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Metroid Construction outage and reasons

Started by GF_Kennon, June 10, 2009, 07:00:04 PM

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Well, as most people in IRC know about now, Metroid Construction was off line for a couple of hours, once everything came back online, i decided to talk to our hosts to find out the problem, and it was not nice, i was told that the owner of HyperVM had killed himself. the chat log is below.

It has to do with some software called HyperVM. There have been several issues lately, including security holes, XSS, and hacking. This caused a big fuss, and everything has gone downhill, the owner of HyperVM could not handle the stress, and committed suicide on monday. The licensing servers went offline today for a while, because nobody but him is allowed to admin those servers. They are back up now, and everything is normal.
For now, we are investing thousands into an in house system, that will let us move away from HyperVM altogether.
Yes, again I apologize, but it was honestly out of my hands.
And this as a whole, is quite saddening.
To see the loss of a young mans life over this, is terrible.
Hopefully this will not happen again, but if it does, this is 95% sure, this is the problem.
We should be moved away by the end of the month.

This is what i was told, and after some research, i found some news links to back this up

Infomation age news link
itwire news story

this is very saddening, and we are quite lucky to be here still, as nearly 100,000 websites were wiped, and fortunatley Fazewire do nightly backups, as such Metroid Construction is still here.

Comments and the such post them here.


So this is why it was offline.  A strange occurance, but it is not funny at all.  But I can't see why it was so bad that the owner of HyperVM would kill himself over it.


Fucking sod. Killing himself. What a stupid reason to kill yourself. I don't find suicide saddening when it's cause of something work related. I find it pathetic.


I find this a bit saddening, but I suppose that might be mainly because, to me, death is an immediately saddening thing. What I don't understand is why this had a new topic instead of just going into the thread I made right after we came back. :icon_bounce:

Also, petition to change the discussion topic in this thread to suicide.
* uNsane hides


I don't find it saddening, it's only a level up from moving to another country. The only reason to be sad over it is through feeling sorry for those who are sad, not to mention all of those sites that got wiped; thats quite a disaster!


The guy killed himself!?!
Well, that sucks.

Suicide is a topic that means alot to me. 
I have thought about killing myself before, and the only thing that stopped me was when I realized how upset my family would be.
I have even cut myself several times... I don't know why, but it made me feel a bit better.

I actually haven't told anyone about this before.  It feels good to let it out, even if it is to strangers on the internet.

But I'm better now.  I really feel for everyone that cared about this guy


Who gives a shit if a guy you don't know killed himself? <_<

Now if Jathys or Acheron did it, THAT would be a disaster!


Sometimes, uNsane, I have no idea whether I should be patting you on the back gently and congratulatory-like with my hand or very, very roughly with the pointy end of a knife. I'm guessing the topic you made would fit into the category of the latter. <_<

Also, sad to hear. I think it's pretty stupid because the guy killed himself over his job, but then again, we are human beings, after all. =|


Devonodev, we have very much in common.