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Super Metroid Rotation Hack [Beta]

Started by Smiley, January 01, 2016, 04:59:18 PM

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Gotcha.  I'm having a great time with this. 

I had a little trouble with the ninja pirates.  I kept accidentally opening the door and falling out of the room.

Edit:  Finished it with 95%.  Skipped a missile pack or two in Lower Norfair and didn't feel like going back and didn't attempt the Maridia one.  Not sure which others I missed.  This is a brilliant idea and I don't know why I waited so long to play it.  It's fascinating how certain rooms/bosses/objectives are made easier and others harder.  It made something familiar feel fresh and new.  I didn't encounter any errors to my knowledge (played B11).   It was tough at times but, for the most part if one is competent at wall jumping, its very manageable. 


Dropbox is bad so all the download links are broken. But, there's an attachment down there so no worries! It's still B11 though, so no actual updating has happened.


What's the best emulator can I use?


"so no actual updating has happened."



Quote from: Unoriginal_John on March 20, 2017, 06:28:04 AM
What's the best emulator can I use?
This is entirely subjective, and people generally look for either accuracy or personal preference. Popular options include the more recent Higan or BizHawk, and many still use older emulators like ZSNES or snes9x.


Under no circumstance should you ever use ZSNES. End of story. It can be exploited in a way that lets others harm your PC.

I like to use Snes9x, though that is just personal opinion.


On the other hand, ZSNES has rewind, and a bad ass interface, making it my emulator of choice


Higan is the best if your computer can run it. It has high system requirements and is slightly more complicated to setup (you cannot just play a smc/sfc rom iirc), instead you 'load' it into the emulator's files. This emulator also has the advantage of having the least input lag and is the most accurate (runs at the correct frame rate).

Bizhawk is pretty similar to Higan, mainly used for tassing but can be used normally.

Snes9x has much lower system requirements than the above two and has very high accuracy and can be used on a lot of platforms, however it runs at a slightly lower framerate (59.94fps vs 60.09fps i think). This emulator also has the most input lag but is easy to use and is the 'go to' emulator for most people when starting out.

ZSNES is inaccurate, doesn't emulate lag so games run too fast, isn't updated anymore afaik and can be exploited. It used to be good but now shouldn't really be used under any circumstances.

I'd recommend Higan if your computer can run it, if not Snes9x.

Hope that helps.


I never heard of a ZSNES exploit, and for the purposes of playing hacks and having fun, accurate emulation is a pedantism


There is an exploit in ZSNES that allows arbitrary code execution (in theory, a ROM could deliver a virus), but just don't download ROMs or patches from russian porn sites and I expect you'll be fine. If you want to play some SM and you know who you're getting your patches from and you're not racing and you prefer ZSNES, I'd question your taste, but there's really nothing wrong with using it.


I'm pretty sick of hearing people say 'zsnes shouldn't be used under any circumstances'. People can use any god damn emulator they want, zsnes will run games perfectly fine most of the time, and it has an interface that is imo substantially better than snes9x/Higan/etc.
As for the exploit, I agree with snarf. Don't download a shady ROM and you'll be fine. It's not like there's a ton of people out there trying to distribute Roms through an exploit in the less popular emulator.
That all being said, there's a really simple compromise that I personally use. An emulator called ZMZ is essentially the backend code of snes9x 1.50 and the front end interface/controls/features of zsnes. It runs just fine, presumably doesn't have an exploit, and it looks and feels exactly like zsnes, which makes me happy.


Any chance the randomizer will become available again at any point?


Here it is:
Clicky clicky
This still uses an ancient version of Rotation so keep that in mind.


I've replayed this on B11 after a year or so. Still great. The area I reported earlier in lower Norfair is fixed and climbing out of the Wrecked Ship and the Bombs room felt a lot easier than I remember. Not having to rely on infinite bomb jumping was a godsend.

I did get stuck in a few early rooms (Brinstar, blarg) so had to save/reload out of that and come back later. Not a bug, just the door locks behind you if you don't kill everyone in the room.

One bug I did find was in lower Maridia where the ground/wall looks like you can go inside it. You can't, but there's an edge very near there where I fell through the floor in ball mode. I tried to get out and somehow sunk a little bit further and I was very stuck inside the wall. I'll try and post a screenshot later; I know this description of the area isn't very good. It's near where the super missile wall has been removed.

Curious - what's the best way into Maridia using this hack? There's so many ways to get around it. I went the wrong way up the quicksand.


Not sure of what maridia room you are talking about but in brinstar the only grey door is the one above early supers room, which you can kill all then enemies to get out. Afaik there are no softlocks in rotation now. It's impossible to get stuck anywhere so there should be no reason to reset.


Here's the spot in Maridia where I got stuck in the wall, I was able to easily do it again. Note that you get stuck by morph balling in from the top, not the side.

I wasn't stuck-stuck in that Brinstar room (it is the one near early supers) but to kill the last bad guy you need to be able to bomb the block at the top which was incredibly difficult early in the game without the screw attack. I don't know how it's done aside from heavy persistence, and you're locked in until you figure it out and kill it.


This might be too much work/not possible but I think it would be HILARIOUS if [spoiler]the planet explosion and end credits were rotated.[/spoiler]


Has anyone tried this hack on real hardware?  I tried using a Powerpak to do so, but I get a "bad header" error and the game won't load.


Quote from: cafink on June 09, 2018, 03:46:25 AM
Has anyone tried this hack on real hardware?  I tried using a Powerpak to do so, but I get a "bad header" error and the game won't load.

The patch is for an unheadered rom, so that is likely your issue. A quick google search should yield a compatible rom.

You want a size of 3072kB, instead of 3073kB (Prior to patching, of course)


Thanks for your help.  Unfortunately, I double-checked the ROM I used, and it was indeed 3072kB.  The patch appears to have been applied with no issues, and the ROM plays just fine in an emulator.


Using an SNES ROM utility, I added an empty header to the patched rom.  This time, the Powerpak reported that it had a "bad header or file size," but then the game loaded.  I played it for about 15 minutes, and didn't notice anything amiss.  Thanks again for your help!


I just got to the statue room and saw only Kraid and Draygon statues. Is this a glitch on my part or does this hack seriously make the other two optional?


It's because two of the statues are sprites and the other two are background tiles. As a result, the coordinates for the missing ones aren't right. All bosses are still required.


Very nice hack :D
Hope you will get Ceres rotation at last :D


[spoiler]I made a TAS of this hack
please support me :D