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A day in the life of...

Started by Parabox, November 01, 2010, 02:07:38 PM

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Hey MetConst,

I had a nice little idea for a topic. For a month long, each day a post will be made for that or the previous day, a point of discussion. Each post will be made by a different member, and if we're short on members, then two or three days is optional, with a good amount of space between them.

Onto what is actually done. As the topic's title suggest, a member describes a day in their life, from first, or whatever other perspective. This way the community gets to know everyone a bit better, and bonds more. Or so I hope.

For each month there will be a list of who is going to do a (certain) day, done the month before. This list will be build up by PMs to me, or whoever is going to take responsibility on them, or just posts.

Let me hear what you all think, I hope you all like my idea for this little social experiment.

- Parabox


Thats actually not a bad idea, interesting ... I'll post a day in the life of me here, but not sure when.. :neutral: hmm.. maybe tomorrow.  :yay:

But for now, You need to do a barrel roll. :nod:

Silver Skree

[spoiler]The fuck is that thumping bass outside again? Damn neighbors. What time is it? The sun outside the window is really bright.

5 more minutes...

I decide I better get up

I throw my sheets aside, lift myself to a sitting position on the bedside, and take a minute for my blood to get going vertically and wake up some. The house is probably empty. After a few seconds, I stand up and walk to the kitchen. As usual, the house is, indeed, empty. The reason I walked to the kitchen before I dressed myself was because I heard the sink dripping and it was pissing me off, so I went to tighten the knobs.

I decide I should dress myself because I'm feeling a bit chilly standing there in the kitchen stark-naked. I head back to my room and gather some clothes to don. My usual underwear, blue jeans, and a white T-shirt. Refreshing.

I switch on the power strip plugged into a UPS at the foot of my desk to which the extraneous things at my desk, such as the lava lamp and stereo system, are plugged into. My laptop is plugged directly into the UPS; it and my external drive stay on 24/7 for torrent-seeding purposes. I open my laptop. It's 2 PM. Tell Winamp up to start playing, and pull up IRC for my nick change.

* Sleeping_Skree is now known as Silver_Skree
np: Harmony - F-Zero The Freedom of Zero OC ReMix

Oh yeah, good song. Cue sing-along. I'm pleasantly surprised that I'm able to sing as well as I am, now.

I take a moment to greet the members of #sr388 and have a look at #metconst. Looks like a netsplit just happened. Nobody's talking. Whatever. How's my Email? I posted another few episodes of Pikmin just before I crashed last night. That was Day 5. I should have a few comments on it by now. Thunderbird notifies me of two. One of those reads, "@AerialBlast damn im srry but the "feeeeeeeeeed the onion" part scared the crap out of me"

np: 3-08 Chrono Trigger - Undersea Palace

This makes me grin to myself, and I'm satisfied to know that my silly choice of video editing has now payed off with the slight amusement I get from that comment.

Let's check the forums. The MetConst forums, of course. They're the only one I really visit regularly.

np: 3-10 Chrono Trigger - Wings That Cross Time

After browsing for a few minutes, I'm reminded of this topic, and I make the decision to seize today to write about and write this post up to this point. While I was writing this post, I pause my music and the thought occurs to me that I should put on some deodorant. I remembered something else I should do while I was writing this as well, but I've forgotten what it was. No matter, I'm sure I'll remember later.

Deodorant: check. Cereal too. Frosted Flakes, fuck yeah. I decide to loop Wings That Cross Time, and sit around watching #sr388 while I nom my cereal away. Looks like a netsplit just happened.

[14:40:41] * ChanServ removes channel operator status from Silver_Skree
[14:40:42] <Black_Falcon> It always makes my comp beep for no reason....
[14:40:47] <GF_Kennon> ow
[14:40:48] <Black_Falcon> O_o
[14:41:23] <Black_Falcon> they came back exactly when I hit enter....
[14:41:41] * squishy_ichigo is now known as Guest756648974
[14:41:41] -NickServ- This nickname has been registered; you may not use it.  Your nickname is now being changed to Guest756648978.
[14:41:41] * You are now known as Guest756648978
[14:43:46] <Guest756648978> the fuck?
[14:43:52] * You are now known as Silver_Skree
[14:43:52] -NickServ- This nickname is registered and protected.  If it is your nickname, type /msg NickServ IDENTIFY password.  Otherwise, please choose a different nickname.
[14:43:52] -NickServ- If you do not change your nickname within one minute, it will be changed automatically.
[14:43:55] * Silver_Skree sets mode +r Silver_Skree
[14:43:55] -NickServ- Password accepted -- you are now recognized.
[14:43:55] * ChanServ gives channel operator status to Silver_Skree
[14:46:13] * Silver_Skree np: 3-10 Chrono Trigger - Wings That Cross Time

Wait a second. Was that the phone? I pause my music. That was the phone. Damnit, what now? Run and get it...
"Hi... Mr. [last name omitted]?"
No, he's not here right now.
"Okay, thank you."
You're welcome.

