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Room of the Week 2010 - Archives

Started by squishy_ichigo, January 16, 2010, 11:09:07 AM

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Hmm... my thoughts...

Bloodsonic: I like the way you've merged the contrasting graphics, A++, would be interested to see how this could be applied on a larger scale.

FoF: At first glance all I saw was blue and pipes and blue pipes, but the polish and lack of repetition in the details is impressive. I like it.

Jamie/Grime/DSO: rooms are well crafted, especially Grime's, but they don't stand apart from the original SM quite enough.

Crashtour: A+ on the concept, but something about the colors rubs me the wrong way (I know it's supposed to be harsh/contrasting).

squish: It's nice as a piece of abstract art but doesn't have to much value in the context of a 'playable room'.


I voted for FoF, as that room just looks epic in-game. Also commenting on other favies:

As epic as that pic is, it looks kinda boring without a layer2, but this is a very close second.

Epic room, epic aesthetics. I love how the platforms seem to be hanging from chains. Though, I felt that this room was too large and open, with not much going on, which brought the mark down a bit for me.

That room does look good, but i'm not really a fan of pink/green brinstar. What you have done looks very good. Looks very redesigny (in a good way).


Quote from: Sadiztyk Fish on February 05, 2010, 02:38:44 AM
Looks very redesigny

Alrighty! Time for the super long and tedious squishy review!

squishy_ichigo: Was going for something that I normally don't do.  I had fun making it, regardless of the fact its not a 'playable room'.

FullOfFail: FullOfAwesome more like! This room is gorgeous, and looks even better animated.  I can't really tell whats explorable and whats not from that pic though, so it makes my brainpeices run wild!  This is one of the best this week.  I'm giving it fourth place! :D

Crashtour99: A great room to look at! My only real complaint would be the sky bg, as it could be tiled better imo.  It just doesn't flow very well. Other than that, this room is win! I place this room sixth place! :D

devonodev: Not a whole not to comment on, but I will say this: spikes are artificial challenge, you can do better than that. I be-leaf in you! :P

JamieWebb16: An excellent job on the tiling on this room! I can't say anything bad about that!  But the palette choices could be a bit better. The background colors scare me away, and the lighter blues in the foreground could be better. I do like the rest of the foreground blues though. :)

Grime: Where have I seen this pic before? Oh yeah, in my dreams!  This room is pretty godly!  This is what I love about your work.  Its dark, its overgrown, its mysterious!  All great things in the world of Metroid!  The only thing I don't like is how the little room in the bottom right looks.  It doesn't look Begrimed enough for my tastes. Fix it and this room is god tier! Third place buddy! ^-^

DSO: A well structured room, and the palettes are ok for this setting.  The foregrounds dirt filler could be more diverse.  This is something I like to see, I wish I was a better tile dropper back in Pantheon's day... (/me stops going on a side rant)  Thats really the only thing I can say about this room. Good job! Kinda wish you had kept it. :P

MetroidMst: Is the brightness set higher in SMILE then usual or is that the color scheme you went with?  If its the latter, I'm not a fan of it.  Other than that, another great room as always. :)

Bloodsonic: This room is what makes me want to cuddle in a ball and cry. Its so simple, buts its fucking amazing!  Why the hell can't I do something like that. ;_;  This is the kind of room structure that made Redesign look professional.  Anytime we use that word, we mean it in a good way. Of course, I've always used it to tease you too. ;P  This room is very redesigny, and I'm giving it my vote for the week.  I have high hopes for RevEx2, you better not disappoint me damn it! :awesome:

snarfblam:  You make Metroid 1 look fucking amazing!  That room puts many Super Metroid rooms to shame, thats how great it is!  If the doors were slightly darker, they would fit in better with those palettes, but I'm not counting that against you at all!  This so amazing I'm giving you second place. :D

Person701: The room structure is phenomenal! My complaint is the palette choices, the blue foreground is fine, but the rest is just too much like the original for my tastes.  It takes this beautifully designed room of greatness and just lowers the quality imo. Other than that, keep up the great work! fifth place! :)

Again, this week was hard as hell to choose on!  I eventually went with Bloodsonic, as his room is just so great, but on placing all the others, I had a really hard time.  Don't be discouraged by the number (or lack of it) next to your review, everyone did a damn fine job this week, and I'm proud of you all! Keep up the fine job kiddies!



