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IRC tune up?

Started by Lunaria, October 15, 2010, 08:19:30 PM

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Quote from: Zhs2 on October 31, 2010, 05:23:14 PM
^ Very funny, Parabox.

Speaking of which, I banned Waker for a day today (from IRC) on the very same issue that Hiroshi brings up. I heartily agree that being offensive for the sake of being offensive is a bad thing to do, and while some people may PROCLAIM that we're coolbro status, I'm going to have to say no if what you do isn't brotherly at all. Full log here:

Bans to him if he replies to this message without a cool head.

It's not the admin's place to intrude on an argument between a select few people.

If you're a furry, or anyone I don't have "high respect" for, under our free speech in the U.S, and general rules of the internuts, I have the right to say every single bad thing about your sorry ass and you cannot do one thing about it.

Another rule of the interwebs is that if you join in a conversation, expect to take flak from whatever side you oppose. Deal with it. It's the net. As I'm typing this I'm using my own resources on my own time. Frak you, it's my stuff, I can do what I want, you can't tell me otherwise.

If I had the chance or the time (I will soon), I could be very compelled to rouse up any hacks I see fit, pack them into a neat little zip, and give Management a phonecall. I have enough copyright infringement to keep court cases going until 2200.

Be nice to the man with the big gun.

Go suck a long one. Long live non-idiocy. WAKER FOR PRESIDENT 2012 (LET'S RUN THIS SHIT INTO THE GROUND).



Stirring up the pot, that's a great way to make friends.


« Last Edit: Today at 10:40:37 AM by Waker »
^ but it's freakin not 10:40 yet!!!

also .ips = copyright infringement?
i thought the entire point of using IPS files was that the file contained ONLY the hacker's work, and none of nintendo's. someone else wanna clarify?


Quote from: Waker on November 01, 2010, 10:36:06 AM
It's not the admin's place to intrude on an argument between a select few people.
As an admin. it's kinda their job to settle disputes.  They are the rule makers afterall.

Quoteunder our free speech in the U.S, and general rules of the internuts, I have the right to say every single bad thing about your sorry ass and you cannot do one thing about it.
I don't know if you've noticed or not, but the internet is an international medium, not just for the U.S.  And funny thing about servers and websites, they're actually owned making them private property.  On a privately owned website you have no rights (unless there's something like monetized membership or something), and everything you put on that website is property of whoever owns it.  Think I'm wrong?  Go ask Facebook, MySpace, Deviant Art, etc.  Point is, privately owned websites are dictatorships, and if you break their rules they have every right as owner to boot your ass out.  Free speech exists only so long as they allow it (granted most websites will bend over backwards to try not to censor people, but they don't HAVE to).


Quote from: WakerIt's not the admin's place to intrude on an argument between a select few people.
Yes it is. It's the admin's job to tell people to take it to a private medium because if it does not apply to the whole public, then it should not be discussed with the whole public. Not to mention that disputes should not be made public unless they aren't complete flamebait and contain actual logical truths as to why they should happen in said public. Your argument failed on both points.

Quote from: WakerDeal with it.
I think I did, but thank you for reminding me why I should continue to do so.

Quote from: WakerI have enough copyright infringement to keep court cases going until 2200.
So, you want to stir up an argument about copyright infringement when there is no copyright infringement in people's intellectual property (all content contained in IPS patches is user-made) AND you were the one who broke a few laws uploading copyrighted material that you happened to 'obtain'? This seems like a very smart idea.

Oh, and I'm sticking to my promise. You've replied to my forum post with the same idiotically-driven drivel that you were spewing to me yesterday. The reality is that you have nary a foot to stand on to bring you back, and that's all good and well because we don't want you here with that attitude. Farewell, Waker. Have a nice life of constant raging.


oh, wow. So this is what you guys spent the week end over while I had a internet free (read: only minecraft) weekend.

Kinda amazed that Waker managed to piss zeke off though, shows of much that goes for.

Anyhow, just gonna put in here that I agree with hiroshis post in mostly all regards.

And, zephyrtronium, I'm one of those people that get turned off by the chat... but the point was not who that are already well known in the community who get turned off, it's that it may or may not turn off new dudes and dudets. :p

Anyhow, it is time that I go back to making Ice metal 2 more shit in minecraft! x3


Quote from: Waker on November 01, 2010, 10:36:06 AM
If I had the chance or the time (I will soon), I could be very compelled to rouse up any hacks I see fit, pack them into a neat little zip, and give Management a phonecall. I have enough copyright infringement to keep court cases going until 2200.
:lol: Bwaa haa haaa haaa! I saw this coming a long way off.

Quote from: Waker on November 01, 2010, 10:36:06 AM
Be nice to the man with the big head.

As for the topic, I don't spend a boat-load of time on IRC, but I haven't run into any issues, waker excluded. Does it really get that bad in there?


Quote from: snarfblamDoes it really get that bad in there?
Mind you, there's a few times where people get offended by what others say and preach that people shouldn't be rude for the sake of being rude, but there really are quite a few people who are rude sometimes regardless. Either way, things like Waker flamebaiting are really the only low points in our time on IRC.


Quote from: Crys on November 01, 2010, 05:02:38 PMthe point was not who that are already well known in the community who get turned off, it's that it may or may not turn off new dudes and dudets.
If there's almost no track record of this happening, why should it be assumed that it will happen in the future?