Back at my desk. Nothing happened on IRC.

np: Choro Club Feat. Senoo - Kare Teno "Ps2 Aria The Natural ~Tooi Kioku No Mirage~ Original Soundtrack"

np: Dale North - Persona Satomi Tadashi Northside Rx OC ReMix ""

Time passes while I sit and eat my cereal. This song amuses me; I've never heard it before. Go figure; Dale North.

[14:50:14] -mr_flea- Our apologies for the splits, our trans-atlantic link was having some major problems. Datacenter personnel have addressed the issue, no more netsplits should be following.
[14:50:26] <GF_Kennon> waaaaaaaait for it
[14:50:34] <mr_flea> PYYYYYYYYYYY
[14:50:42] <GF_Kennon> this is where it all explodes
[14:51:26] <PY> D:]
[14:52:32] <mr_flea> 12:49:47 [esper] -mr_flea( Our apologies for the splits, our trans-atlantic link was having some major problems. Datacenter personnel have addressed the issue, no more netsplits
[14:52:36] <mr_flea>           should be following.
[14:52:39] <mr_flea> 12:49:47 [esper] -[USER INFO REMOVED]- I'm currently not here, your message has been logged.
[14:52:42] <mr_flea> FUCK YOU PY YOU STARTED THIS >:|
[14:52:46] * Silver_Skree np: 2-12 Final Fantasy 5 - The Book of Sealings
[14:53:03] <PY> ;_;
[14:53:24] <Silver_Skree> nom nom cereal

Now Shuffle segues into random music in those 23 gigs of Touhou I decided to torrent.

np: ãŠCƒAƒŠƒXŒ¶žÙ'c - Incomplete Plot "›ôžÙ'c,Ì—ðŽj,P@` Akyu's Untouched Score vol.1"

Yeah okay whatever. The music is pretty alright, I guess. My cereal is going to be done in a minute, so I start drinking the milk.

[14:56:56] <PY> !load picture
[14:56:56] * Syniphas ( has joined #sr388
[14:56:57] <OMGbot> Reloaded picture successfully!
[14:56:58] * ChanServ gives voice to Syniphas
[14:57:02] <PY> !picture mr_flea -search dongs
[14:57:03] <OMGbot>
[14:57:12] <PY> there it is
[14:57:16] <PY> it is quite small :(
[14:58:07] <GF_Kennon> !picture James -search rape
[14:58:09] <OMGbot>
[14:58:23] <PY> ._.
[14:59:01] <Syniphas> !picture Syniphas -search what
[14:59:02] <OMGbot>
[14:59:04] * Silver_Skree np: Golden City Factory - ????????? ~ Fate of Sixty Years "???????? MAXIMUM TUNE ?"
[14:59:18] <GF_Kennon> hahaha

Cereal's all done. I go put the bowl in the kitchen sink. I'll wash it later.

Mmm. Stomach's all full of cereal. What to do now. Eh, let's rewatch my own pikmin episodes. I never did watch the ones I uploaded last night completely on youtube, and I usually do that just to be sure everything is in working order.

Just as I go to do that, I'm beeped. What now...? Wow, I missed a bit while typing this.

