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Super Metroid: Fear

Started by MetroidMst, August 02, 2009, 06:20:37 PM

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Super Metroid: Fear
[spoiler=What type of hack?]Fullhack.[/spoiler]
[spoiler=What is new?]ASM.
Custom HUD by Black_Falcon.[/spoiler]
[spoiler=What is it based on?]Exploration/Item Collection based.
Heavily influenced by multiple hacks, most notably Searching For Items.
A few instances of extreme difficulty.
Weirdness. Serious mental insanity.[/spoiler]
[spoiler=Who is it for?]Not for n00bs.
Fear is not an easy hack. Overall, it won't be the most difficult you've ever played. But there are/will be parts that are very difficult. Save stations are located in convenient locations for a reason.[/spoiler]
[spoiler=Techniques required.]Walljumping.
Getting familiar with BF's new HUD is a must.
Ability to explore.
Firing you beam and laying the bomb.
Grapple Beam. :awesome:[/spoiler]

[spoiler=Story]At what point does the most renowned bounty hunter in the galaxy become afraid? Is there even a point at which this bounty hunter could truly discover the gripping and terrifying effects of fear? Surely, one who has accomplished so much and overcome such odds wouldn't lack for confidence in their ability to bring peace to the galaxy. . .

However, one cannot underestimate a warlike species pushed to the brink. The Space Pirates have already shown an uncanny knack for trying to make creatures into war machines and use them for their means. They have the technology to do this, and now they are pushed into a corner. Desperation can lead to some amazingly outrageous ideas seeing light, and the Space Pirates have just that idea. . .

And they've used it. . .

At what point could Samus have little to no control over her surroundings? At what point is Samus the most vulnerable? These questions have been asked, and believed to be answered by High Command. The best time to attack? When Samus isn't active. How to gain control of her environment? Make it themselves. Not just another Zebes filled with hallways though. . . A place they control every aspect of to make sure to squash any chance of surviving. Where could this place be? The answer was so simple.

Her dreams.

Designing a machine that could control what someone experiences in their dreams wasn't out of the question, and with seemingly no other alternative, there was little to lose with the endeavor. However, a rushed product is a rushed product. Early tests indicated well, but failing to realize some important points, the device was smuggled to the remains of Zebes with some flaws that had not yet been seen.

Being alerted to Space Pirate activity in the vicinity of the destroyed planet Zebes, Samus is once again dispatched to deal with them. However, landing the ship on a nearby asteroid to avoid detection, Samus suddenly feels sleep becoming an overpowering desire. Realizing the Space Pirates have done something to blanket the area, Samus tries to fly back to a safer zone, but is unable to move. Falling deeper into sleep, and completely unable to move, suddenly she dreams of being on Zebes again, except this isn't the planet she knows. . . Things have changed so much. . . Everything is an illusion. . . Or is it? What is real now? Why can she move? What has happened?

The Space Pirates soon realize their biggest mistake. Human beings don't have minds that work exactly like theirs. Similar yes, but not the same. So while things are definitely working, they are not quite working how they expected. In some cases, this has caused a massive increase in the power output of the device, reaching near critical levels. But this also makes this coma-induced world more dangerous, with more random and garbled mess than they could have hoped for. The other problems however, were far more terrifying. . .

This Zebes has come alive partly from Samus imagination. From what she remembered as a child and from when she returned. The items that the Chozo seem to leave behind everywhere, are indeed everywhere in this world, allowing Samus to power up at an incredible rate. The device is becoming unstable the more powerful Samus gets, and unless their worlds kills her off, which would end her connection to the real world, or they find her ship while she is incapacitated, this machine could backfire and cause another massive explosion at the location of their most famous defeat. . .

While Samus explores the eerie caverns that somehow have a similar feel as before, but bear absolutely no resemblance to what she knew to be Zebes, she realizes that time is not on her side. While she is stuck in this dreamworld, the Space Pirates could find her helpless body and easily dispose of her.

Not knowing how much time she had. . .

Not knowing what lies ahead. . .

Not knowing what could be done in this situation. . .

Fear finds a way into the core of everyone at some point. Fear is an inexorable force that penetrates into everyone. Some say paranoia is just a feeling, and emotion. . . Fear would disagree. It is a tool. A tool it uses well to disguise the true nature of its being. The struggle to overcome the hope. . . That hope the Chozo spread across the galaxy. . . The Chozo that abandoned Fear to pursue something else. . . The Chozo that are to blame for its existence. . .

For Fear itself is watching. . .

Fear is working towards a goal. . .

This Fear. . . It has no moral boundaries it lives by. It is from a bygone age where everything was learning. And learn they did, and thought they locked Fear into just a "Feeling," an "emotion," instead of the true being it really is. . .

The Space Pirates had found Samus ship when it partially broke the barrier. The Space Pirates now unable to do anything but cower in a corner from an unknown terror. Samus' ship was just meters away, but they couldn't act. . .

Nothing can be done in the paralyzing grip of Fear. . .

The barrier is almost broke, but that device that brought it so close to this plane of the universe is also preventing it from being completely manifest in this world. . . Slowly. . . Slowly. . . Fear has patience. . . It waits. . . It continues the inexorable climb through the dimensions. . . It will make it. . . It is almost there. . .

The only thing that can stop it, is the destruction of that Space Pirate device. . . Something that could happen if this Samus creature were to continue her journey and create enough feedback to overload it. . . Fear can wait. . . But it also strikes when it has the best chance. . . It has to get through now. . . Samus may never come close, but she is the only one who has the ability to stop it. . .

Fear. . .

Fear is not just a feeling. . .

Fear is not just an emotion. . .

