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[SM] Super Mega-Metroid X2 v1.11 (Lots of fixes)

Started by Shenjoku, September 05, 2017, 02:31:00 AM

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Already submitted the hack on the main site, but figured I should make a post here since there's not even one for the original.

This is a fixup of the original SMMX2 submitted by FullOfFail in 2013. A full list of changes is included in the zip file, but the important part is that there are now fully functional save stations positioned all over the map, that bug where you die infinitely if you die then continue is fixed, and the entire hack is now completable, yay! :)

If you haven't played the original, this is a challenge hack that is meant for experts only. There is some extremely tight platforming requirements and you should expect to die, a lot, since literally everything kills you in one hit. But with some perseverance and planning, everything is possible, especially now that you can save often. I tried to space them out as fairly as possible with the limited number of stations available, so there are definitely some parts that are much harder than others just because of how the save stations had to be placed.

If you run into any issues, let me know. Good luck! And don't give up! :)

-793D5 fixed tiling error that looked bad.
-7D78F fixed spikes that were impossible to jump through.
-Fixed a bug where copying saves would clear the destination slot.

-7D617 fixed puyo placement so it's more possible. Was pixel perfect before.
-7D9FE removed two of the cacatacs because the RNG was too difficult. Would have to get insanely lucky to make it through.

-7B32E fixed a problem with the Ridley fight where holding angle-up while firing the SBA with ice+charge+power bomb would cause a huge lag spike and a bunch of debug UI to turn on.

-7A322 moved two of the cacatacs offscreen because there was way too much RNG. It was nearly impossible to do without getting extremely lucky and was generally unfair.
-7A923 fixed a crash that would occur if you go back into the previous room. Prevented it by moving the transition out of the way and placing a block to make it clear that you can't go back.

-Applied Tewtal's quick_death_reload.asm so it's more playable when dying all the time.

-7C98E fixed Door DDS address so it no longer points to 89FE, which was running some ASM that broke scrolling if you died in this room or loaded from a save, making it impossible to complete.

-Applied modified version of the quick_death_reload.asm made by Lioran, which includes some custom sprite changes to add a death counter.




WARNING: There is a known bug where copying your save slot will clear all data. You can use all three save slots and delete individual ones without issue, but attempting to copy one slot to another will clear all of them for some reason. I'll try to figure it out sometime soon.


This is the instant death with spikes game?  No thanks :(


That save copy bug is now fixed :) Also fixed a room that was impossible to do and some minor tiling errors.


One more update. Hopefully the last one. I found some leftover debugging feature where holding angle-up while firing the ice+charge+PB SBA during the Ridley fight would cause a ton of lag and some debug UI to appear. Thanks to Quote for showing me the fix :)


I'm back with another update (probably the last one for reals this time). Big thanks to ED and Lioran for letting me know about the instant respawn patch, which is now applied so that it doesn't take forever to respawn when you're dying constantly. Should be a lot more playable now :)


Of course as soon as you think something is done there's still more to do...A game breaking bug in the bowling room was fixed in 1.10 and thanks to Lioran it now has a death counter in 1.11