[14:59:25] <GF_Kennon> one of Syniphas' most said word
[14:59:28] <GF_Kennon> what
[14:59:29] <GF_Kennon> xD
[14:59:31] <Syniphas> what
[15:00:14] <mr_flea> 12:56:45 <@PY> there it is
[15:00:14] <mr_flea> 12:56:49 <@PY> it is quite small :(
[15:00:20] <mr_flea> that's what she sai :(
[15:00:23] <mr_flea> *said
[15:00:26] <PY> :(
[15:00:33] <GF_Kennon> !picture James -search dragon
[15:00:35] <OMGbot>
[15:00:42] <PY> !picture mr_flea -search that's what she said
[15:00:44] <OMGbot>
[15:00:51] <mr_flea> it pings me every time a link to is posted
[15:00:54] <mr_flea> you guys are jerks :(
[15:00:55] <PY> yeah
[15:00:57] <PY> it pings me too
[15:01:02] <mr_flea> I hope it does
[15:01:03] <mr_flea> jerk
[15:01:06] <PY> I really should have thought it through before doing it :(
[15:01:09] <PY> it's really annoying :(
[15:01:22] <Syniphas> thankfully i have a highlight ignore list
[15:01:24] <PY> !alias pic chain picture $*$ | bitly
[15:01:25] <OMGbot> Alias successful.
[15:01:30] <PY> !pic mr_flea -search dongs
[15:01:32] <OMGbot>
[15:01:35] <Syniphas> that's one of the advantages of writing your own highlight script
[15:03:02] * Green-Kirby Pokes Silver_Skree with a long stick (ouchings done: 245)
[15:03:13] <Green-Kirby>,23.msg14433.html#msg14433
[15:03:14] <OMGbot> Title: Official Sig Image/Avatar Topic (at
[15:03:34] <Silver_Skree> god damnit why do you beep me like this :|
[15:03:41] <Green-Kirby> see thread
[15:04:58] <Silver_Skree> ew, the sides are clipped
[15:05:10] <Black_Falcon> <OMGbot> << does this 'pic' show how often somebody said those words?
[15:05:11] <OMGbot> Target URL:
[15:05:19] <Black_Falcon> or what?

Ahhh, tab away! Must not get caught up in IRC right now! I wanted to watch Pikmin. Gonna go do that now.

While I watch/listen, I grab the URLs and go to paste them in my LP topic here.

......... [3:10 PM]

Ehh, I grow tired of watching my own videos. Nothing of significance happening in IRC. Let's check my Youtube subscriptions.

Oh yeah, there's more raocow! I'll watch him later when I need a boost. Eppy posted more Dependence...
OOOooooh! paulsoaresjr has uploaded a thing... Minecraft Survival Camp.

Well, let's watch that, and then I'll watch EP's updates.


Okay, I'm being beeped on IRC and youtube isn't buffering fast enough. This is slightly irritating. What do they want?

[15:14:54] <LadyIcy|Lunch> why piiiipe whyyyyyyyyyy
[15:15:07] <PY> did skree take that down? Because that was Pretty Hilarious
[15:15:12] <LadyIcy|Lunch> no
[15:15:14] <GF_Kennon> !laser $R$
[15:15:15] * OMGbot has kicked LadyIcy|Lunch from #sr388 (pew pew pew)
[15:15:15] * LadyIcy|Lunch ( has joined #sr388
[15:15:22] <LadyIcy|Lunch> o,o
[15:15:28] <LadyIcy|Lunch> dun work
[15:15:31] <LadyIcy|Lunch> muahaha
[15:15:31] <PY> D:
[15:15:37] <Black_Falcon> !timebomb $R$
[15:15:37] <OMGbot> 10 (you still have some time)
[15:15:38] <OMGbot> 9
[15:15:39] <OMGbot> 8 (time is running!)
[15:15:40] <PY> oh god
[15:15:40] <OMGbot> 7
[15:15:41] <OMGbot> 6
[15:15:42] <OMGbot> 6
[15:15:43] <Black_Falcon> uh oh....
[15:15:43] <LadyIcy|Lunch> rofl
[15:15:43] <OMGbot> 6
[15:15:44] <OMGbot> 6 (time is err----
[15:15:45] <OMGbot> brzzzzzz....
[15:15:49] <LadyIcy|Lunch> LOL
[15:15:51] <PY> uh oh
[15:15:59] <PY> mentalguy is like the gatekeeper to the internet :(
[15:16:11] <Black_Falcon> ...
[15:16:16] <LadyIcy|Lunch> !click
[15:16:17] <OMGbot> *click*
[15:16:18] <Black_Falcon> !timebomb $U$
[15:16:19] <OMGbot> 10 (you still have some time)
[15:16:20] <OMGbot> 9
[15:16:21] <OMGbot> 8 (time is running!)
[15:16:22] <OMGbot> 7
[15:16:23] <OMGbot> 6
[15:16:24] <OMGbot> 6
[15:16:24] <LadyIcy|Lunch> o.o
[15:16:25] <OMGbot> 6
[15:16:26] <OMGbot> 6 (time is err----
[15:16:27] <OMGbot> brzzzzzz....
[15:16:28] * Black_Falcon ( has joined #sr388
[15:16:29] * ChanServ gives channel operator status to Black_Falcon
[15:16:33] <LadyIcy|Lunch> roflll

christ shut up would you

bah, the videos should be buffered better now. Let's try watching again.

