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Room of the Week 2011 - Archives

Started by Phazar, January 02, 2011, 09:01:30 PM

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I have definitely figured out to vote for in rotw ;)


Gonna be entering soon with a room of my own. I need some time to get it ready, and hi sadi!  :grin:

EDIT: [spoiler=Done!][/spoiler]



Silverpaw84: Nice room and all, but your background lacks designs. The area in the top's layer2 is too uniform, not enough variation. The lower half has better, but still needs some variation. If you want, you can try drawing up some different underwater BG tiles. Just a suggestion. Other than that, it's pretty good. [7/10]

Vaelstrom: Needs more detail in the filler tiles, and the stalactites need to be recolored. Other than that, it's a decent room. Just not feeling it. [6/10]

SadiztykFish: Oh my god, this room is the best I've ever seen. Your tiles flow like the wind. You obviously know what you're doing. I found no errors in this room. PERFECT. A MASTERPIECE. [100/10]

JamieWebb16: This room is pretty cool too. I love the little cracks in the filler. Your doors seem out of place, though. They're so bright, and then you have this dark scenery. The background is a little repetitive, but still looks nice. [9/10]

Voted Sadiztyk for having quite possibly the best room I've ever seen in SM.
What did I tell you?[/spoiler]


silverpaw: Not bad. Good FG detail and some small little details I noticed that got me to enjoy this room. Nice and open room design/layout. I can definitely tell that this is a room that requires Gravity Suit. BG detail up top is a little bland and for being underwater Crateria, the bottom BG detail is very good.

Vaelstrom: I like it. It's got a good flow. Detail's not too much and the mixed tilesets helps that. Great multilayering. My only gripe is the doors are a tad bright and the stalagmites(?) are off color.

Scyzer (AKA Sadiztyk): Hello. The simplicity is there and the colors are so monochrome it's beautiful! Detail and room layout are bland. Great roke joom though! :D

JamieWebb: Wow. o.o Detail HEAVY. Great use of multiple tilesets and gorgeous detail. However, I feel like the detail is overwhelming and unless you have some [important] item hidden off to the bottom right, that bit of the room seems to serve no apparent layout purpose. Doors are a tad bright as well.

Hard choices... hard choices... overall, I have to go with Vaelstrom.


Scyzer (AKA Sadiztyk): Hello. The simplicity is there and the colors are so monochrome it's beautiful! Detail and room layout are bland. Great roke joom though! :D

Joke room? I'm offended.... This room is a serious room in my hack...

Black Falcon

Quote from: Scyzer on September 07, 2011, 10:27:16 PM
Scyzer (AKA Sadiztyk): Hello. The simplicity is there and the colors are so monochrome it's beautiful! Detail and room layout are bland. Great roke joom though! :D

Joke room? I'm offended.... This room is a serious room in my hack...
Lol, so you're going to put easter eggs in your hack, too? :heheh:


Lol, so you're going to put easter eggs in your hack, too? :heheh:
All games need easter eggs!


Busy busy busy week. This is all I can do. I know it's not much, took half an hour... It's more of a partial room, seemed like a good idea ath the time   [spoiler][/spoiler]Hinting at my current project


Let me gues... It's called Silvertroid?


Quote from: Parabox on September 10, 2011, 04:47:19 PM
Let me gues... It's called Silvertroid?
:pale: How did I miss that? I corrupted the palette I was using, and forgot to re apply it... While making an entire room... In three different colors... Wow, that's embarrassing :blush:


Time for me to enter again! >:3
Also the blue parts of the room is supposed to be phazon.


New RotW, with displeasing rooms that need work.

Silverpaw84: I don't like how the color palette is set up. There's no contrast, it's just silver. You need some form of contrast or else the palette just gets boring. Also, there's not that much detail to this room. Sure, you have those rocks and some kind of metroid mock-up(?), but it needs variety. Other than this, it's an okay room. 5/10.

JamieWebb16 0/10 You stole my winnings last time. I don't see much detail either. I mean, sure you've got different times, but it looks kinda bland. The more I look at the phazon the uglier it gets, and, as cool as Grime's tilesets are, are kinda getting less and less awesome to me. You get my vote, but because I'm a nice bastard who gives his votes out to he better room, not in so much good rooms. Also, boss rooms for RotW isn't my idea of a good call. Just my $0.02. 6/10.


