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Hex tweak submission

Started by begrimed, December 16, 2010, 05:08:55 PM

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I didn't dive too far into the code there, but I don't think it'd work with just a hex tweak.  That particular piece is STA $09C2 (Samus current health), the operation right before it stores to max health.  It's likely that it loads max health, adds a value to that (most likely the value that you can change in the PLM menu in older versions of SMILE), then stores back to max and current health.  However I think it would be a pretty short chunk of ASM to make a patch that does what you're talking about.

Edit:  I went ahead and did that ASM cause it was easy.  It can be found here,145.msg18471.html#msg18471



Quote from: Crashtour99 on June 05, 2011, 05:19:21 PM
New one that only took me a few minutes to find.
$84/8972 (020972) = change 8D C2 09 to EA EA EA to make energy tanks not refill health when collected (still expands health capacity as normal).
Quote from: Vener on June 06, 2011, 02:45:23 PM
when we collect a new energy tank , the new "tank square" in the HUD appear only if samus is touched (by an ennemie , or spikes , acide , etc ..)
Thanks to Verner for finding a glitch with this hex tweak.  Turns out the HUD doesn't update properly without storing to current health.  As a work around for this:
Quote from: Crashtour99 on June 05, 2011, 07:02:14 PM
Edit:  I went ahead and did that ASM cause it was easy.  It can be found here,145.msg18471.html#msg18471

Using this patch, you can set it so that the amount added is 0 and it will update the HUD properly.  Apologies for not testing the tweak thoroughly enough, but at least it's fixable. 


Does anyone know a hex tweak like this?
The amount energy needed to lose an energy tank.

Just for a hex tweak:

B4D7 - 00 00 to ?? ??
Starting missile value.

B4E0 - 00 00 to ?? ??
Starting super missile value. (You can change this through smile)

B4E9 - 00 00 to ?? ??
Starting power bomb value.

Zero One

Would that missile tweak work? Because I know that the intro cinematic gives Samus' some missiles, then sets it to 0 afterwards. Unless it reads that address?


Yeah, this tweak works at all times. I use this tweak for my hacks alot.


Quote from: snipereighteen on August 28, 2012, 01:46:17 PM
The amount energy needed to lose an energy tank.
If you mean the amount of energy in each e-tank square in the HUD, then:

$80/9B9E      A9 64       LDA #$64                health per e-tank
$80/9BBB      A9 64       LDA #$64                health per e-tank

$64 (hex) = 100 (decimal)
Used in the HUD routine where it calculates how many e-tank squares it should draw.
Not sure how changing this will effect the displaying of the energy numbers in the HUD though.  It should in theory only go up as high as 1 less than the value you change the $64 to.


Apart from the 99 you start with, the number only goes up to whatever you've collected, including any alterations within SMILE, such as 50 or 25 per tank.  I would imagine that with the tweak you mentioned alongside the per-tank amount in SMILE, it should work fine.


Nice, I was going to use 65 for energy tank (in hex), lets say if you had 505 energy (dec), any damage would take 101 (dec) so you'd lose 1 energy tank per hit.
In this case, like the system in Super Metroid Hauntroid.
But cheers anyway.  :^_^:

Here's the code I used


org $809B9E

LDA #$01

org $809BBB

LDA #$01

I'm not sure if it's right but it works for me.
Also I have no energy units so all I have is energy tanks so it's a little like Legend of Zelda.


So, to save you using odd numbers, would it not have been simpler to just use 100 damage? :wink:


Not really.
Basicly, here's how my system works:
In total, there a 14 energy tanks.
If I was to keep the value as $64 it would be complicated to work the system.
I've removed my energy units and postitioned my energy tanks in a long line across the HUD.
When you lose all your lives (in this case, energy tanks), you die.
So for this to work, each energy tank would have to be 101 ($65).
In total, 1404 units (not yet calculated in hex).
Any damage applied would have to be 101 so you'd lose one life at a time.
1404, 1303, 1202, 1101, 1000, 909, and so on.
It would be easier for me to use 1 unit per energy tank.
14, 13, 12, 11, 10, 9, and so on.


