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Crys's shitty super metroid guide(s) to hacking super metroid!

Started by Lunaria, May 25, 2013, 09:41:58 AM

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Did I mention it covers super metroid? :V

Anyhow, I finally got my hoof out of my ass to start making this.... and three and a half hour later I'm throughly satisfied with not only making the worst guide ever but also making an ass out of myself and totally ruining the reputation I don't have! :D

In case you want to start super metroid hacking and have a few hours to waste, feel free to watch: Part 1 [noembed]Part 2[/noembed]


thanks for this, i'll watch the rest of it later when i have more time. :)



I'm also watching this a little at a time.  If you're after any suggestions, I can only thnk of two right now (from the forty minutes I've watched):

1. Try to sound more interested in what it is you're trying to teach.  There were a few moments in the video where it sounded like you were telling me to just do whatever, because you don't care.

2. It would have been nice if you'd actually touched on the very basics of SMILE usage.  What the mouse buttons do, what shortcut keys are useful, any useful tricks, the menus, setting up an emulator for testing, what the clipboard is, etc.  As it stands at the moment, the video feels a little like it should be the second in a series, rather than the beginning.


hmmm, well, the first video actually does cover such things, I believe I did them when they came up as relevant.

And to answer your first complaint, the reason I do not sound interested might have something to do with that I'm not!  :D!:
I have no doubt that there are way more qualified people to make tutorials for the editor and super metroid hacking in general. But so far I have not really seen many that are good or very up to date; Which is why I made this in the first place! Hopefully someone may come along and pick up the torch and be a bit better.

Anyhow, it was kinda hard to have something interesting to say at all times due to the length. It just takes a certain amount of time for me to do the stuff in the editor and focusing on both that as well as explaining things on the same time takes a lot. Did I mention I run this without a script? Yeah, fuck scripts! (If I were to wait for myself to write a script this would never be made!) That being said, part 2 I went in with at least some more plans on what I was going to cover. :p
