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Room of the Week 2010 - Archives

Started by squishy_ichigo, January 16, 2010, 11:09:07 AM

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my first ever entry, i think im supposed to say INCOMING or something (largeish)


Ehh, just had this room laying around for awhile, the room got nuked, but doesnt mean it has to go to waste. So INCOMING :D


(And yes, I realize the tiling error in the bottom right. Hard to see the dark blue against the black on my monitor.)

Hiroshi Mishima

Wow, lots of entries this week. Maybe if it gets smaller I'll consider entering a room.


Alrighty... I guess I will once again start off the reviews.

Project: I've already told you why I dislike your room but for those not on irc, I will repeat it.  The top portion off the room is too bright. It would do well to have those darker mechanical blocks accent it at the top, and allow a "fade-to-black" effect with the foreground filler.  And at the bottom, I feel you just lackadaisically threw down those dark mechanical blocks, without much thought at all.  Fixing these two things, would make the room much better, imo.

Grime: Excellent palette choice as usual, and the overall structure seems good, but certain details take away.  The thorny vines, seem placed just for the sake of using them, not for any real decor.  Furthermore, in certain places, the Norfairian ruin tiles, just don't look good. All in all, a great room, but lacking in certain areas. For a DS room though, I'd say you did great. :P

Snarf: excellent, truely excellent indeed. This room is so simple, that most will likely overlook it, in favor of rooms like Grimes, but I think its stands out as the room of the week. The palettes really create a dark and eerie atmosphere, which go great with what I assume is a stary background.  Goes to show you, that not only is NES capable of competing with the big dogs of SNES metroid, but that sometimes simple is better.

Phazar: And yet, simple isn't always better. Though this is room is simple, much like Snarfblam's room, its really lacking the atmosphere that makes his room so great. Not to mention the mirroring of tiles on the bottom. :<

SMILEuser96: I've seen this tileset being used more and more these days, some get it right others wrong. This room is somewhere in between.  I believe there is alot of potential here. It has all the qualities of a good room, I just feel its missing something.  Making good use of filler tiles for the foreground would be a great start. :D

stat!k: some parts of the room looks nice, but others reek of "I'm new to SMILE" The natural look you have going for the roof of the left side of the room is one of the great things, along with good use of the filler foreground tiles. I feel the rest of the room is unnatural, and the top right gives off a lethal vapor, that needs instant attention!  Also, the doors.... :/  Overall, it needs some work, but again, I can see the potential there.

Falafel: last but not least, we see the underused Ceres tileset. And for good reason, it really lacks the detail that other tilesets have, making it difficult to make masterfully crafted rooms.  You do a great job with his limiting tileset, as you usually do, but that factor is still there. I feel its the foreground fillers fault (did I mention this in every room this week?) as its simplicity takes away from the complexity you can create with the rest of the tiles at your disposal.  Also, there is a black tile you missed on the right under the stairs. ;D  All in all, I feel that someone needs to make the Ceres tileset "complete" so it can compete with the other tilesets. Good job though. :D


I liked SMILEuser's room, but felt that the central 'island' had one or two bits that looked too square.  I went with snarf.  Sometimes, simple is best. :yay:


Haha, after I voted every second person had two votes each and the rest had none :lol: (2 0 2 0 2 0 2)
(Voted for FoF BTW)


Gonna have to throw my vote to snarfblam again. Very simple room, but with so much changed at the same time that the simplicity doesn't even matter. Looks like something that came straight from an official developer's hand, which is rare.


Quote from: SMILEuser96 on August 03, 2010, 09:22:43 AM
Haha, after I voted every second person had two votes each and the rest had none :lol: (2 0 2 0 2 0 2)
(Voted for FoF BTW)

25% each - I had 2020200, with 33% each. :^_^:

Hiroshi Mishima

Ugh, not exactly looking forwards to having to judge so many entries...

Project 18: That is an interesting use of an elevator room. It appears as though it will lead to three different placed. That seems like something I'd want to explore. Props on that concept, I don't see it very often. Onto some lesser stuff... The elevator ride itself seems like it's rather bland. Mostly repeated patterns with maybe one different layout near the top. For something so lengthy I'd suggest adding a bit "oomph" to it and make it look nicer, perhaps some Zebetites? Also, the background seems really repetitive, maybe mix it up a bit as the pattern stands out way too much. Oh, I almost forgot, you have two rooms in one with that; I like your use of extra space as a new room. I liked the palette you used, and overall the room itself looks pretty decent. I'll let others comment more.

Grime: As usual, I like your room designs. There's a lot of stuff that's behind Samus (though I can't tell how much of it is layer 1 or layer 2) and that keeps the room from getting boring. I like the palette, too. The colours of both the plants and the use of Norfair tiles as something besides lava/heat based. The bodies seem a little lacking, somehow. I guess next to everything else they feel bland, probably cause you're using vanilla? I dunno, I just think they need something.. different. Maybe change the colour of the goo/blood/whatever it is that's sticking to them?

Snarfblam: This is a Metroid 1 room, I believe (as that's your area of expertise), and I think it looks great. The way it appears to be showing stars in the background gives the room an effect that was lacking in the original game. I also quite like your use of colours. It's hard to say anything negative about the room because it genuinely impresses me. Pretty much all your Metroid 1 stuff does.

Phazaar: I think I commented on how much I liked the room in your hack thread. The new doors are appealing, and I love the way you made the Metroid 1 tiles look so interesting and new, which is a great thing since you're making a Metroid-1-esque hack. Metroid 1 was often simple and due to limitations had no backgrounds, therefore I can't exactly say the simplicity of the room or the lack of a background is a bad thing.

SMILEuser: If that's the tileset I think it is, then I know it is rather limited, and I think it's interesting that you would use it to make a new room. I like the cavernous feel to the room. I do, however, find that it feels rather lacking. Either in details or something else, I can not say. I think it could be better, so if you can make improvements, please do so. Regardless it's still a nice looking room.

Stat!k: I don't think I commented much or at all in your thread of this room. I'll say now that I'm not keen on the doors. Something about them just turns me off, I'm sorry, I just don't like them. I think you're relatively new to SMILE/hacking? I'm not sure, but I know you're trying and that's always encouraged. I do think the room in general has a nice flow, although I also feel you could improve upon it in places. Such as that random Speed Booster block, or the lack of plant life. At the moment the room feels too artificial, and by that I mean it doesn't look like it came from the game; it doesn't feel like a natural room compared to others such as SilverSkree or Grime. More details, even just little touches, can greatly boost the way the room feels. Also consider removing the majority of those excess tiles above the room if they're not being used, it takes up less memory, etc. Sorry, just something I've noticed/been told.

FullofFail: ...this room disturbs me greatly. Good job on achieving that. Yes, it is a compliment. I understand the Ceres tileset is clunky and difficult to work with, so I am impressed you pulled off a decent looking room.

Who gets my vote this week? Honestly, I dunno. I think I'll go with Snarf cause I couldn't think of anything bad to say about his room. Phazar cause I liked his room and no one's voted for it yet.


Hmm... I want to go with Grime, but I'll pick Project to make things interesting.


i voted grime, because i've never seen this graphic set - looks awsome so far.

but next time bette not use slopes like this:


you shoul use the slopes like this:

    _ /

your slopes are looking like "endles mountains".

Black Falcon

Okay, time for me to vote within the last few hours of this RotW submission.

Pretty large room. You've proven that the old tourian tileset has truely some more potentials.
I really like your palette choice and creativity.
The only things I'd suggest changing are the green mushrooms and the purple background.
Both colors don't fit together with the rest of the palette at all in my opinion.
You should mix the green with some yellow and grey to get
the optimal blending.
Also I'd like to see a bit more variation in the purple backgound.
But still: great room, literally!

I always liked your awesome abitities to make your rooms look natual and detailed.
However, I don't like to say this at all but I'm a bit dissappointed about your submission this week.
Yes, the palette is great, but I agree with Gunnar that the slopes need some more 'dents'.
The slopes in this room don't look as natual as in other rooms you've created, same with the spikey plants.
Furthermore I agree with Squigo that those Norfair tiles could have been used better.
At the end I can say this room looks good, but it isn't done at all.

Your Metroid editing skills are more than awesome! They are fantastic.
I first thought that the original Metroid would have very limited possibilities, but the entire opposite of this
is you!
You seem to pull the hell and the real beauty out of a game that is older than most of us, but still kickass!
Great work!
Nothin' more to say.

Nice room and it's very interesting how you've put tiles together to create this well known M1 feeling.
The doors really fit into this atmosphere, too.
Everything else has already been said.

I see you've chosen a tileset that makes editing harder than most of the other tilesets, but
I also see that you've managed to build a really cave-like looking room.
There's just one thing:
In my opinion you should try to play around with the palette a little bit, but it's just a suggestion.


It's a very basic room with some tile errors, but they're not worth being mentioned.
About the doors:
:nope: < I think this explains it pretty well
Everything else looks fine, but still needs a lot more work.

Like the others said before, Ceres has a lack of details, but your room
looks awesome!
The idea of the dead bodies in the screens is just pure genius!
(And I haven't seen this tile error at the right stairway :wink:)

All in all it was a great submission nonetheless.
It's really hard to decide between Snarfblam and FoF, but
I voted for FoF because of pure Ceres awesomeness.


I'll try my hand at this...

I'm sort of working on a Mini hack to learn about Smile. This was my first version of the landing site... I've been tweaking with it for a week now. I meant to upload this for last week, but by the time I was done with it, the site was down for the rest of the weekend... :cry:


(I just noticed several tile errors after uploading it.... :mad:)

EDIT: Yay! :yay: I found a back up that I forgot I had, So I fixed the few tile errors I saw and posted a new image.


Quote from: SM_Fan122
(I just noticed several tile errors after uploading it.... :mad:)
Fix and reupload it? :D


Quote from: Zhs2 on August 07, 2010, 05:48:28 PM
Quote from: SM_Fan122
(I just noticed several tile errors after uploading it.... :mad:)
Fix and reupload it? :D

I would love too, but I've already modified the room, so it doesn't look the same (I'm currently learning how to use custom tiles, so the room isn't ready yet...)


My RotW


My room for the week:


EDIT: Fixed it, you should see it now.


Ya broke it, webber. :P

Might post a room this week, but I don't know...

And my god, that room...

* Shadox dies from the sexy-ness.


Damn, webbers room is sexy as fuck! :3

Silver Skree

Verily; I daresay it trumps the past several entries I've seen from Grime in terms of Grime-esque sexiness.


Rooms like that make me wonder why I try to make my rooms look good when they will not compare visually to the things put out by these amazing artists.


really feelin' webbers room so far. nice use of layers and theme.


Wow, the one week I finally post my own room here, And I have to go up against Webber's room...  :pale: All I can say is total awesome. and might that be a metroid egg I see on the mid right of the room, or is that just a flower that hasn't bloomed?
