I'm at one of those places, as they're fairly local. I always feel nervous about applying at fast food places though, cause of my not understanding Spanish and feeling a little uncomfortable around the food. But I gotta try something. Cause you're right, it really does get me down that I'm not doing anything and I'd love to have a job doing something so long as it doesn't make me physically ill (my ex had that happen to her, they deliberately stuck her in a 4 out of 5 people can't handle job), that is.

I really wish I could just walk in to someplace, apply for a job, and get it, but I've not been lucky yet. And you are right that I shouldn't give up. But heh, like you say it's easy to find reasons to procrastinate. :p


Hiroshi Mishima, I can't relate to the whole job thing as I'm only a teenager, but please let someone who has experienced it help with the depression aspect. I can fully understand how it's hard, but you really need to push beyond the belief that you'll fail, as all that does is make it more likely that you will. Unfortunately, most people don't tend to realize the long-term effect that some good effort puts into something, which is understandable, but not exactly reasonable after a point. Think of it like you would of getting a vaccine. Most people would be too scared to get them, but if you don't, you get a disease, which lasts way longer, is more painful, perhaps even fatal.

I don't wish to sound like an outcast here, but don't just suddenly jump into a job. Review yourself, think about something you're good at, something you enjoy doing, something you feel you can do for a long time. Doing something just for the sake of doing it is not at all a good idea, as you never know what's ahead, you could fulfill all three of those criteria, or none! If the latter is true, you'll fail at it! When that happens, you just try again, expecting different results for some reason! And after you just fail again and again, you reach the careless, depressed stage that you're at now, whch as you know, is almost impossible to get out of!

Again, this is from the perspective of someone with NO job experience, but I really do hope I can help you at least a little bit, and that someday, you'll be able to help yourself too.


Jobs suck! Why feel depressed about not having a snowballs chance to be a paid drone. Work = Depression (for me at least, I know alot of people love work for some demented reason).
I'm not talking about the money, I'm talking about people that genuinely enjoy a shitty job. I can't even fathom that sort of brain.

Hiroshi Mishima

I appreciate the advice and the gesture, BlackSnow. Unfortunately, depression is something I've been battling off and on for many years now. And sadly, the other bit is part of the problem, as I don't know what I'm good at and what I enjoy doing is really not job material. Another big reason is that I've never had a proper job at all, even though I'm 29 now, and I've never had an interview or even a call-back.

Well, except once in college cause I'd applied to K-mart so I could get a summer job and never got a reply and Summer came and went and by the time it was nearly Winter that year, they finally called and I was already back to being full time student and no longer in a position to hold down a job at that point.


Quote from: DManI'm not talking about the money, I'm talking about people that genuinely enjoy a shitty job. I can't even fathom that sort of brain.
Who cares about what you get paid if you're doing something you genuinely enjoy doing? Besides nothing, that is, because nothing spawns nothing - both in terms of pay and in job. Conversely, there's a lot of things in life you might not enjoy doing, but they have to be done anyway... a necessary evil, if you will. Just another obstacle on the path to the destination, I suppose.

Edit: Oh, and before I forget - this administrating thing is kind of a job, I suppose you could call it. It might not pay in money, but I make quite a few friends!


I don't recall this thread as being a "bitch about my job or lack of one or soon deprecation of one". Then again, I'm liable to bitch about mine back and forth.

In reality, if you feel sorry for yourself or don't care, that's how society will treat you. You need to be, literally, someone who will bitchslap a baby and not even bat an eye at the mother. If you're aggressively progressive in your line of work and in anything you pursue, you can take just about any bullshit with a thick skin.

Don't be lazy, don't down yourself, and for the love of god have a goal other than survive your student years. I'm 22 years old living in Maine with a high-paying job that I got through beating my way through lower corporations with my ideas. And a shovel, mind you. It wasn't pleasant, I got through it, and my court dates are set for Dec. 21st, 2012.

TL;DR If you don't care, the world doesn't care.

Hiroshi Mishima

Quote from: Zhs2 on October 26, 2010, 05:05:03 AM
Quote from: DManI'm not talking about the money, I'm talking about people that genuinely enjoy a shitty job. I can't even fathom that sort of brain.
Conversely, there's a lot of things in life you might not enjoy doing, but they have to be done anyway... a necessary evil, if you will.
On that note, my uncle is works for Waste Management, and has for.. gods.. years and years now. I'm sure it's been over 15 years. Practically got into it as soon as he finished high school, cause he enjoyed doing the work. That is, he enjoyed the task of working on something like cleaning and picking up. Always figured he'd go into janitorial work if the life of a trashman didn't work out.

I think I'm too nice of a person to be a complete dick to people in order to rise up through the ladder. Probably cause I've got a secret fear of discovering how good I'd be at it...

Though I must admit, insofar as it matters, I want a job for two ... probably three reasons. 1) I want a job so I can earn money, that's a no brainer, cause it is something we all need these days. 2) As much fun as it is to sit around playing video games and using the computer all day, it does get rather bland and tiresome after a time with nothing to break it up, and I get house bound something awful at times. A job would help alleviate the routine by giving it a bit more to do, cause depending on the job you'll be seeing new things every day, even if it's for the same reasons. And 3) I don't like the fact that I'm essentially coasting through life with few obligations. It makes me feel like I'm taking advantage of my family for putting up with me as long as they have, and I'd like to be able to pay them back for that in some way. Which is why I do help out around the house, both mine and theirs, where applicable, among other things.