..........[3:52 PM]

Okay, I watched up to part 10 in EP's updates. I'll save the rest for later. Time to hang around in IRC for a while.

np: Levo Lution - 3rd Floor (Original Mix) "Tranquilize"

...And get caught up in my music. Cue desk-drumming.

[15:55:19] <Silver_Skree> !picture
[15:55:21] <OMGbot>
[15:55:41] <PY> use pic plz
[15:55:52] <Silver_Skree> ?
[15:55:57] <PY> !pic
[15:55:58] <OMGbot>
[15:56:05] <PY> no operation difference, just doesn't beep me :P
[15:56:25] <Silver_Skree> oh, lol
[15:57:09] <GF_Kennon> Silver_Skree, how much progress has been made on that singalong thing
[15:57:26] <Silver_Skree> GF_Kennon: absolutely none
[15:57:39] <GF_Kennon> :|
[15:57:50] <PY> Productive_Skree
[15:57:52] <PY> wait
[15:57:53] <PY> no
[15:57:56] <PY> !s P Unp
[15:57:57] <OMGbot> <PY> Unproductive_Skree
[15:57:59] <PY> that's better
[15:58:13] <Silver_Skree> Hey, I post Pikmin >_>;;
[15:59:44] <GF_Kennon> Does anyone remember that video on other M
[15:59:54] <GF_Kennon> the review on it thats really fast and in that cartoon thing
[16:01:46] * Green-Kirby has quit (Ping timeout: 180 seconds)
[16:01:47] <Silver_Skree> oh
[16:01:52] <Silver_Skree> Zero Punctuation
[16:01:55] <Silver_Skree> yeah, hang on
[16:02:06] <Silver_Skree>
[16:02:07] <OMGbot> Title: The Escapist : Video Galleries : Zero Punctuation : Metroid Other M (at

Now I start watching Zero Punctuation.

...[4:19 PM]

My dad pops in and says hi. I'm still watching Zero Punctuation. He hangs in the doorway for a moment, slightly amused, and then walks off.
You get the idea. This is my average day. Plus some intermittent minecraft, video recording and editing, and skype conversations. I need to find another job.


[spoiler]11.30. I wake up, blissfully fuzzy from the great night's rest I just had. I roll over a bit a nap a little more, then decide to get out.
I go downstairs to find my dad vacuuming, and I notice a cup on my computer table. My computer's in the kitchen, plus I have one of those office chairs now, so the little distance between me and the fridge can be crossed with little to no effort. Great advantage.
The cup's too big to be full of coffee, as we have a Senseo. It's only half warm, and I complain about this to my dad. I warm it up in my microwave, and drink it before I finally decide to get going with my PC.
First I check my email, and am satisfied to see a new hentai picture posted by Sparrow. As soon as my dad's upstairs, I check it out, and am pleased to see Sparrow on top of his game.
Steam notifies me it has updated my Team Fortress 2 Beta, and I decide to check if re-downloading The Hidden might fix it. I am reminded of another mod, SMOD, and decide to look it up.
The forum tells me of new posts, including the one of Silver Skree above. I'm glad to see this little idea of mine going into working and decide to add my own to it as well.
I boot up IRC to see nothing of real importance is going on. Even the busiest channel I'm in is kind of quiet.
Searching the interwebs for SMOD, I am also reminded of a whole lot of other mods. At this rate my hard drive was going to be full of them.
I decide to also get MINVERVA: Metastasis, the sequel to Someplace Else. Remind me to get that when I finally get Half-Life 1.
Reading through the page for Metastasis, it seems the Mac update has raped many a mods anally. Luckily, Metastasis is fixed. Hidden probably isn't, as the latest version is 4b en it's discontinued.
SMOD is unfindable. Oh well, I'll have to wait and buy GMOD then. Adds about the same stuff, and more.
Looking for other HL2 mods, I find the trailer for Beyond Black Mesa, and am happy to not have to watch it through the Steam browser. Ugh, my half-an-hour download of course makes the video buffer veeeerrrryyyyyyyy slllllllooooooowwwwllyyyy.
Oh great. Embedded at 720p. Yeah, that ought to lengthen the buffering. Set it to 360p and enjoyed it. Remember, the r-right mannnn i-nn the wrong placecan make allllll the difference-e in the world.
I decide getting Minerva is enough for now, as all other mods on ModDb seems shit.
I play my guitar a bit, but still can't do full songs. I should start learning chords.
I am in fact a terrible planner. Especially when it comes to games.
Currently, I believe my list goes Minerva -> HL2 -> EP1 -> EP2 -> Portal -> Morrowind + Tribunal + Bloodmoon + Tamriel Rebuilt 1 + 2 -> Ultimate Doom -> Doom 2 -> Final Doom (both) -> Doom 64 -> HeXen -> Heretic -> HeXen Deathkings -> Fallout 1 -> Fallout 2 -> Duke Nukem 3D -> Everything else.
Maybe if I were to Let's Play them... Nah, too crappy a computer.
I wanna make lunch, but shoppings haven't been done yet. My best buddy is at theater troupe and my best budette/somewhat romantic interest is probably hanging over from a wild, parentless party at one of her friends, so I won't be seeing her today. The rest of my day is probably gonna mainly consist of video games.