Haha, I'm not voting on any one of them since both are pretty shit. could use a bit more work.

Silver: The room design is okay, but this looks like the middle of a room rather then the whole room, which makes it hard to comment on it. And I believe you've put up brightness level in SMILE, or so I would guess. Either way though, I recommend reworking the palette.

Jamie: It's like grime's tiles meets palette work out of Eris, excuse me while I go gauge my eyeballs out. Room design is pretty plane and basic, but considering it's a boss room it works just like it should I'll assume.


Quote from: Crys on September 13, 2011, 04:01:21 PM
Silver: The room design is okay, but this looks like the middle of a room rather then the whole room, which makes it hard to comment on it. And I believe you've put up brightness level in SMILE, or so I would guess. Either way though, I recommend reworking the palette.
Yea it was just a quickie, I didn't expect anything from the room, I just felt creative. The brightness was up due to a previous room I was working on, didn't notice. The palette is different, I was in the middle of working on two different ones, and that was the one I didn't get back to (GFX set 6 was done, that was GFX 5)...

Also, [spoiler] 100 Posts![/spoiler]


After not touching SMILE for some time, I decided to try my hand with Crateria. For the first time in many, many months. It turned out pretty good.


SMILEuser96: Nice room. My favorite part is the bridge, but it doesn't look like Samus can reach the door without spinjumping/morphball. Slopes are stupid like that sometimes. The (gravel blocks?) could use some slopes on them to not look as blocky, and leaving blank areas always got under my skin for some reason, even though you would never see it in-game. One of the few rooms I've seen that actually uses the bubbly rocks normally used in backgrounds as a filler. Some spots work, some don't.

: Way too many stars and not a good use of fade-out tiles. Chozo statues foot does not look right with the slope. Brick pillar looks strange on the top, but I like how it looks like it is built into the hill. The statue-thingy at the bottom was completely random. I was trying to build a hill or something, and wound up with half of that, then mirrored it and added a top.


SMILEuser96: Good use of the fading tiles. The bigger rock cluster tiles on the left there kinda look too square, and unnatural. The black rock tiles seem kinda... slim.  I always have a tendency to visually apply how gravity would affect these things, and it seems like it'd break and fall in most places. But that's more of a opinionated type thing.

silverpaw84: This is aesthetically pleasing. I know this is Grime's tileset, but I've never messed with it so it's hard to really comment on it, and the different ways it could be used. You mentioned shading, that'd be a nice addition too. I always have a grudge against floating platforms though, but that's 100% my opinion, and would never judge based on that.

Hmm, overall, I'll give it to Silver. It just has more of a natural tile-placement vibe. Very jagged and unpredictable, just like cliffs should be.


Yay my first win


As per my usual, I pasted the enemies in. This room is a "security checkpoint". No, I will not say what that green thing is above the dead guy... It's not too hard to figure out anyways...[/spoiler]


Frmo Rebuild, which is dead, but I figured why not. I always liked this room anyways.


[spoiler=MetroidMst Special][/spoiler]

My first real attempt at layering. Took me forever to build this room and get the top and bottom to my liking. The middle went pretty fast after I figured out what I was doing.


Hey guys... Voting is locked.... Not that its much of a competition this round, but still...


So if I vote, I'm a pretty girl?!
I don't want to be a shemale, so I'm not gonna vote.

Screw that, MMst gets my vote.


Silverpaw84: Good amount of detail, but nothing special. The purple is a bit much, but in game it is dulled down with "dark room" FX. I love the elevator concept  :^_^:

Person701: Some things I like about this room: CRE pipe connectors, fresh slopes (reminds me of redesign), all pipes and walkways are connected to the rocks by [generic CRE block], overall room has a nice look and flow, which I personally find rather difficult in 1-square rooms

QuoteTook me forever to build this room and get the top and bottom to my liking.
IT SHOWS. As somebody who has used the SoAlien tileset, albeit only for one RotW, I can see the level of detail you put into this, as well as how difficult/time consuming it was. I absolutely LOVE the...stuff... twisting around the pillars, as well as the interlacing you did at the bottom, middle spike pit. The filler tiles at the very top are a bit blah, but they still don't look too generic. There are a lot of aspects of this room that I wouldn't have expected to look good together, but you pulled it off beautifully. This room reminds me of something we might see in Metroid1, with SM graphics. Great job!

Vote goes to MetroidMst