It's just a logical assumption.  If a new person starts here, and they don't get hugs and kisses all round, then that's one thing, but if they look to join, get trolled / bullied / whatever, then why would they bother coming back?  The same applies to any site / forum / chat.


There are a lot of people who would be turned off by the strict atmosphere involved with a highly regulated chat, too. It's impossible to please everyone, so why make changes to something with which many people have no problem in order to suit the few who do? There are a lot of nice, helpful people in the chat, too; it seems like you're assuming that every new person will be some thirteen year old kid with emotional problems who can't take a joke. I would worry about someone who solely focuses on what he or she doesn't like about a community.


I'm not really aiming anything at anybody.  I'm stating that nobody wants to enter the forum or chat and get trolled or slated.  There's also no reason for anybody to do so.  If everybody in the chat is nice, chatty, and helpful, then there isn't a problem, but we were asked what we wanted in the chat, and that's how I suspect most would feel.  Once a person has been here for a while, then relationships are built, and jokes will come naturally, but initially it's unwarranted, and undesired.



Quote from: zephyrtronium on November 02, 2010, 12:20:17 PM
There are a lot of people who would be turned off by the strict atmosphere involved with a highly regulated chat, too. It's impossible to please everyone, so why make changes to something with which many people have no problem in order to suit the few who do? There are a lot of nice, helpful people in the chat, too; it seems like you're assuming that every new person will be some thirteen year old kid with emotional problems who can't take a joke. I would worry about someone who solely focuses on what he or she doesn't like about a community.

I'm not saying we need to drastically change the chat room or make it overall strict, which is what you seam to assume.

It's just that in the past moderation have had to take a back seat to make room for cool bro status, which is not something it should, nor does it improve the atmosphere in the room.

I'm not in the chat room to ask hacking questions (at least not most of the time) nor am I in it to went on how much I hate certain things or people, rather, I'm in it to relax. Which sometimes gets kinda hard with people trying to pull a joke or something on my expense. Sure, if it's a damn good joke I can enjoy it too and such. But randomly throwing insults at people just for the sake of laughing at it is not fun most of the time. And when it goes too far a moderator should step in and break it up, not laugh at it and join in.

"Or hey, let's be squishy and ignore it! :D"

It just doesn't cut it really.

And I'm not really asking for a whole lot either. It seams that it's the in thing to do to paint it up as hitler trying to enforce some overall strict ruling, when it's really not.


Coolbro status is okay until people start getting persecuted, which I'm not fine with, which is what happened the other day. Which, I guess, makes what I'm fine with not really "coolbro status" at all. I pay attention enough as it is, but when I'm there, I do stuff... /;

Quote from: Crys"Or hey, let's be squishy and ignore it! :D"
More like "say one sentence about it and keep watching", but hey.

Quote from: CrysAnd I'm not really asking for a whole lot either. It seams that it's the in thing to do to paint it up as hitler trying to enforce some overall strict ruling, when it's really not.
Mind you, PY was the one who made the Hitler analogy first, but it's our beloved community that reinforced it. We love you ProjectXVIII

Hiroshi Mishima

I find it kind of sad that no sooner do I post my thoughts on this subject that someone would basically go and prove me correct. I actually half expected that with this whole discussion going on, people'd start taking more notice of what was going on and try to keep it toned down more so as to not stir up shit until the whole thing'd passed under the bridge. I mean, that's what someone would do if they were smart, right? Lay low while people are on edge about stuff, then go back to normal later. I actually still rather expect this may be the case with most of the people in the chatroom.

But Waker of all people, I was a bit surprised. Especially since he acted like he knew how it all worked and had things figured out, but that must have all been talk to maintain his "coolbro status" or something, cause the way he acted in the end made it sound as if he'd been making stuff up the entire time. At least now I know what he meant in another thread about not being afraid to step on people and be a jerk, cause it seems that's exactly what he does. Perhaps now he'll learn something, but I won't hold my breath. Sorry it turned out this way.

Anyways, back on topic if I may... As others have said, what I was talking about wasn't a "radical change" but rather reminding people that rules are there for a reason. If you wanna push on them a little, that's probably okay cause it's not unheard of to bend the rules slightly and get away with things.. we've all done it at least once in our lives (or will have by the time you're older) sometimes without even being aware of it. But if you push hard enough, you're going to break something and then it'll all come tumbling down on you cause laws are intended to be the backbone/support columns of society and community, and if you knock down said supports it is only asking for trouble.

I mean if no one is really talking about anything hack-related, then by all means feel free to start up a conversation on something else like TV or video games in general or something. What one shouldn't do, however, is start up a conversation meant to persecute and be unreasonable because that can sow the seeds of problems to come and they always sprout sooner rather than later... or so it seems more often than not.

As Crash and Zeke and PY and others have also said, the internet is international (rather fitting as one could say it therefore means 'international network' although I don't think that's the actual meaning) which means even though the US allows its citizens to get away with a lot more shit than they probably should, don't expect the same "I can do anything I want" mindset on the internet.

Also, one last thing.. I invite anyone who does feel as Waker did that you can be as big of a jerk as you want and not expect repercussions to do something for me. Go outside into a public place, and start acting just like that, and then see how long it is before someone decides to do something about you. You might be surprised at the results.


Nothing has changed other then we got the wonderful PY person back, OMGbot, and we hand out awesome kicks. Other then that everything is the same.

Tuning up was just talk :D



* Crys checks last post date

I was honestly expecting more from you...  ._.