Fear is real. . .

Fear is coming. . .

The only thing that can stop it. . .

Is in a coma. . .

Controlled by the machine allowing entry in this universe. . .

Soon to end the hope from the same species that abandoned it in the beginning. . .

Fear has arrived. . .[/spoiler]

[spoiler=Glowing Stuff][/spoiler]
[spoiler=Platform Enemies][/spoiler]
[spoiler=Grapple Beam][/spoiler]
[spoiler=Final Teaser][/spoiler]

Due to something I just found out about, I need to mention that the patch on this post is still the demo, now 6 years old. Please keep that in mind if/when you download it to try it. This hack is still in development.


you and DSO are Dmantra's successors. I know it.


Except instead of making giant alien statues, he makes giant skulls >_>


An update on my new favorite suit pallete.

Also some slight progress to update: I am now working with more tilesets to vary things up a bit, and I have high hopes for a completely new tileset that should be very good.

Some more slight ASM changes are on the way.

Once the tilesets are finished level design will become the main focus, and I expect only a few months for each to happen, so I'm planning on a late December release.


Whoa. Samus is lookin' pretty good in that hot pink there.

Now; the only thing that really bothers me about those pics there are the white lines on the stuff hanging down off the bottom of the solid tiles. you might want to open up tile layer pro and fix that to make your places look better. (much better.)


Kinda reminds me about the varia suit in NESTroid, looking good.

Quote from: Bloodsonic on August 02, 2009, 06:37:41 PM
you and DSO are Dmantra's successors. I know it.

I agree with this fully

Also yeah, fix them tiles up and it will look even more amazing


The white lines are icecicles. (I spelled that wrong...) It is supposed to look like water just froze in some shapes and the last bit of liquid almost made it off, but froze anyway. I will check into removing them though and see how I like that.


Quote from: MetroidMst on August 11, 2009, 06:43:19 PM
The white lines are icecicles. (I spelled that wrong...) It is supposed to look like water just froze in some shapes and the last bit of liquid almost made it off, but froze anyway. I will check into removing them though and see how I like that.
* Crys golf claps
Good excuse...

But not good enough.
You just took at as it came when you changed tileset from one of the maridian ones to the other. :/

In order to make it look good you have to turn that white into the darkest color. I'm not 100% sure this will work as those tiles where not meant to use that palette blend. :/


Quote from: Crys on August 11, 2009, 09:12:50 PM
But not good enough.

I don't think it will work like that, but I can always edit them in TLP to make them look more like the purple ones. I really do like those lines though because the other ones sort of look like sludge and not ice. I will fiddle around with it over the weeked and post some pictures for you to critique, but I'm not going to garuntee the white lines are gone.


TBH I actually like how the icicles look right now.  Not like there's much you can do to make them look better anyway.


I think they'll be fine like that, especially once they start glowing >_>
As is, it definately helps distract from the fact that the background to that room is largely empty space.



Vid could've been a lot better (saying "New areas" and then showing the same exact room as earlier...), but at least the ending made up for all the still shots and general lack of action. That looks like the stuff of Zorfnols' nightmares.


Trailer isn't so good. =\ And the GFX look a little too varied. But that's just me.


A little Video for everyone to see progress is still being made.



Wow. that second room (miniboss room) is amazing. Looks a lot nicer than the white outlined maridia  :=x:
So, for the miniboss, you have to kill a certain number of enemies? if so... people would just pick on the crateria enemies, wouldn't they?


Quite true, but I've just hit a thought on that. I think I will make the wavers only drop missiles and the jumping sqweepts(?) drop only energy. it would be possible to only shoot the wavers, but probably quicker to kill both.


1: How did I miss putting this up for nominations?

2: The demo link is broken. Consider fixing D:


Quote from: Zhs2 on December 19, 2009, 12:26:32 PM
1: How did I miss putting this up for nominations?
Because it is above average crap. This seems like so long ago after all the work that has gone into it sense. And I attached the correct demo patch and got rid of the broken link, so play away for the next... 3 minutes.


Quote from: MetroidMst on December 19, 2009, 11:15:15 PM
Because it is above average crap. This seems like so long ago after all the work that has gone into it sense. And I attached the correct demo patch and got rid of the broken link, so play away for the next... 3 minutes.
How come everyone thinks that their own hack is comparable to shit? =\ I think things look pretty good (yes revoke what my last post in this thread was).


Quote from: person701 on December 19, 2009, 11:48:11 PM
How come everyone thinks that their own hack is comparable to shit?
Because we're the ones making them, and therefor see all the flaws and how far there is still to go. I've made huge amounts of progress recently in level design and I feel ages further away from finishing just one area. I keep going further, and I find more stuff I want to do and add on. This was going to be a small boss-rush type hack before I started going crazy and now it is probably going to be biger than SM was.

I will make an actual progress anouncement while I'm at it. Fear, AngryFireChozo, and DSO's yet to be publically named hack are all connected in story. This will be further explained when the story has been completely hammered out. And DSO's hack and Fear will have interconnecting bits, meaning you could discover some text in one hack that tells you the location of an item in the other hack... You will have to wait and see how this is done later.

Also, obligatory pic of item.

[attachment deleted by admin]


lol @ the metroid xray. seems like it should be slightly thicker though. but you could make the other items more outlined like that is. It would look neat, probably. I just started AngryFire the other day, I'm up to the point where the wavebeam is, but I'm having trouble getting out of where I came in from, if you get what I mean.


I think MetroidMst is getting better. I have nothing to complain about in that picture.


I had reason to dislike though.

A much better item room.

[attachment deleted by admin]


Contrast fail on those green bricks. I liked the other ones more.