Sorry for the double post, but does anybody know the code for disabling the caution beep when you have 29 energy remaining?


Check JAM's reply above (#5).  You could just set it to zero, and it'd mean that as long as your health is above zero, it wouldn't beep.


$90/EA7F AD > 60

Ends that little routine where it begins. I could look into how to make it not jump there at all, but it's part of a high level routine index which I don't feel like debugging right now.


$11/EFFA (8EFFA)
9C 2C 0B 9C 2E 0B - EA EA EA EA EA EA
mid air un-morphing will not slow your fall, at least out of water/lava/acid


That's pretty neat.  Though it'd ruin some nice tricks too. :^_^:


It's been quite a while since the last submitted hex tweak.

154636 - 5E 01 to xx xx
Health check for when Bomb Torizo's stomach starts dripping fluid. This is not the same as when Bomb Torizo's stomach explodes.


I come bearing some tweaks for those wishing to change up room state events. :oh:

7E644 - 04 00
Item bit that changes when the "Morph" event in SMILE is triggered (04 00 = Morph Ball, 20 00 = Gravity Suit, etc)

7E656 - 04 00
7E65B - C8 09
This checks for which two items the player has in order to change the "Morph & Missiles" event in SMILE. The first changes which item bit is checked (04 00 = Morph Ball, 20 00 = Gravity Suit, etc) and the second checks for Missiles/Supers/Powers (C8 09 = Missiles, CC 09 = Super Missiles, D0 09 = Power Bombs).

7E66A - D0 09
Changes what triggers the "Power Bombs" event in SMILE. C8 09 = Missiles, CC 09 = Super Missiles, D0 09 = Power Bombs.

7E67C - 00 20
Item bit that changes when the "Speed Booster" event in SMILE is triggered (00 20 = Speed Booster, 01 00 = Varia Suit, etc)


I have visions of an evil hacker creating the speed booster event right after morph, and having to perform multiple short mockballs to escape. :^_^:


More tweaks. :^_^: These come from addresses (enemy projectile headers)  Kejardon gave to Cardweaver who in turn threw them my way a while ago. I remembered I had them and decided to go ahead and pick 'em apart.

Remember the below damage values are without any suit protection. So if you have Varia and get hit by a POLYP, you'll take 8 damage instead of 16.

[spoiler]- SABOTEN (CFFF)
35B06 - 05
How much damage Cacatac spikes do

33D62 - 10
How much damage POLYP deals

335D3 - 0A
How much damage DRAGON's spit attack does

30C02 - 04 (outter right)
30C10 - 04 (inner right)
30C1E - 04 (outter left)
30C2C - 04 (inner left)
Damage for each rock that Metarees produce

30BCA - 04 (outter right)
30BD8 - 04 (inner right)
30BE6 - 04 (outter left)
30BF4 - 04 (inner left)
Damage for each rock that Skrees produce

- Crocomire
30F97 - 14
How much Crocomire's spit attack does

- "Draygon" (This one has already been found, but it was in the document so I did it anyway)
30E66 - 80
Damage from the turret shots in Draygon's room.

- MiniKraid
31DC6 - 06 (belly spikes)
31DB8 - 14 (spit attack)
Damage mini-Kraid's attacks do

- Kraid
31C4D - 02
Damage that the rocks Kraid spits out in his first phase do

- Phantoon
31C3F - 28 (beginning of fight)
31C31 - 28 (during fight)
Damage Phantoon's of flames

35FD2 - 3C
How much damage Fune fireballs do

- NAMI (E73F)
35FC4 - C8
How much damage Namihe fireballs do

35036 - 14
How much damage the small bugs from Kago do

360E8 - 28
How much damage Magdollite's fireballs do

- PUU (E8BF)
352A0 - 14
Damage that Powamp does when it explodes

352CA - 04 (facing left)
352E6 - 04 (facing right)
Damage Work Robots does when it shoots

