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Room of the Week 2010 - Archives

Started by squishy_ichigo, January 16, 2010, 11:09:07 AM

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DSO's and Silver Skree's are both great. Silver's would most likely be more playable, but I'm voting DSO's.


My first Room of the Week submission. Here goes nothing.



Ok this is experimental and I might just scrap it. But Ill show it anyway.


[attachment deleted by admin]


I think I've seen that one before tBolt, looks good anyways.

[spoiler=here be mine =D][/spoiler]

[attachment deleted by admin]


Tbolt: Looks okay. Some more variation in tiles should do the room some justice, but I love what you did with the green bubbles.

Sadiztyk: This looks pretty good. The pipes stand out a bit, you might want to tone their palette down a little. Very atmospheric.


Well, my second entry.
There is a elevator in this room, it's obvious where it is. And there have water too.
Also, it not have a Layer 2, it have a BACKGROUND (the bg is the same of the room where you collect Morph Ball, in the original game).


Silver Skree

Quote from: Sylux on April 05, 2010, 03:47:30 PM
So...when does voting start?
Supposed to be today.



Yeah, my bad. I totally meant to do this last night. Apologies :sadface:

Without further ado, vote and criticize!


I was never really a fan of the Red Brinstar tileset, as it's just so limited. Your room looks good, but I don't like the parts of the background where the red bricks ubruptly change to purple, and then the vines.
I think it'd look much better if you actually used those vines in the foreground, and had them cover a wider area than what you've used (also put them in front of samus), like what you've done with the blue drips.
Also, is that a tile error in the bottom left screen on the rightmost side? the red bridge just sort of stops at the corner of the block, which leaves and open space a bit. It's really bugging me lolz.

I like this room. It's goot a lot of color, and just looks vibrant and fun to play in. The only critisisms I can think of is that you won't see the blocks in the upper middle or lower right corner, cause of the scrolling (assuming it's the same as what you had it before). Also, the "vines" you used in the bubble hallway are all the same block. I'm pretty sure there's multiple versions of those hanging vine blocks, and I'd vary it up more, instead of using the same block through the whole passage and along the roof at the top left.
I voted this one as the winner cause I like the use of color and how you've placed the bubbles =D

Why are there random pipes sticking out of the walls? I don't know =P Seems a kinda stupid architectual design really...
This is an underwater room with a darkens liquid effect, and the blue stars glow in the BG (they're meant to be crystals).

This room has a good layout, but the inner foreground dirt doesn't mix into the outside dirt very well. It's actually kind of abrupt. I don't know why you haven't used the dirt on the left side of the room either? perhaps it didn't go well with the elevator, but you could always put the dirt tiles more scarcly as you got closer to the elevator. Look at the Blue brinstar room with the 2nd pack of missiles you get to see what I mean. The tiles are places far apart.
Also, the doors I don't like. There's WAY too much difference between the lightest color and darkest color. Try lightening the darker colors a lot, or taking out the white and making it darker too.

Silver Skree

Sylux: I've test played this three times. You already know what I think of this room. Needs those graphics and palette edits, man. As good as you're getting, the competition was just better this week. Better luck next time!

tbolt: This room is good. I can tell you put effort into it. While it's got decent complexity and mixing here and there, and they're varied pretty frequently throughout segments of the room anyway, the tiling is still a little simple. Needs more mixing and mingling, and since you've already got some Layer2 going on in here, I encourage you to make use of that and set it to 0,0 scrolling and do some multilayer tiling. Good effort, and second place vote from me.

Sadiztyk: I like this room a lot. It looks very, very nice. Very dark... A few plants cropping up here and there, and those plants at the bottom all bundled together really bring the foreground together. The otherwise blank background adds to the dark feeling of the room, and the  'star' plants in the background make for great eye candy. Bonus points for the CRE-rock transition tiles. I honestly can't tell if you're using Layer 2 there or just have the CRE colors on the same palette row. Either way, yummy. There's one oddity I noticed, and that's that all the corner tiles are misaligned, but it looks like that was very intentional, so props for tile interpretation; it worked very well in this case. The only thing I might complain about here is the corner CRE structure-pipe tiles, but I've yet to see those pulled off well, in my opinion, so whatever.

The_Licker: Well, this room is okay. I like the walljump panels(?) from an aesthetic standpoint, and the backround/platform rock formation in the lower-left is kinda neat. What kills this this room, though, is lack of variety. This whole tileset needs more variety. I don't think you'll be doing much better than just 'decent' or 'kinda cool' until you get some more varied tiles.

In conclusion:
1) Sadiztyk
2) tbolt
3) Sylux
4) The_Licker


I voted Sadiztyk cause that room had the most integrity.

Sylux's room was hard to understand aesthetically.

Tbolt's room was a bit too basic for my tastes.

The_Licker still needs to work on his GFX, but the rooms are well made.