Chat is dead.

MSN is dead.

Friends are away.

Dad out shopping.

Forever alone in the snow.

Decided to hit my own topic up, so peeps can get into it.


CAUTION!  Lots of text, but it's a worthwhile read, I promise! :^_^:

Thought I'd entertain you all with a day in the life of me.  I'm going for a weekday here, as my weekends vary so wildly.

[spoiler]I wake at about 8:30, and begin my carved-in-stone routine - getting ready to go to work:
I grab my socks out of the drawer, sit back on the bed, don the socks, head to the bathroom, take a whizz, wash my hands, do my hair with a little gel, grab my trousers off the floor (where I took them off - easier to find!) and put them on, grab my shirt from the back of the door and put it on, tuck my shirt in, and then yank my belt tight, as I can't be bothered to do my trousers up yet.  I then head downstairs, grab a packet of crisps and a can of whatever to put in my work bag for my 'elevenses'.  I then grab a bowl, and pour in some cereal - whichever one takes my fancy on the day, add some sugar, and then drown it all in some full-fat milk.  Yeah, none of that grey cack for me – I want proper milk.  I scoff my cereal, pour a quick glass of water, and down a multivitamin.  I let my Basset Hound out for a piddle, lock the back door, and head for the front door.  I finally agree to do up my trousers for the sake of decency, put my shoes on, and tie my laces - using an Iain / Ian knot, because I like to be different (and it's quicker).  I grab my bag, head out the door, and jump in the car.  I start the engine, look at the front door of the house about a billion times, just 'cause I'm paranoid about not having shut it, and the dog getting out.  Satisfied that it's shut, I pull off.  It's probably about 8:55, and I'm gonna be late to work - just like every day I go to work.

I round two nearby corners, and stop at the first set of traffic lights, which seem to be on red for ever.  I'm itching for it to change, knowing full well that some knob-jockey is going to cut me up because they're in the wrong lane, despite the signs and road markings having been changed for over nine months.  I sigh.  And honk my horn at them.  It's not gonna change a thing, as someone will only do it tomorrow, but it's a mini rebellion that makes me feel better for a split second, and I'll take what I can.

I reach work's car park, and it's probably between 9:02 and 9:05.  I don't really care too much.  The people I work with have known me for years, and my boss is a personal friend too.  It's a rubbish excuse, buy I'm in no rush for the boredom to commence.
I enter the office, put my bag on the floor, take my jacket off (which also goes on the floor), log on to my computer, get an annoying reminder that my password will expire in so many days, and click 'No'.  I could change it, but I'm rebelling again.  Rah!  Go, me!  I head to the kitchen area, and pour myself a cup of water from the cooler.  My cup is a plain, light creamy colour, and it has 'Phwoar!! Office totty!' written on it.  It was bought for me by one of my colleagues.  Apparently it was doubly appropriate, since I'm the male totty in the office, and I'm ridiculously confident around women, so that see it as me being flirtatious with anything that moves.  Is it?  Maybe.