31E98 - 14
Damage Alcoon's spit attack does

- SPA (EA3F)
374A0 - 05
Damage falling sparks do

34F20 - 14
34F2E - 14
Damage that the Ki Hunter's spit attack does

- Bomb Torizo
32D66 - 08 (orb attack)
32EB0 - 0A (wave attack)
Damage that Bomb Torizo does

- Golden Torizo
32D82 - 50 (orb attack)
32EBE - 78 (wave attack)
Damage that Gold Torizo does

- Botwoon
36C50 - 60
Damage that Botwoon's spit attack does

- BATTA2Na (F593)
32191 - 14
Damage that ninja pirates claw throw attack does[/spoiler]


<Zephoras> its funny. when i view ridley's chamber. he does not show up
<Zephoras> also in hex is there a way to remove him grabbing you and then exploding? because that always freaks me out when i have 30 health left :/
Didn't find something that outright prevents him from swooping, but I did find this Have some tweaks for Ridley (thanks to Kej's Ridley AI disassembly):

133A8A - 0A
How many swoops Ridley will do when his health is 0 before he dies (also provided he doesn't decide to grab you). 00 and Ridley insta-dies soon after the fight starts lol.

135FBC - AF 02 78 7E 30 16 A9 FF FF
Change all of the above to EA to make Ridley a lot less likely to do his "deathswoops" when his health is at 0. If he's still in an attack pattern, such as a tail pogo, it must finish first before he attempts to grab you. I say less likely because I'm not 100% sure that he absolutely won't do a single deathswoop.


For anyone that might want to know the location in rom to change where enemy 'E5FF' (speedbooster friend) does it's superjump, go to 13F69E (PC ADDRESS)---normally the scroll 'X' axis is set to '04' change this to the equivelant scroll you now want the enemy to do it's superjump...
      Also the byte before that location has not been tested but I suspect that would be the 'X' Axis position within the set scroll as to where the enemy does the superjump in that scroll, I am very confident...

EDIT: Byte before scroll 'X' axis address has now been tested and now is confirmed to be what I suspected it to be (mentioned above)...


20CDD - 22 80 80 85 to EA EA EA EA - Disable the message box after recharging missiles at refilling station.

I remember someone found the one for energy refill station. So I found this one, can be useful.

Vismund Cygnus

Here's some stuff to make quicksand not a permastuck without a suit. Credit goes to Grime Drewseph and Scyzer for finding these, not me:

23493 - 80 02 [without gravity suit]
23495 - 80 03 [with gravity suit]
Jump height in quicksand.

2348B - 00 02 [without gravity suit]
2348D - 00 02 [with gravity suit]
Strength of quicksand pulling Samus downward when she jumps. Change the value at 2348B to 00 00 to fix the permastuck of falling in quicksand without gravity suit.

234B7 - 00 C0
Limits how high you can jump in falling sand. FF FF = your feet ain't leavin' the ground, pal. 00 00 = you only experience the pushing effect with no limitation on jump height.

234BD - 01 00
Speed that falling sand pushes you down. You should probably not make this value any higher than it is unless you want to piss people off. 00 00 = no downward push.

23408 - 9C 3C 0B 9C 3E 0B to EA EA EA EA EA EA
Allows speed booster to work in quicksand, lol.

2340E - 9C 40 0B 9C 44 0B to EA EA EA EA EA EA
Allows normal running in sand (still slowed by quicksand physics; no speed booster)


80264 - 04 to 05
80269 - FF to 0F
Changes the graphic animation when Samus touches the surface of acid from steam(?) to bubbles

This was not correct for me so I thought I would share just in case someone else runs into the same issue as I did. In my hex FF was actually 04, then changed to 05 for bubbles so it would be:

80264 - 04 to 05
80629 - 04 to 05

Hope this helps!