This isn't mine, I'm just posting it for someone else.  We'll just call this person Anon. :P

(if you know who it was don't say anything plzkthx)



My February entry. A simple room.

[attachment deleted by admin]


Because everyone loves large rooms.



Is that not from a released hack DSO? I recall having played such area before that looks almost exactly like that. :<


No, the hack was never released. You did see it at :31 in the tribute vid I made for it, though.



Time for room of the month, YEAAAAAH! >:D



Black Falcon

Time for me to make my entry:
Again: I didn't draw the rock tiles but everything else (including bg)
If you want to see how it looks ingame just look into screenshots thread :P
The bg scrolls very slowly that's why it looks kinda messy in the lower part.

[attachment deleted by admin]


@Crys, I liked the other sand better.

Also, the entries this week look a lot more promising.



And no, I'm not still hacking, just playing with others tilesets.
Given that it's never going to be officially released material, I'm not really stealing.

Oh and BF, stunning.

Oh and DSO, nice rendition of Cliffhanger's Chozo village, including Eris' re-tiling for food dishes.


I haven't been doing much level designing this week, it's been all that other mumbojumbo that most players wouldnt even notice. I'll still submit something though, even though I'm obviously far outcompeted.



Quote from: Digital_Mantra on February 07, 2010, 12:27:02 AM
including Eris' re-tiling for food dishes.
That hack almost predates Cliffhanger...


My entry
Just a room i made using the tourian tileset

[attachment deleted by admin]


Anon: Total badassery, and I can't think a damn thing wrong with it! And yet somehow it gets third from me? :D

MetroidMst: That room totally reminds me of Cliffhanger for some reason.  You know... that room early on when you get your first misisle tank? Those tiles underneath the statue seem off to me... don't fit with the rest of the room imo.  With that aside, it looks great. :P

DSO: I remember this room! Aside from you and bro, I was most likely the first to see this room. I looks pretty great!  It just doesn't compete with some the rest of the entries this week though. It a shame too, I like this room! :)

Crys: Simple, but fucking great.  Very glad you changed the sand since the last time you showed off this room.  I'm loving it. :)

Black Falcon: I was TOTALLY gonna give it to you this week, and then DMan ruined it for you! This room is fucking terrific, its so random as hell, but it really adds to the room rather than take away from it.  I'm always happy to see your epic rooms. Second place! :3

Digital_Mantra: How can anyone complete?  DMan outdoes himself again!  So many different tilesets fused together in this pic, it just makes my brain spin!  Truely marvelous! If only that guy Anon was this good! :awesome:

FullOfFail: A bit more simple than some of the other rooms this week, but it looks really good. Like I said with Crys, sometimes less is more, and this room is great! :)

Shadox: A bit more tile variety would have done wonders for this room.  Not alot of peeps use the mother brain glass, but I like how you pulled it off.  With a bit more variety, I can see that room becoming a grade A room! Keep up the good work! :)

Black Falcon

Anon: I always liked your mix with old and new tilesets in your hack! But this time I felt in love with your room! Your drawing skills difinitely earn respect from me!

MetroidMst: Though it's simple, it's great. I always like good challenge rooms like this.  :yay:

DSO: Just a Chozo place like it should be! Though this room reminds me very strongly of Cliffhanger's rooms (in a good way :D).

Crys: Small but nontheless a good looking room :D ! I believe this room would look even more awesome with a background but we will see what the future will show :). All in all great drawing skills as well!

DMan: First I was like 'oooh!', then OMG :whoa: WOW! This room is no doubt the room of the week for me! I really like how everything fits togther creating a oppressive feeling! Your level design skills are godly! Nothin more to say! :awesome:

FullOfFail: I really like this room, especially the palette is well done. Not too big and not too small this room has a good space station atmosphere just like it should be! :D

Shadox: Like Squishy said this room could have a bit more variety. But nonetheless the MB glass and especially the 'Metroid Breeding lab' - sign (lol @ escape font :D) are well done ideas! :)


Anon - I really like this. If you use the Crateria Room State you can make that light blue glow. It should look neat. The problem is really finding the exact color in tilelayer. But it can be done, I do it all the time. I love the tileset. I *think* I might know who you are, but it's a total guess.