Heres another expermiental room   

[attachment deleted by admin]


Well, there's a room using more and more varied tiles. \o/


Black Falcon

My second entry:
Nothing much to say here, just a room with some dead bodies 'n barrels in the foreground and pipes in the bg.
There we go, because everyone likes randomness!

[attachment deleted by admin]


[spoiler="A sad story"]My computer exploded. Multiple hard drives failed, and the power supply blew up. Each incident seems unrelated, that would be quite a coincidence.

So... among the many things I lost, those relevant to this forum are an experimental XNA-based version of Editroid (it was more of a concept thing than anything practical) and a good chunk of progress from my hack that I kept posting screen shots of. The room I got a room-of-the-week for is gone (or, rather, the entire level it was from). Also, Editroid 2.0 might have been set back a little, but I can just decompile the most-recently-posted version to get that back.

I'm currently running off a hard drive that previously failed and was resurrected by the freezer. If I don't get a hard drive pretty soon I'll probably end up losing all my data. The best part is I had a third hard drive shelved (had nothing important on it). I went to use it and it suddenly appears to be unformatted, some I'm not gonna trust that one.[/spoiler]

So here is part of my hack that I still have. Note that Mister Dragon would be facing the player during gameplay.

[spoiler=I don't think I've posted this before.][/spoiler]


I voted for Falcon. There's just so many little details to find. I really like how the acid near the door has corroded the ground a bit. And the lights look great as well, especially how they illuminate the ground slightly (it's hard to see, but it's there).
Though there is really no point to the top 2 lines in that room, unless it's a green scroll, but then jumping in the corridor allong the top will be annoying.

You do know you're using a screwed up scroll pointer right? That was the first thing I noticed =P
Anyway, that room looks ok. It's a bit "not-detailed-enough" for me, but I know other people here like it simple. I did notice that there's a slope missing near the right side door, but I think you made that intentional? Also along the ceiling, you need to have the square BTS behind slopes so you don't get stuck (same as along the floor, but upsidedown), and there's a tiling error just top-right of the right door.
I like the pink blocks, but they don't go at all with the other colors.

It's a shame you lost your work. I know how annoying it is to lose stuff, which is why I have backups on the computer, a flash drive, and I regularly email myself backups too incase the house burns down.
That room looks frikken epic though. Your talent with making Metroid1 look new is just amazing. The coloring is superb. Now if you can make do with the shoddy physics that'd be great =P

I like the new CRE, but I think you've used them a bit too much in that room. It all looks good except for the part going down into the door area. Looks like a really useless piece of architecture right there. I think red looks good, but try dark green also (similar to the grass), cause I think it'd look better in an area of those colors. The red stands out quite a bit.

Nu Zalem

I voted for Black Falcon. Why? Look at his room lol...the others just don't compare to the level of detail. Custom graphics ftw! That's all that needs to be said.

Black Falcon

In my opinion your room looks okay. I just don't like this plain looking in the left part.
On the other hand there're those.. pink blocks.. :nope:
Try to play around with the Norfair tilesset a bit more. You are able to do this, I'm sure! :D
All in all I just say this room just needs some more work.

I agree with Sadiztyk here. The CRE tiles look really good, but
they don't fit into this room here, yet.
Hint: I'm very confident that if you make the red part of the platforms a bit darker and the green grass a bit brighter the room would look much better. =)
At the end I see a lot of potential in this tileset. Keep it up and pull the hell out of it!

Black Falcon (...whoizzat? xP):
I looked at the room again and yeah, it's using green scroll (yet).
Of course this will be changed. I'm trying to get as many opinions as possible (and they can also be constructive citicism, of course), so feel free to post them here :D

Your room design is just awesome. Though I never played any Metroid 1 hack nor do I hack this game, but I can clearly say that your hack is gonna be fraking epic!
RotW for me :D


Oh man, this is hard, I can't decide for either BF or Snarfblams screenshot! :O


First post for quite a while.. mainly due to me being lazy, and laptop dying.. Anywayz, enough about me.

Tbolt: I think this room is ugly, but that's just my personal taste.  Others might like the look of it though.
Licker: I'm not sure whether I love, or hate this room.. although, I think it would look really good ingame.
Black Falcon:
Snarfblam: It looks nice, but there's not too much to comment on. I like the pallets used though.

Well Black Falcon get my vote this week.. Keep up the good work!


My rooms ugly all right  because I submitted the wrong freakin pic  dog dang it!!!!!!   Too bad I cant fix it now!!


@tbolt: The room is fugly, primitive and not what I want to see or play.
@the_licker: the room looks great beside one issue... WAY TO MANY FUCKING PIPES AT THE BOTTOM.
@BF: The shoot looks great, but it also looks a bit confusing seeing it in screenshot form.
@snarfblam: Great room, one would either have to bomb or jump down to that tricky platform in order to open the orb.


Quote from: tbolt76
My rooms ugly all right  because I submitted the wrong freakin pic  dog dang it!!!!!!   Too bad I cant fix it now!!
How do you manage not to pay attention to the stuff you upload to the internet? :pwuh: