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Room of the Week 2010 - Archives

Started by squishy_ichigo, January 16, 2010, 11:09:07 AM

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Probably going to add more fancy stuff to this room later, but you get to see it as it is now.



Scraped hidden item room from ice metal:
There where two items in this room, four enemies, scrolling PMLs and a red scroll area, I'm sure you can guess where stuff goes. =)


I voted MetroidMst, because that room looks 10x as awesome in-game.


Voted JaimieWebb. tbolt76 should really resprite those statues to match the bosses now, even if he super-powered mini-Kraid.


This is a hard decision. Each room offers alot in their own unique way.

tbolt76 - I like this alot. It interests me. Especially since DC just made the new statue discoveries. The shot blocks need to be de-graphitised a bit so they fit in with the rest of the NES style. Keep it up.

MetroidMst - That's a really neat way to use the mushrooms. I must say, this is a pretty epic room. It looks fun to get up to the top. I'm a fan of all the different coloration.

FullOfFail - It's just a assembly line if nobody could tell.

JamieWebb - This room confuses my eyes (In a good way). The way it's laid out I cant tell if the yellow is the ground or BG. This room is like a optical illusion to me.

DSO - This room is awesome all except the vines to me. Just seems so out of place. The grey it has makes it look new and maintained.

Crys - This tileset is awesome. For some reason when I picture alien environments I see a purple landscape.

I ended up voting for MetroidMst. That room just looks too fun. Plus I like the coloration.


JamieWebb gets my vote.  Good looking room, and the colours are all vivid, yet they don't clash.


FullOfFail gets my vote. That looks like the way Id like to have the wrecked ship set up in my game


Wow, I'm surprised I even got one vote! XD

Anyhow, Jamie gets my vote, it's an idea I don't see being done, even more so being done in a good way in super metroid! :P

@MetroidMst: I love the platforming focus here and such. Not only will the room look great, it will focus a lot on platforming, one aspect that one might usually not focus to much on in metroid.

@DSO, the room works as is, it's not bad in anyway, but I don't like it very much either. The graphics on the other hand are very awesome beside the pipe, I guess there are part of tileset some people like more, yet others like it for other reasons! :P
(I for one don't mind the vines like FoF for example!)


I know that metroidmst's and dso's rooms were awesome! but instead of choosing either of these rooms, I've decided that the one that I have voted for was.......
[spoiler] :cheers:CRYS! :cheers:[/spoiler]
the reason why I have chose this person, is because I love the graphics. Even though it is NOT the greatest room, but this room's graphics just deserves some love and that this room should have at least one vote! Keep on coming with the rooms! Thank you and have a great weekend!


Not entirely finished yet, but for those who watched the video, this is the testroom I made for the Catacombs... 


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Here's something a little different from my last two. But possibly related... hmmmm...

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Some of you have seen this before if you hang out on irc all the time, but it's probably the best room to show with the given rules.



Another Classic room for ya

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I'll put a video of this room in my hack thread. It has matrixy effects. Check it out if you get bored.

Nu Zalem

I'm going to vote for snarfblam. That room is spectacular...I hope he can finish the tough process that is finishing a hack (a good one) becuase I'd like to see the rest of his rooms.


I voted for snarfblam, because that room is just so different to anything I've seen for the original game.


Quote from: squishy_ichigoWho reads this little intro each week? Not just when its voting time, but for the submitting as well. Give me a comment if you do when you cast your vote.
Who reads the feedback people post when they put another vote onto the tally? Bump this topic if you do when you cast your vote.


Crashtour - This room is awesome man. I like the way the BG cave tiles are flat on the bottom and diagonal on the top, it makes it look like a pyramid, or a mountain, maybe steps, whatever your eye perceives it to be. The falling lava is definitely a nice touch and seeing as you got some horizontal one's I can see plenty of potential it's uses has. And of course the burial site..freaking epic man. I would've voted for you but Snarfblam caught me by surprise.

Snarfblam - In the past the only reason I was reluctant to vote for you was because there wasn't enough variety between the tiles. This however solves my previous issue and you won me over. you're really pushing the Nes to it's limits. I also like how some of these tiles can be found in Super Metroid, the wires underneath the door at the top for example, looks just like the one's in Lower Norfair. Awesome job man, keep it up.

Cardweaver - I'm really curious how this looks ingame now. Looks fun to navigate through too. I can see the Torizo at the bottom so I'd imagine there's an item down there, then you have to struggle your way back up. And if you can't make your way up I see the cracks at the bottom so I guess you can bomb your way out. Good stuff.

Tbolt - That looks exactly like the original Nes Metroid. Now maybe one of your next missions should be De-Evolving the doors a bit. Good work.

FullOfFail - I enjoyed making this room. Alot of FX1 illusions going on ingame. It's too bad the space pirates are dumb, I'd love to make them chase you or something.


Crashtour - It looked a bit more awesome in the video, and it still looks a teeny tiny bit unpolished, but better than anything I could conjure up.

Snarfblam - I don't know how many of us have actually completed NESTroid (I think all, but you never know), but I took up the burden to venture the caves of Zebeth, acquire a second Ice Beam, and just blast the Hell out of  Mother Brain before having 16 minutes and 39 seconds(?) to escape, revealing that you're a woman. You truly honor that adventure and I really want to play your hack. This one got my vote.

Cardweaver - This looks pretty awesome, it just puzzles me a bit. It's one of those rooms I need to see in-game to understand them.

Tbolt - Although you'll be more likely to have first release, I still prefer Phazar's. No offence. Looks pretty much like NESTroid.

FullOfFail - This looks really good and even better when it moves. I just don't like the overuse of the gray and the squareness of the room, but that's just personal preference.


Another screencap of a dead hack.  This one is from Vertigo, the minihack where you fall up.



I'd say finish it. Or release it as it is. Looks good.


Heres one more thing from old school. Probably wont stand a chance but why not!

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Squishy, that's awesome. Too bad it died :cry:


YES!!! I finally got something in on time! It is 4am, but still... :grin:


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Oh my god I creamed my pants at that, Sad! Can't wait to play!