MetroidMst - This room looks fun to navigate through. You know what I bet would give it a nice aesthetic, putting the brighter parts of he BG bricks along the light to make it look like it's lighting up. The white part under the chrozo looks odd, but this is one of the few cases it looks ok.

DSO - Big room is big. Since this is from a unreleased (never going to be?) hack, there's prob not too much sense in going into depth on it. It could've used more aesthetic detail, mainly in the BG. Although it's actually a complicated room layout, it has the appearance of being simple. The hugging Chrozos and the hanging lights are nice. I also like the king in the middle with a servant handing him something.

Crys - I don't really like the contrast between the sand and the rest of the room. It just sticks out too much when it shouldn't. I don't really know what else to comment on..

BlackFalcon - You're probably one of the most versatile people on this site. Not only do you do amazing ASM but you also do amazing level designs. You're like a full-team packed into one person. The only thing i see wrong with this picture is the bottom sand pit. See how the corners of the rock doesnt match up properly and you see some of the BG? If you're using layer2 than this should be the easiest fix in existence. If not just use the diamond corner tiles, the seem to be more flatty around the corners. I like this area alot, it reminds me of prime.

- The way the green bubble is dripping onto the platform, then dripping down more won me over. I use alot of Layer1 and Layer2 tricks myself so I c wut u did thar. The way the green acid stuff is melting the chrozo is epic win too. I view the green stuff as nuclear waste. There's so much going on here that it'd take me awhile to cover. I'll keep it short and just say 1st.
EDIT: Actually now that I look at the bubble platform it's not a illusion as I originally thought, but it's own independent tile. Either that or you merged two pictures in photoshop or something. Like took a pic of the BG independent, then another of the FG independent, remove the black areas and merged them + you could add a middle layer. Which actually wouldn't be a bad idea for one of these contests (assuming it's allowed).

FullOfFail - Not really much going on there. That room is just a vertical hallway. Nothing special but turned out decent imo. Also there's a maze in the pipes at the bottom right to get back up to the top if people don't know how to wall jump. I'm always trying to cater to everyone, even though most people already know the basics.

Shadox - The main thing that sticks out to me is the broken glass containers. I like the way the bottom has it's shards too. Totally fits a metroid breeding ground. Protip to future humans: DON'T BREED THE METROIDS. The BG and FG tiles placement could use more variety though. Other than that it's sweet.


I can't find anything to fault with Anon's and DMan's rooms. Somehow the way things (the liquid) are done in the latter is just outstanding, though, so that's where my vote may be found.


My vote goes to Anon, for my usual reasons.  Bright colours, clear, and fairly uncluttered.  It looks to have very nice gradation to the colours too, but this may just be the different colours standing out more from the original. (Looking mainly at the doors)


Anon: Great looking room, for some reason it's reminding me of the final area of Secret of Mana. Love the blue palette and the vibe of the room. Looking forward to this hack.

MetroidMst: Very simple platforming room, the lights are a neat touch, and the columns hanging down are... well, it's kind of a mixed positive/negative. +1 for grapple usage though.

DSO: I remember building this room a long time ago. The lightbulbs and the chains that held them were in fact the very first graphic edits I did that I liked. The room is alright and offers a lot of secrets to explore, but from this view the pipes look annoying, even if they add a bit of realism. Oh well, it was awesome over a year ago.

Crys: This looks like one of those rooms you just run through and then forget about it later, so it'd be the perfect room to hide an item.

Black_Falcon: Wins my vote for being so natural despite having the artificial elements. The room itself looks like a painting rather than something made in SMILE. I could say "love this, love that..." about most everything in the room, there's just something about this that appeals to me.

Dmantra: Finally, I think I get how you visualize and design rooms. Hopefully it's a process I'll be able to pick up some more and benefit from. The highlights have to be that green bubble of spilling goo and that column to the right of it. If you want to see what you can throw together with my PurplePuke tileset I'd be more than happy to throw all the stuff I've drawn at you >_>

FullofFail: Solid room, reminds me of Mockingbirdstation, but with a more relaxing palette.

Shadox: Love the glass and the text is a nice touch. Still looks good even though a large part of the room is made of only one block.


Temporus, I choose YOU!



When Metroid and Silent Hill meet... graphics by Webber1900...