I issue a perfunctory "mornin'" to anybody in the office, and may get some equally perfunctory grunt of acknowledgement in return.  I sit down at my desk, and sigh inwardly, as I know that it's now four hours and fifty minutes before I'll go to lunch, and I have to kill time.  I check my e-mail.  I'll no doubt have three or four pieces of spam, which I'll drag into the junk folder.  I gave up trying to add these things to the blocked list a long time ago, as spammers change their addresses constantly, so it'll get me nowhere.  What's left is probably rubbish too.  Most likely work related, but still rubbish.  Somebody's applying for a job, but their e-mail is shit, and they have spelling and grammatical errors everywhere.  I quickly mark it as read, and Press Alt+A, U, P, to flag it as completed.  Luckily, I don't have to deal with these retards.  I find an e-mail from my wife, who starts at 8:30.  I have a quick read.  She's telling me that she's having a rough morning on reception, as she's had another rude idiot giving her a mouthful of abuse.  I write her a poem to cheer her up, and she thanks me, telling me that 'every now and again, I exceed my loveliness'.  I smile.  She's the only thing that ever makes me smile.  Love my wife.  I'll stop gushing now.

I find some paperwork on my desk.  It needs to be filed, which is an extreme strain on my intellect (sarcasm, anyone?), but I decide to get on with it, as something crap to do is better than nothing to do.  I can't find the folders I'm after (to file the paperwork) in the drawers.  People take them out, and don't put them back.  This irritates me.  I wonder if I have an ounce of OCD inside me.  The phone rings, and everybody ignores it - just for a change.  I answer the phone.  It's one of our clients, asking where their Carer is.  I explain that I'll give them a quick call, find out, and call them back.  They ask me if I want them to stay on the line.  I explain that I need them to hang up, so I can call their Carer, and I'll call them back.  I could lose my patience, but I don't, as they're elderly, and despite my confident, hard-man facade, I DO care, and have respect.  I make the call.  The Carer's running behind schedule, as we're understaffed, and everybody's schedules are crammed.

I work my way through the odds 'n' sods, itching for the clock to reach somewhere between 11:30 and 12:00.  There is no reason.  It's just another part of my (pathetic) routine.  It finally rolls around, and I head back to my desk.  I press AltGr+G, which is my shortcut for Firefox.  G being Google.  I don't use my mouse much, and know way more shortcuts for things than I probably need to.  Ctrl+Alt+Del - that takes you to the Task Manager.  Everybody knows that one, though.  I use Ctrl+Shift+Esc instead, and go straight to the processes.  Ctrl+Pause/Break.  Yep, it's another shortcut, taking you to your computer's properties screen.  As I said, I know too many.  I can list what almost every letter does as a shortcut in Word.  I realise this is very sad, even as I type this, so I'll move on.  I see the Google homepage, not that I need it.  I'm too anal, and have all of my shortcuts on the toolbar.  I begin to click through - in order, of course.  OCD again?  I visit m2k2, and click on Unread.  Not much has been posted.  This means it won't kill much time, and I'm slightly disappointed.  I reply where I feel I want to, and when there are no more left, I click on Hotmail.  I have some e-mails, but they're mostly just adverts from shopping sites, all advertising games that I can get cheaper elsewhere.  Thanks.  I click on TASVideos, and look for any new runs that may have been added.  I watch them if they're fairly short, as nobody can see my monitor, so I can get away with it.  I then do exactly the same thing for SDA (speeddemosarchive).  I then head to, and check for any genuinely funny jokes, but they're usually just about current affairs, and not really that sick / funny at all.  Yeah, despite my usual moral high ground, I prefer sick jokes.  What's black, 18 inches long, and makes women scream in the night?  Cot death.  Yeah, it's harsh, but for some twisted reason, I prefer them.  Anyway, I move on to MetConst (you may have heard of this), and check through the index for any new replies, replying where I can.  Lastly, I click on HotUKDeals, which is a site containing posts from people who have found bargains, either online or in-store.  A lot of it is bullshit, and I'm not interested, but every now and again I get a real bargain.  For example, a few days back, I got a wireless Microsoft keyboard and mouse set for £1.99.  Your misprice is my gain, bitches.  That's the last website I have.  Depending on how much time this has eaten, I may stray on over to, and check for any new gaming vids.

I look at the clock, and am hoping that it's nearing 14:00, which is when I'll go to lunch.  It rarely is, so I have to find some other stuff to do to kill time.  Bored.  BORED, I tell you.

14:00 (or near enough) rolls around, and I grab my stuff, and prepare to go home for my lunch break.  I let everybody know I'm heading off, probably giving a feeble salute.  No particular reason, it's just habitual.  I'm off!  Back in the car, and I head home.  When I get there, I step inside, dump by bag and coat, and roll around for a few minutes with my dog, as he's so happy to see me.  There's no better welcome than one you get from a dog.  The greeting turns playful, and we have a small play fight.  He's a good dog, and knows where to draw the line.  He mouths all over my arms, but doesn't leave a mark.  Well trained pup.  Love my dog.  Trooper's his name.  Everybody says it's a cool name for a dog.  I let him out for another tiddle, and start preparing some lunch.  I usually have soup (tomato or chicken, because I'm a fussy eater) or cheese on toast.  I love cheese, and can quite happily just cut a chunk off and eat it.

