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Room of the Week 2010 - Archives

Started by squishy_ichigo, January 16, 2010, 11:09:07 AM

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I'm gonna leave the submits open one more day, since I was a little late closing out last week.  IF you want to submit something, you can still submit something today.


I give you guys an extra day and still didn't get anymore entries. :<

Oh well, three to choose from go nuts kiddies.


Either my internets is terribly slow on me, or tbolt's and Sad's spoilers are broken...


Quote from: DekuKnight on March 09, 2010, 10:49:28 AM
Either my internets is terribly slow on me, or tbolt's and Sad's spoilers are broken...
Same here, but I know what they were, so I vote for squishy, mainly because the top right-hand corner is cool. :yay:

I would have voted for Sadiz, but it looks similar to a room I've seen before, probably back on m2k2.  Me want new Sadiz level make, yes! :heheh:



Hint: Before moving posts rehost them if they are uploaded to metconst in the post, etc etc, or simply just get the new link. <_<;


Squishy & Sadiztyk, those are both awesome, creepy, mysterious rooms. I'm gonna go with Squishy, but it's not an easy choice.


I agree with mr. NESTroid there. Both are very epic, but I'm gonna go with Sad. Just looks nice and detailed. Don't worry, squish. Your room is right behind. It's a personal preference, y'know...


Not quite sure on who to vote for yet...

Also there is something wrong with your image squishy, let me fix it for you:

[attachment deleted by admin]


Squishy: Room looks absolutely epic! =D It has a great mix of brown and grey, and unfortunately green. Those mushrooms don't mix at all IMO, but meh, the rest of the room makes up for that.

TBolt: Not sure if this is sposed to be Kraid's room or something, but some of the blocks should be changed to make more fitting ones. I'm thinking mainly of the blue wires around the red "eyes". You should use blocks that fade to black more around those parts where different blocks meet. Other than that, there's not really much to comment on.

Sadiztyk: Room is ever so simple. A whole sub-area using just 1 part of a tileset? That's crazyness!


The bright green mushrooms signify bioluminescence (glow in the dark) plants.  It was to give them a different feel then most people give mushrooms with palette changes. :P

I use the same palette I used in V++ for this room.


Well that is kraids room but it seems that most of my rooms  suck!  oh well!


hmm, I'm gonna go with Squishy aswell just because I find the concept of playing through a room upside down to be intriguing.

And now for my usual commentary:

[spoiler]Squishy : The only thing I have a problem with is the color of the mushrooms aswell. If they have a glow effect they'd probably look neat otherwise I'd say darken it a tad to make it not stand out as much. It's hard to comment on the level layout itself because my mind wants to view it as played normally. I like the way you have the brighter brown tiles as the border and the darker one's behind it, it creates a nice aesthetic value. I'm saddened to hear this is canceled project, I would've enjoyed playing it.

Tbolt76 : I like how you redid the lava. I'm curious now how Kraid works in such a small room, also how you set it up so he's be facing the other direction. I don't have a pic of the original open, but from memory this seems to be vairly accurate. Don't worry if you get less votes, I've never won one of the things neither, still doesn't stop me from submitting an entry almost every week. Although this is technically a contest, I view it more like a critiquing thread.

SadistikFish : From the other rooms I've seen in your hack, this looks like it'd fit in perfectly. My favorite part about this room is the FG pillars. More specifically the top part that reminds me of some ancient carving which almost reminds me of a koala bear. I also like the brighter whitish thing center rightish. Reminds me of a bottom half of a skull. If you was to do like squishy did and make some even darker save room blocks, I think it would improve the aesthetics alot around the top right and bottom. [/spoiler]


Awhile back MetroidMst posted a room and I suggested using the bricks to play on the lighting effects. When I got around to using the tileset I tried it out myself and this is what I came up with.


Here's the parallel pallet (just leave out this version out of voting, squish)


Well. I guess I can try again. Not much to say, except that this room is one of my favorites just because it looks great.


[attachment deleted by admin]


heres some more old school for ya!


[attachment deleted by admin]


I'll just leave this here...

Imma stop using the attachments because they break when this thread is archived.[/spoiler]


My first entry to RotW  :yay:

[attachment deleted by admin]


Just a word of advice. I would take your tiles on the right side up higher because the player could see the abrupt cut-off in game by jumping across that gap. It doesn't have to be anything amazing since all you are doing is making it flow.

That looks better. But the extra detail isn't all needed. It will look much better now when the player activates that scroll and sees the tiles continuing instead of abruptly stopping.


I voted snarfblam, simply due to me liking the way he uses colors more then the other screenshots. FoF would have my vote if he did stick with the other one, oh well. ^^


I voted for FoF. The lighting idea looks awesome, and if you ask me, the alt color looked like a cheap recolor anyway.


FullofFail: The light effect is cool and all, but the room just seems a little bland. This isn't the easiest tileset to work with though, plus with the lighting your putting up it makes it even more difficult to detail. I would suggest finding a good looking FX effect for the room to help it out a little bit more.

tbolt: How can I forget that room? Instantly recognizable. Otherwise I really don't have much to say. You've made it look like the original.

snarfblam: Very cool colors. You find some awesome palette choices to use together. I just like your design for the original. Got my vote yet again.

SMILEuser96: I like that your room isn't very uniform. When I worked with that tileset uniformity was loathsome to me. Plus you put some extra tiles in so when the play hits the scroll right, they won't see an abrupt cut-off, so brownie points for that.

MetroidMst: I just happen to like the simple functionality of this elevator room. It looks good, and you will always know where it takes you because the room looks unique. Something I thought the original SM did a bad job of was distinguish elevators. I wanted to fix that.


I voted FoF because that lighting effect is original and genius.


Quote from: MetroidMst on March 15, 2010, 08:47:07 PM
I would suggest finding a good looking FX effect for the room to help it out a little bit more.

Actually I know of a good combo to make a true lighting effect using FX1. The thing is, is that it used maridia waterfalls effect and the mardia pallet to work correctly. I plan to make a room using it soon in the future, so you'll see what I mean eventually.

I decided to with Snarfbam.

Here's my commentary on each room:

[spoiler]FullOfFail: Although it may seem bland, it was sorta necessary for what I was trying to convey. The reason I left out all the little boxes and screws that's in that tileset is because I didn't want any bright pieces to be where it was dark. The tilest just wasn't intended to be used that way and that's really all I could do. I just had to try to fool your eyes as much as I could.

MetroidMst: I think the BG orange blocks stick out too much. It's good to have contrast, but when you make things in the BG that bright it confuses the eye and almost looks like part of the FG. I like the hieroglyphs being in the ground. Gives the impression of a lost civilization buried and forgotten under another civilization. The bubbles look neat too, the red part of it almost looks like a reflection from the mushrooms.

tbolt76: The level layout is definitely NES Metroidish. But I've seen you deevoled other tiles, and having this much detail in the tiles may not play along with the rest. Like I told you when you said you were going to use the maridia tileset, if you're going to do NEStroid, you might aswell go all out. It just wouldn't feel right playing in different bit eras all in one game like that.

snarfblam: The reason I voted for this wasn't only because of the spectacular tiles, but also the room layout. This is alot more like a SM type design style. It's kinda funny that you're evolving Nestroid into Super Metroid (in a way), and tbolt is doing the exact opposite. You're managed to use few tiles (6?) and made this a complex room. My only advice to you is to keep it up, good sir

SMILEuser96: It seems to be too bright. I don't know if that's just the picture or if it's like that ingame, but I don't think the red looks good that bright. I like the zigzag, in a way it looks natural because vines are known to act that way sometimes. The jumping blocks in the middle of the red seem to be too close together. Samus can jump higher than that, even without the J-boots. The bottom one looks only 2 tiles up and Samus is 3, so you should remove it so Samus can just go straight to the right area without jumping or balling under. Small stuff like that helps the flow of the playing experience. Also I remember somebody mentioned that the part above the dead guy should be risen a bit, I agree with that.


I voted for snarfblam. Others have said the reasons already, so i'm not gonna bother with it.

FoF: My room is actually underwater without Gravity, that's why the blocks are so close together. And it's just the picture what makes the red look so bright. It's darker in-game. (In fact, it's the original palette)

Edit: I just noticed there's a tiling error in my room. Can you find it? You'll get a cookie if you do.


Not sure if it's the error you're on about, but I noticed that the far right-hand small, red block is flipped. :^_^: