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Super Metroid Platinum Hexidecimal

Started by seastorm, September 07, 2010, 04:47:31 AM

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Seastorm Presents:
Super Metroid Platinum Hexidecimal.
Made in SMILE.
It is a Minihack.
It is Headered. (at least I remeber, try w/o header if header fails  :sad:)
It has only 16 rooms, each representing a number of the Hexidecimal system (0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, A, B, C, D, E, F)
You can get 14 Energy Tanks in 7 twin expansions.
You can get 100 Missles in 10 expansions.
You can get 20 Super Missles in 5 expansions.
You can get 5 Power Bombs in just 1 expansion.
You can't get any Reserve Tanks.
You can get these items: Morph Ball, MB Bombs, Gold (Varia) Suit, Platinum (Gravity) Suit, Space Jump, High Jump Boots, Screw Attack, Charge Beam, Wave Beam, Ice Beam and Speed Boost.
You start off in the badly tarnished Silver (Power) Suit and you have been invited by Ridley to a fight, Collect many of the items and work your way up to Ceres where Ridley awaits you.
You can beat it in 30-40 minutes if you go for 100%, see if you can beat it in less than that time with full items (beat him).
You can probably beat it in 25-35 minutes if you rush. Try to beat that (just remeber to defeat Ridley, though).

Screenies! (warning: some of the rooms may be a tad empty)

Samus' Ship.

Some enemies.

The Tourian Section for the hack.[/spoiler]

Enjoy! Comments/Critisim approved of.


Most people new to SMILE directly go into the Beauty Salon to try their hand at repaletting Samus, and mostly succeeds. This seems to be a really crude repaletting in my opinion.


Quote from: Parabox on September 07, 2010, 08:53:13 AM
Most people new to SMILE directly go into the Beauty Salon to try their hand at repaletting Samus, and mostly fail horribly. This seems to be a really crude repaletting in my opinion.
Fix'ed that for you. ;)

Hiroshi Mishima

I dunno, Crys, I generally have no problem repaletting Samus using Beauty Salon most of the time, but you're right that many don't seem to have the knack. I wonder if that's cause I work so closely with sprites normally and am used to fiddling with palettes in different circumstances...

I do also admit that this isn't the best looking Samus I've ever seen...


Every so often, though, there are noobs who excel at repaletting with SABS.  My brother has never been the best level designer, but he is very good at making new suit palettes.


Thanks, I should tone the yellows and whites down on the Gold and Platinum suits repsectivley (I'm pretty sure you don't mind my Silver Suit pallet much). Good thing I never shown my shiny suit pallets from my very first hack - they would have hurt your eyes more!
Any news on how the gameplay works? I did a little trick involving the speedbooster :^_^:. Anything on my custom GFX? This is the first hack I started messing around with TLP in.


This hack did not have a proper review, and I'm in a bad mood today, so here we go :

The quality of this hack is as good as the power suit repaletting is. Following the tradition of hard, tedious and visually agressive hacks that still mostly rules the SM hack section, Platinum Hexidecimal quickly puts the player in a difficult situation. Even soon, he's compelled to navigate in cramped areas with random foes. Strangely enough, some places are less dangerous than they should be.

"Find the destroyable block" is the only design rule here, almost everything is built around this, also Metroids. Not to mention some key items are easily missable and thus you'll be stuck forever in the Tourian-like sector when you're running out of power bombs.

The last room blows everyone's mind with its awesomeness, basically, you're waiting for Ceres Ridley to appear, but nothing occurs at all. Suddently, one question came to the player : "Is this guy making fun of me ?" It seems so.
This is what I call a troll hack.
Thank you for playing.

Mr K

Have not played this yet but going by the screenies, I'm not a fan of the suit re-pallet. I'll post some feedback once I have finished it.


Not finished this hack, I played it few years ago.
Many wrong choices for palettes, beauty salon and brinstar/weckred ship/maridia graphics, and as Metaquarius said, some permastucks are visible. Making arrow with speed booster blocks (room 0/landing site) is in my opinion not very fine, you need another way to indicate it correctly.

I am critical (not to being evil or offense you of course) because your basic idea was very cool, but you not exploit this concept in a relevant way and the hack is a bit messy.
This 16 rooms could have been very well made, unique, with good enigmas, a special ambiance for each of them.

it's a pity to see your ideas tarnished by all these defects, but this hack is from 2010 and I think you made much progress since.  :wink:



I have to agree that, although the silver suit palette isn't all that bad, the other palettes weren't that great
[in honesty, they look as if they could be used for the speed booster phase. A bit like 'Redesign']

Perma-stuck mentioned mentioned by Metaquarius:
I've had the same problem with getting perma-stuck in the tourian-like area, and with no ice beam to save my sorry backside as well.

Ridley fight:
What's up with the Ridley fight? Everytime it swoops down at me, Ridley manages to go off-screen and never come back.
(Laying a power bomb seemed to have brought Ridley back. Could just be me getting impatient...)

After I beat Ridley, Nothing happens; no attempting to fly at the screen, no 'OH NOES! A TIME BOMB HAS BEEN SET! TIME TO GTFO!', nothing...

Excluding the fact I can't beat the game, that was 40 odd minutes well spent playing this hack.


It's kind of a dead hack, dead thread. Dropped here in 2010. Resurrected just a few weeks ago. Funny that so much time is being spent on this now, 2 years later.