I take my lunch to the front room, and sit down with my feet up.  Trooper lays right across my lap, the great lump!  I drink my soup.  Yes, drink.  It's in a cup, 'cause I'm lazy, and it's easier.  Once I've finished my soup, I grab my book.  I'm currently reading the Ravenor Trilogy, by Dan Abnett.  I love reading.  It's a great form of escapism.  If I'm really worn out, I may try and watch TV instead, but I usually just get pissed off when the ads come on, and go back to reading anyway.  Bloody ads.  I read for a little longer than I should do, knowing that I'm not fussed about being another five minutes late to work.  Yes, late twice every day.  I say goodbye to Trooper, and head back to work.  I park, walk in, dump my stuff (déjà vu?), and sit down.

I flick back through all of the websites listed above, hoping that they've been updated, and I can kill some time.  I do small tasks, anything that'll keep me occupied for the remainder of the day.  I just need to get to about 16:30.  It finally comes round.  I reach into my bag, grab the backup take and memory stick, and head upstairs.  I log onto the server, take a backup, and start it copying to the memory stick.  It says 180-odd minutes, and then drops down to 20-odd, then 12-13, and finally down to about 9 minutes.  I could sit here and wait for it, but it takes ages, and "a watched pot" and all that jazz.  I flick round upstairs, ensuring that all of the windows are shut, and that all lights are off.  I go to the loo.  This kills time, you know?  When I'm finished, it says it only has 2-3 minutes left, so I sit down to wait.  Tick, tock, tick, tock.  It's done, and I head back downstairs.  I'll take one final flick through all of those websites...  It reaches about 16:58, and I whizz around, checking windows and lights downstairs.  They're all fine, so I turn the answering machine on, log off, grab my coat and bag, and wait.  Yeah, for whatever reason, I'm always a gent, and wait patiently for the others to finish up, instead of just walking out.  I turn the lights off, set the alarm, and lock up.  I issue my farewells, and head to my car, trying not to think of the fact that I have to do it all again tomorrow.  Yay, work.  I shouldn't knock it, as a lot of people are still struggling for work, but I guess it's a case of the grass always being greener on the other side.  Oh, whatever.

I get home, and get a second happy greeting from Trooper.  I don't have long before my wife comes home, so I head to the kitchen, and start to make her a cup of tea, ready for when she walks in.  There's a knock at the door, and Trooper runs off, tail wagging.  He waits patiently for me to reach the door, and then jumps up at my wife as she comes in.  He's heavy (about 40 kilos – 88 pounds to some of you!), so she has to brace herself.  She comes in, I hug her, take her coat and her bag.  She says she's had a manic day, and I feel a pang of guilt, knowing that I've skived all day.  Did you know that in England, 'skiving' almost universally means slacking off work / school, yet it actually means cutting leather into strips / layers.  Weird.  I know too much pointless shit.

By the time I get to the kitchen to offer my wife her tea, she's already seen it, and she smiles.  She says "Thanks, lovely", and I feel content.  Everything outside of the walls disappears, and my world is just me, my wife, and my dog.  Everything I typed above is forgotten, as I wallow in bliss for another evening.  I am happy.[/spoiler]

Hiroshi Mishima

Hmmm.. eh, why not. May or may not be a typical day, I don't have "typical" days insomuch as I have occasional patterns.

[spoiler=Here's the kind of day I've had today]
I open my eyes and fumbled with the covers for a few seconds so I can look out. Yep, still dark. I bury my head again and go back to sleep, possibly rolling over... *time passes*

I open my eyes and feel a weight on my legs; I'm laying on my back and can't move. I fumble with the covers and manage to get my head out and notice it's getting lighter but it's probably only 5:40 or 6:20 AM. I roll over and the weight on my legs gets upset and jumps down. I try to go back to sleep... *time passes*

My spine is screaming, so I bolt upright with surprising speed so I can rub my back. Once the sheet and blanket have fallen away from my upper body I notice it's about 6:17 AM, so I figure why not just get up since I'm awake now. There's a fat orange cat by my feet at the edge of the bed. I look at him, he looks at me. My body creaking, my bones cracking and popping, I pull my legs out from under the covers. As I step onto the carpet, small furry things scurry about the floor demanding that I give them food and attention for having the nerve to ignore them for roughly 7 hours or so.

By the time I finish dealing with them and my own 'business' it's about 6:25 AM. I turn on the PS2, which clicks and buzzes at me for trying to make it read my Codebreaker. After a couple tries it loads up and I hit up the 9 entries for Final Fantasy XII. I decided to restart it after letting my save file sit for almost 2 months. I had gotten sick and tired of spending days at a time working the grind; if I wanted to pointlessly grind I'd be playing that MMORPG still. I'll still have to do some grinding but this way it'll feel like it's actually accomplishing something. I load up the save and 3 minutes later I pause it for some reason.

Oh, I'm hungry, so I go into the kitchen and stare at it for a couple seconds, attempting to will a sack of food into existence. It doesn't work, so I go to get a pop-tart, but then I remember I have a little cup of Mac & Cheese I can toss in the microwave, so I have that instead. While it's heating I come back and turn on the computer then go check on the food. I'm going to be grinding Vaan to Level 99 so that way I don't gotta deal with it anymore, and it should leave me with a pretty good chunk of LP, too. But that's boring-ish, so I'm gonna hit up some SFDebris so I can have a good laugh while I'm trolling for enemies.

I look over at the screen, game's still paused. I wonder what I was doing before I paused it. Eh, I probably didn't do all that much, I'll just reload my save again. I check my YouTube messages and got a Friend Invite from Zircon over at OCRemix. That's awesome, cause I love him and his wife's music, so I accept and go to subscribe to his channel. This causes me to end up spending about 20 minutes on both his and her channels listening to some of their recent work.

It's about 8 AM or so, and I'm gonna be going down to that new Fitness 19 gym that I got a membership for a few months back, cause they're finally open. Think I'll take a shower. Ugh, I've gotta deal with the cat litter that's gotten on the floor.. and in the tub.. before I can do that, though.

So 9 AM-ish rolls around, I'm clean and dried off, and I have some clothes in the washing machine cause I was sick of walking over them on the floor. That was a pretty bad habit I'd developed for a couple weeks, I'd better not allow that to happen again. I'm hungry again and I still haven't taken my morning medication (5 pills plus a couple supplements), and I know I shouldn't exercise on an empty stomach so I decide to make my last turkey sandwich. Toasted 12-grain wheat bread, a layer of ranch, a layer of warmed turkey, a layer of ranch doritos, then another slice of bread with mayo and a slice of Colby Jack cheese on it. Mmm.. tasty.

Instead of watching SFDebris, I wind up over at SecretAgentBob's page and watch all the Charlie the Unicorn (and charlie teh unicron) shorts. I'd not seen the last two and they were pretty damned funny. Shit, it's 10:15 AM and I grab my jacket and my "fanny pack" although I wear it over my neck/shoulder, then head on over to my aunt's cause she's going too and is giving me a lift.

Just over an hour after we got there we're both worn out cause we hadn't been to a gym in a good while. I worked the bike for about 20 minutes, spent some time working on my abs, then did some chest/upper arm with the machines. We head to the store cause we're both outta milk and I picked up some TV dinners on sale.

Come back home at 11:45 AM, I decide to set up the cat trap cause we're down to about 5 feral cats since I'd gotten the last 7 or so kittens last month. I'll have to check that out later. I come into my room, notice my PS2 is still on with the game paused. Oops. I check in with LadyIcy and see how she's doing, then decide what the heck, I'll check out the MetConst forum cause I haven't been there in a couple days.

A few minutes later I've found this thread. It's about 12:30 PM. I figure why not start writing down my day, right?

It is now 1:07 PM. Wow, I've not gotten much done in the last hour, have I? Game's still paused, no music going. Gods this is dull. No one's talking to me on Skype, but that's okay I'm not really in a chit-chatty mood, anyways. I want to play a video game and relax. I better go check the cat trap. -- Some clever kitty managed to eat the food out of the little dish I had in the back. I must have had it in a bad spot. I put some dry food in it and put at a different area of the house (hopefully the cat will have to step down this time).

If nothing is caught, I will take the trap in around 3:30. Unless I am interrupted by people on Skype or by relatives, I will likely play a video game for the next several hours. Depending on how I feel then, I will likely hit the sack between 10PM and 1 AM.[/spoiler]